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(2025) Emerging research on disposable e‐cigarettes: a special issue. Addiction , 120 , (3) , pp. 395-568.

Walsh, Colm and Bunting, Lisa and Davidson, Gavin and Doherty, Nicola and McCartan, Claire and Mulholland, Ciaran C and Shevlin, Mark (2025) The prevalence and impact of adverse childhood experiences in Northern Ireland. Belfast: The Executive Programme on Paramilitarism and Organised Crime.

Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development. (2025) EU country cancer profile 2025 - Ireland. Paris: Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and development.

Kundu, Anasua and Seth, Siddharth and Felsky, Daniel and Moraes, Theo J and Selby, Peter and Chaiton, Michael (2025) A systematic review of predictors of vaping cessation among young people. Nicotine & Tobacco Research , 27 , (2) , pp. 169-178.

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. (2025) Tobacco: preventing uptake, promoting quitting and treating dependence. London: NICE.

Adebisi, Yusuff Adebayo and Lucero-Prisno, Don Eliseo and Ogunkola, Isaac Olushola (2025) Self-rated health differences between exclusive e-cigarette users and exclusive cigarette smokers: evidence from the 2017-2019 Scottish Health Survey. Internal and Emergency Medicine , Early online .

[RTE News] , Connelly, Tony European Commission within rights to ban flavoured HTPs - court. (30 Jan 2025)

(2025) What has a new investigation uncovered about vaping in Ireland?

[thejournal.ie] , O’Carroll, Conor and Devlin, Patricia Undercover investigation reveals scale of Ireland's illicit vape market. (27 Jan 2025)

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Question 1498, 1489, 1498 – Healthcare policy [Vaping] [1127/25, 1095/25, 1127/25]. (22 Jan 2025)

[Department of Health] Ministers for Health introduce licensing system for tobacco and vapes. (20 Jan 2025)

Kundu, Anasua and Sanchez, Sherald and Seth, Siddharth and Feore, Anna and Sutton, Megan and Sachdeva, Kyran and Abu-Zarour, Nada and Chaiton, Michael and Schwartz, Robert (2025) Evidence update on e-cigarette dependence: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Addictive Behaviors , 163 .

Butler, Ailsa R and Lindson, Nicola and Livingstone-Banks, Jonathan and Notley, Caitlin and Turner, Tari and Rigotti, Nancy A and Fanshawe, Thomas R and Dawkins, Lynne and Begh, Rachna and Wu, Angela Difeng and Brose, Leonie and Conde, Monserrat and Simonavičius, Erikas and Hartmann-Boyce, Jamie (2025) Interventions for quitting vaping. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews , 1 .

Nali, Matthew C and Li, Zhuoran and Purushothaman, Vidya and Larsen, Meng Zhen and Cuomo, Raphael E and Yang, Joshua S and Mackey, Tim K (2025) Identification of cannabis product characteristics and pricing on dark web markets. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs , Early Online , pp. 1-9.

[thejournal.ie] , O'Donoghue, Paul and Delaney, Maria Irish tobacco companies look to vaping to safeguard bumper profits as cigarette sales fall. (02 Jan 2025)

Jackson, Sarah E and Brown, Jamie and Buss, Vera and Shahab, Lion (2025) Prevalence of popular smoking cessation aids in England and associations with quit success. JAMA Network Open , 8 , (1) .

Villanueva-Blasco, Víctor José and Belda-Ferri, Lorena and Vázquez-Martínez, Andrea (2025) A systematic review on risk factors and reasons for e-cigarette use in adolescents. Tobacco Induced Diseases , 23 .

Central Statistics Office. (2025) Growing Up in Ireland: Cohort '98 at age 25 main results. Cork: Central Statistics Office.

Howard, Sally and Krishna, Geetanjali (2025) Do smoking bans work? BMJ , 388 .

Kundu, Anasua and Sachdeva, Kyran and Feore, Anna and Sanchez, Sherald and Sutton, Megan and Seth, Siddharth and Schwartz, Robert and Chaiton, Michael (2025) Evidence update on the cancer risk of vaping e-cigarettes: a systematic review. Tobacco Induced Diseases , 23 .

Danielsson, Tobias and Bennet, Hedvig and McColgan, Bryan and Wang, Jianfeng (2025) Effect of nicotine mouth spray on urges to vape: A randomized, placebo-controlled, pharmacodynamic clinical trial in exclusive e-cigarette users. Addiction , 120 , (1) , pp. 95-105.

Li, Jinshuo and Wu, Qi and Parrott, Steve and Pope, Ian and Clark, Lucy V and Clark, Allan and Ward, Emma and Belderson, Pippa and Stirling, Susan and Coats, Timothy J and Bauld, Linda and Holland, Richard and Gentry, Sarah and Agrawal, Sanjay and Bloom, Benjamin M and Boyle, Adrian and Gray, Alasdair and Morris, M Geraint and Livingstone-Banks, Jonathan and Notley, Caitlin (2025) Cost-utility analysis of provision of e-cigarette starter kits for smoking cessation in emergency departments: an economic evaluation of a randomized controlled trial. Addiction , 120 , (2) , pp. 368-379.

Reuters. [RTE News] EU countries seek to include vaping in tobacco tax law. (09 Dec 2024)

Friedman, Abigail S and Pesko, Michael F and Whitacre, Travis R (2024) Flavored e-cigarette sales restrictions and young adult tobacco use. JAMA Health Forum , 5 , (12) .

(2024) Health Survey Northern Ireland: first results 2023/24. Belfast: Department of Health.

Ipsos B&A. (2024) Healthy Ireland survey 2024 - summary report. Dublin: Healthy Ireland, Department of Health.

O'Leary, Renée and La Rosa, Giusy Rita Maria and Polosa, Riccardo (2024) Examining e-cigarettes as a smoking cessation treatment: a critical umbrella review analysis. Drug and Alcohol Dependence , 266 .

Brennan, Margaret M and Corrigan, Ciara and Mongan, Deirdre and Doyle, Anne and Galvin, Brian and Nixon, Elizabeth and Zgaga, Lina and Smyth, Bobby P and Ivers, Jo-Hanna and McCarthy, Noel (2024) Predictors and outcomes of adolescent alcohol and drug use: a scoping review. Dublin: Health Research Board and Trinity College Dublin.

Richardson, Noel (2024) National men’s health action plan. Healthy Ireland - men (HI-M) 2024-2028. Working with men in Ireland to achieve optimum health and wellbeing. Dublin: Health Service Executive and Department of Health.

Adebisi, Yusuff Adebayo and Bafail, Duaa Abdullah (2024) Comparing self-rated health among exclusive e-cigarette users and traditional cigarette smokers: an analysis of the Health Survey for England 2019. Internal and Emergency Medicine , Early Online .

Cohen, Gal and Bellanca, Carlo Maria and Bernardini, Renato and Rose, Jed E and Polosa, Riccardo (2024) Personalized and adaptive interventions for smoking cessation: emerging trends and determinants of efficacy. iScience , 27 , (11) .

Lee, Serene and Li, Maggie and Le, Gia Han and Teopiz, Kayla M and Vinberg, Maj and Ho, Roger and Au, Hezekiah C T and Wong, Sabrina and Valentino, Kyle and Kwan, Angela T H and Rosenblat, Joshua D and McIntyre, Roger S (2024) Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists (GLP-1RAs) as treatment for nicotine cessation in psychiatric populations: a systematic review. Annals of General Psychiatry , 23 .

Klosterhalfen, Stephanie and Viechtbauer, Wolfgang and Kotz, Daniel (2024) Disposable e-cigarettes: prevalence of use in Germany from 2016 to 2023 and associated user characteristics. Addiction , Early Online .

Bushi, Ganesh and Khatib, Mahalaqua Nazli and Balaraman, Ashok Kumar and Ballal, Suhas and Bansal, Pooja and Tomar, Balvir S and Ashraf, Ayash and Kumar, M Ravi and Sinha, Aashna and Rawat, Pramod and Gaidhane, Abhay M and Sah, Sanjit and Syed, Rukshar and Sharma, Gajendra and Mehta, Rachana and A G, Mona Thangamma and Chilakam, Nagavalli and Pandey, Sakshi and Brar, Manvinder and Shabil, Muhammed (2024) Prevalence of dual use of combustible tobacco and e-cigarettes among pregnant smokers: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Public Health , 24 .

OECD. (2024) OECD health stats [International].

Lifestyles Team, NHS Digital. (2024) Smoking, drinking and drug use among young people in England, 2023. Leeds: NHS Digital.

Social Mobility Commission. (2024) Childhood origins of social mobility. London: Social Mobility Commission.

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Question 488 – Tobacco control measures [39629/24]. (03 Oct 2024)

[Department of Health] Ministers for Health announce record €25.8 billion budget for the delivery of health services in 2025. (02 Oct 2024)

Tallaght Drug & Alcohol Task Force. (2024) Survive and thrive podcast. Dublin: Tallaght Drug & Alcohol Task Force.

Health Service Executive. (2024) HSE Talking health and wellbeing podcast - 2024. Dublin: Health Service Executive.

Jordan, Deborah (2024) Vaping: what is it? Wicklow: East Coast Regional Drug and Alcohol Task Force.

Jackson, Sarah E and Brown, Jamie and Shahab, Lion and Cox, Sharon (2024) Trends in non-daily cigarette smoking in England, 2006-2024. BMC Medicine , 22 .

[Department of Health] Minister for Health makes law for fines for those selling tobacco products or nicotine inhaling products at events for children. (23 Sep 2024)

Alavi, Rashid and Dai, Wangde and Mazandarani, Sohrab P and Arechavala, Rebecca J and Herman, David A and Kleinman, Michael T and Kloner, Robert A and Pahlevan, Niema M (2024) Adverse cardiovascular effects of nicotine delivered by chronic electronic cigarettes or standard cigarettes captured by cardiovascular intrinsic frequencies. Journal of the American Heart Association , 13 , (18) .

[Department of Health] Minister for Health secures Government approval to introduce greater restrictions on vapes. (10 Sep 2024)

Craft, Sam and Sunderland, Peter and Millea, Molly F and Pudney, Christopher R and Sutcliffe, Oliver B and Freeman, Tom P (2024) Detection and quantification of synthetic cannabinoids in seven illicitly sourced disposable vapes submitted by an individual presenting to a UK drug and alcohol service. Addiction , Early Online .

Ireland. Department of Health. (2024) Public Health (Tobacco Products and Nicotine Inhaling Products) Act 2023 (Number 35 of 2023) guidance for industry. Sections 29, 30 & 31. Dublin: Department of Health.

Kasza, Karin A and Rivard, Cheryl and Goniewicz, Maciej L and Fong, Geoffrey T and Hammond, David and Cummings, K Michael and Hyland, Andrew (2024) E-cigarette characteristics and cigarette cessation among adults who use e-cigarettes. JAMA Network Open , 7 , (8) .

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2024) Key substance use and mental health indicators in the United States: results from the 2023 national survey on drug use and health. Rockville, MD: SAMSHA.

Malani, Preeti N and Walter, Kristin L (2024) What are e-cigarettes? JAMA , 332 , (9) , p. 768.

Ghuman, Annayat and Choudhary, Priyanka and Kasana, Jyoti and Kumar, Sumana and Sawhney, Hemant and Bhat, Ramdas and Kashwani, Ritik (2024) A systematic literature review on the composition, health impacts, and regulatory dynamics of vaping. Cureus , 16 , (8) .

Egger, Sam and David, Michael and Watts, Christina and Dessaix, Anita and Brooks, Alecia and Jenkinson, Emily and Grogan, Paul and Weber, Marianne and Luo, Qingwei and Freeman, Becky (2024) The association between vaping and subsequent initiation of cigarette smoking in young Australians from age 12 to 17 years: a retrospective cohort analysis using cross-sectional recall data from 5114 adolescents. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health , Early Online .

Foxon, Floe and Selya, Arielle and Gitchell, Joe and Shiffman, Saul (2024) Increased e-cigarette use prevalence is associated with decreased smoking prevalence among US adults. Harm Reduction Journal , 21 , (1) .

Conway, Lorraine (2024) Advertising, marketing and promotion of vaping products. London: House of Commons Library.

Graham-DeMello, Anna and Sloan, Olivia and Frost, Katie and Hoek, Janet (2024) Young people's experiences of addiction to nicotine vaping products: a qualitative analysis from Aotearoa New Zealand. Drug and Alcohol Review , Early online .

Nottage, Matilda K and Taylor, Eve V and East, Katherine A and McNeill, Ann and Thrasher, James F and Reid, Jessica L and Hammond, David and Simonavičius, Erikas (2024) Packaging of disposable vaping products and e-liquids in England, Canada and the United States: a content analysis. Addiction , Early online .

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Question 73. Customs and excise [e-cigarettes] [28421/24]. (03 Jul 2024)

Tattan-Birch, Harry and Brown, Jamie and Jackson, Sarah E and Jarvis, Martin J and Shahab, Lion (2024) Secondhand nicotine absorption from e-cigarette vapor vs tobacco smoke in children. JAMA Network Open , 7 , (7) .

Department of Health. (2024) Further regulation of tobacco and nicotine inhaling products. Public consultation report. Dublin: Department of Health.

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Question 516 – Tobacco control measures [27290/24]. (25 Jun 2024)

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Question 144 – Illicit trade [vapes] [27291/24]. (25 Jun 2024)

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Question 514 – Tobacco control measures[ vaping] [27288/24]. (25 Jun 2024)

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Question 515 – Tobacco control measures [vaping outlets] [27289/24]. (25 Jun 2024)

Chen-Sankey, Julia and Weiger, Caitlin and La Capria, Kathryn and Vassey, Julia and Jeong, Michelle and Phan, Lilianna and Unger, Jennifer B and Allem, Jon-Patrick and Berg, Carla J and Choi, Kelvin (2024) Young adults' visual attention to features of social media marketing for disposable e-cigarettes and associated perceptions. Addiction , Early online .

Research and Evaluation Unit, Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth. (2024) Growing up in Ireland. Key findings from the self-complete survey with cohort ’08 at 13. Dublin: Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth.

Jackson, Sarah E and Brown, Jamie and Shahab, Lion and Arnott, Deborah and Bauld, Linda and Cox, Sharon (2024) Nicotine strength of e-liquids used by adult vapers in Great Britain: a population survey 2016 to 2024. Addiction , Early online .

HRB National Drugs Library. (2024) Factsheet: Smoking and vaping - the Irish situation. Dublin: HRB National Drugs Library.

Ollila, Hanna and Ruokolainen, Otto and Laatikainen, Tiina and Koprivnikar, Helena (2024) Tobacco endgame goals and measures in Europe: current status and future directions. Tobacco Control , Early online .

Notley, Caitlin and Varley, Anna and Pope, Ian and Dawkins, Lynne and Ward, Emma (2024) Young people's use of disposable vapes: a qualitative study. Addiction , Early online .

World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe. (2024) Commercial determinants of noncommunicable diseases in the WHO European region. Copenhagen: World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe.

Battista, Katelyn and Patte, Karen A and Wade, Terrance J and Cole, Adam G and Elton-Marshall, Tara and Lucibello, Kristen M and Pickett, William and Leatherdale, Scott T (2024) Do sociodemographic risk profiles for adolescents engaging in weekly e-cigarette, cigarette, and dual product use differ? BMC Public Health , 24 .

Jones, Daniel and Morgan, Amber and Moodie, Crawford and Alexandrou, Georgia and Ford, Allison and Mitchell, Danielle (2024) The role of e-cigarette packaging as a health communications tool: a focus group study with adolescents and adults in England and Scotland. Nicotine & Tobacco Research .

Jones, Daniel and Morgan, Amber and Moodie, Crawford and Alexandrou, Georgia and Ford, Allison and Mitchell, Danielle (2024) The role of e-cigarette packaging as a health communications tool: a focus group study with adolescents and adults in England and Scotland. Nicotine & Tobacco Research , Early online .

[Health Service Executive] HSE warns people to stop using e-cigarette products containing illegal levels of nicotine. (05 Jun 2024)

East, Katherine and Vu, Giang and Sun, Tianze and D'Mello, Kimberly and Perman-Howe, Parvati Rose and Taylor, Eve and Nottage, Matilda and Brose, Leonie Sarah and Robson, Deborah and McNeill, Ann (2024) Harm perceptions across vaping product features: an on-line cross-sectional survey of adults who smoke and/or vape in the United Kingdom. Addiction , Early online .

Society for the Study of Addiction. Calder, Robert (2024) Addiction audio. Season 2, 2024. London: Society for the Study of Addiction.

Jackson, Sarah E and Brose, Leonie and Buss, Vera and Shahab, Lion and Robson, Deborah and Brown, Jamie (2024) Moderation of the real-world effectiveness of smoking cessation aids by mental health conditions: a population study. PLoS Mental Health , 1 , (1) .

HSE Tobacco Free Ireland Programme. (2024) Youth prevention toolkit: e-cigarettes and other nicotine delivery systems. Dublin: Health Service Executive.

Chaturvedi, Devansh and Attia Hussein Mahmoud, Hussein and Isaac, Ashley and Atla, Ragha Harshitha and Shakeel, Juveria N and Heredia, Maria and Marepalli, Nitheesha Reddy and Shukla, Pranav S and Gardezi, Maira and Zeeshan, Madiha and Ashraf, Tehreem (2024) Understanding the cardiovascular fallout of e-cigarettes: a comprehensive review of the literature. Cureus , 16 , (6) .

Cavan and Monaghan Planet Youth Working Group. (2024) The Planet Youth survey: Monaghan. What our young people say about living in Monaghan in 2023. Monaghan: Planet Youth.

[Department of Health] Minister for Health commences law to ban the sale of tobacco products and nicotine inhaling products by self-service. (31 May 2024)

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Question 108 – Tobacco control measures [23788/24]. (28 May 2024)

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Question 284 – Tobacco control measures [vape outlets] [23521/24]. (23 May 2024)

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Question 614 – Health and safety [vaping] [22794/24]. (21 May 2024)

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Question 615 – Health and safety [vaping] [22795/24]. (21 May 2024)

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Question 106 – Tobacco control measures [21925/24]. (15 May 2024)

[Department of Health] Ministers for Health announce government approval to raise the age of sale of tobacco to 21. (14 May 2024)

Kishimoto, Akihiro and Wu, Dan and O'Shea, Donal F (2024) Forecasting vaping health risks through neural network model prediction of flavour pyrolysis reactions. Scientific reports , 14 .

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Question 152 – Illicit trade [Tobacco] [20218/24]. (08 May 2024)

Scott, Nicola J and Murray, Rachael L and Barker, Alexander B and Critchlow, Nathan and Best, Catherine and Semple, Sean (2024) Tobacco, e-cigarette and alcohol content in popular UK soap operas: a content analysis to explore changes in social norms and scene location. Drugs: Education Prevention and Policy , Early online .

Gavin, Aoife and Kolto, Andras and Lunney, Louise and Maloney, Rachel and Walker, Larri and Nic Gabhainn, Saoirse and Kelly, Colette (2024) The Irish Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Study 2022. Galway: Department of Health and University of Galway.

Jackson, Sarah E and Tattan-Birch, Harry and Buss, Vera and Shahab, Lion and Brown, Jamie (2024) Trends in daily cigarette consumption among smokers: A population study in England, 2008-2023. Nicotine & Tobacco Research , Early online .

Crosland, B Adam and Garg, Bharti and Bandoli, Gretchen E and Mandelbaum, Ava D and Hayer, Sarena and Ryan, Kimberly S and Shorey-Kendrick, Lyndsey E and McEvoy, Cindy T and Spindel, Eliot R and Caughey, Aaron B and Lo, Jamie O (2024) Risk of adverse neonatal outcomes after combined prenatal cannabis and nicotine exposure. JAMA Network Open , 7 , (5) .

Pérez, Adriana and Valencia, Sarah and Jani, Pushan P and Harrell, Melissa B (2024) Use of electronic nicotine delivery systems and age of asthma onset among US adults and youths. JAMA Network Open , 7 , (5) .

Ombudsman for Children’s Office. (2024) Uncertain times: the Ombudsman for Children annual report 2023. Dublin: Ombudsman for Children’s Office.

Reynolds, Ciara ME and Mack, JB and O'Connor, Louise and McAvoy, Helen (2024) A review of systematic reviews on the health effects of vaping in children and adolescents. Dublin and Belfast: Institute of Public Health.

Kim, Mimi M and Steffensen, Isabella and Miguel, Red Thaddeus D and Babic, Tanja and Carlone, Julien (2024) A systematic review and meta-analysis of the association between e-cigarette use among non-tobacco users and initiating smoking of combustible cigarettes. Harm Reduction Journal , 21 , (1) .

World Health Organization. (2024) Hooking the next generation: how the tobacco industry captures young customers. Geneva: World Health Organization.

Tort, Sera and Fowler, Cathryn (2024) Clinical question: How effective and safe are electronic cigarettes (ECs) for smoking cessation? Cochrane Clinical Answers .

Innovation, Nicotine and Tobacco, Research, Education Programming, Implementation and Digital Health Lab. (2024) Vaping and electronic cigarette toxicity overview and recommendations (project VECTOR). URL: https://intrepidlab.ca/en/Pages/Project-VECTOR.asp...

Kochvar, Andrew and Hao, Gary and Dai, Hongying Daisy (2024) Biomarkers of metal exposure in adolescent e-cigarette users: correlations with vaping frequency and flavouring. Tobacco Control , Early online .

Charrier, Lorena and van Dorsselaer, Saskia and Canale, Natale and Baska, Tibor and Kilibarda, Biljana and Comoretto, Rosanna Irene and Galeotti, Tommasa and Brown, Judith and Vieno, Alessio (2024) A focus on adolescent substance use in Europe, central Asia and Canada. Health Behaviour in School-aged Children international report from the 2021/2022 survey: Volume 3. Copenhagen: World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe.

Bigwanto, Mouhamad and Pénzes, Melinda and Urbán, Róbert (2024) Does sensation-seeking behavior influence the patterns of flavored e-cigarette use? A cross-sectional study among Indonesian adolescents and young adults. BMC Public Health , 24 .

Scottish Government. (2024) Vaping – Youth perceptions and attitudes: evidence briefing. Edinburgh: Scottish Government.

Royal College of Physicians. (2024) E-cigarettes and harm reduction: an evidence review. London: Royal College of Physicians.

Crew. (2024) THC vapes. Edinburgh: CREW.

[Department of Health] Minister for Health introduces additional measures to protect children from tobacco and e-cigarettes. (28 Mar 2024)

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Question 85 – Legislative measures [disposable e-cigarettes] [11633/24]. (20 Mar 2024)

[Irish Times] , O'Halloran, Maire Alcohol consumption, drug-taking, vaping, playing loud music among Irish Rail passenger complaints. (19 Mar 2024)

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Questions on policy or legislation [Vaping & Nitrous oxide]. (06 Mar 2024)

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Question 130 – Waste management [Vaping] [10512/24]. (05 Mar 2024)

Harries, Richard L and Norman, Caitlyn and Reid, Robert and NicDaéid, Niamh and Nisbet, Lorna A (2024) Detection of anabolic-androgenic steroids in e-cigarettes seized from prisons: a case study. Forensic Science International , 356 .

Public Health Agency. (2024) Vaping addiction can soon take hold. URL: https://www.publichealth.hscni.net/vaping

Riches, Emma and Patterson, Chris and McCalister, Katy and Greci, Stefania and Pulford, Andrew (2024) Scoping review: Age-restriction interventions for tobacco and nicotine vapour products in children and young people. Edinburgh: Public Health Scotland.

World Health Organization. (2024) Clinical descriptions and diagnostic requirements for ICD-11 mental, behavioural and neurodevelopmental disorders. Geneva: World Health Organization.

Health Service Executive. (2024) Smoking prevalence tracker 2023. Dublin: Health Service Executive.

Public Health Scotland. (2024) Stopping tobacco smoking and youth vaping: a position statement on behalf of the Scottish Public Health System. Edinburgh: Public Health Scotland.

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Question 310 – Tobacco control measures [Vaping industry]. (29 Feb 2024)

Lee, Phil H and Tervo-Clemmens, Brenden and Liu, Richard T and Gersten, Maia B and Jung, Jae-Yoon and Janes, Amy C and Gilman, Jodi (2024) Use of tobacco products and suicide attempts among elementary school–aged children. JAMA Network Open , 7 , (2) .

Chandrasena, Udesha and Peacock, Amy and Sutherland, Rachel (2024) E-cigarette use and access among two samples in Australia who regularly use illicit drugs, 2023. Sydney: National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre.

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Questions 377, 378, 379, 380 – Tobacco control measures [4801/24, 4802/24, 4803/24, 4804/24]. (01 Feb 2024)

(2024) Stop smoking services – free stop smoking medications. HSE Health and Wellbeing , 16 .

Khouja, Jasmine N and Sanderson, Eleanor and Wootton, Robyn E and Taylor, Amy E and Church, Billy A and Richmond, Rebecca C and Munafò, Marcus R (2024) Estimating the health impact of nicotine exposure by dissecting the effects of nicotine versus non-nicotine constituents of tobacco smoke: a multivariable Mendelian randomisation study. PLOS Genetics , 20 , (2) .

Health Service Executive. (2024) HSE Talking health and wellbeing podcast - 2023. Dublin: Health Service Executive.

Northern Ireland Audit Office. (2024) Tackling the public health impacts of smoking and vaping. Belfast: Northern Ireland Audit Office.

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Question 145 – Departmental consultations [e-cigarettes] [3743/24]. (30 Jan 2024)

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Question 507 – Health services [snus/nicotine pouches] [507/24]. (30 Jan 2024)

O'Connor, Louise (2024) How Ireland can further regulate tobacco and nicotine inhaling products and progress tobacco endgame targets. IPA blog .

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Question 1581, 1582, 1583, 1584, 1585, 1586, 1587 – Healthcare policy [non-inhalant nicotine products] [57069/57070/57071/57072/57073/57074/57075/23]. (17 Jan 2024)

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Question 95 – Waste management [Vapes] [57093/23]. (17 Jan 2024)

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Question 1591 – Healthcare policy [Vaping] [57092/23]. (17 Jan 2024)

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Question 1788, 1789 – Tobacco control measures [1853/1854/24]. (17 Jan 2024)

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Question 1790 – Tobacco control measures [vaping products] [1855/24]. (17 Jan 2024)

Buss, Vera and West, Robert and Kock, Loren and Kale, Dimitra and Brown, Jamie (2024) Smoking in England portal. URL: https://smokinginengland.info/graphs/top-line-find...

World Health Organization. (2024) WHO global report on trends in prevalence of tobacco use 2000–2030. Geneva: World Health Organization.

Ireland. Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth. (2024) State of the Nation's children 2023. Dublin: Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth.

Lindson, Nicola and Butler, Ailsa and McRobbie, Hayden and Bullen, Chris and Hajek, Peter and Begh, Rachna and Theodoulou, Annika and Notley, Caitlin and Rigotti, Nancy A. and Turner, Tari and Livingstone-Banks, Jonathan and Morris, Tom and Hartmann-Boyce, Jamie (2024) Electronic cigarettes for smoking cessation. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews , (1) .

World Health Organization. (2024) Tobacco: e-cigarettes. URL: https://www.who.int/news-room/q-a-detail/e-cigaret...

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2024) National youth tobacco survey [United States].

Harrington, Colm and Walsh, Elaine (2024) Tobacco-free campuses - a pipe dream? a survey of current smoking cessation practice in mental health units in Ireland. BJPsych bulletin , 48 , (3) , pp. 158-162.

Busher, Aisling and McAvoy, Helen and Cox, Des W and Kavanagh, Paul M (2024) Knowledge, attitudes and practices of Irish doctors regarding stop smoking care and electronic cigarettes. Irish Journal of Medical Science , 193 , (2) , pp. 783-790.

Hair, Elizabeth C and Kreslake, Jennifer M and Tulsiani, Shreya and McKay, Tatum and Vallone, Donna (2024) Reducing e-cigarette use among youth and young adults: evidence of the truth campaign's impact. Tobacco Control , 34 , (1) , pp. 59-64.

Pesola, Francesca and Smith, Katie Myers and Phillips-Waller, Anna and Przulj, Dunja and Griffiths, Christopher and Walton, Robert and McRobbie, Hayden and Coleman, Tim and Lewis, Sarah and Whitemore, Rachel and Clark, Miranda and Ussher, Michael and Sinclair, Lesley and Seager, Emily and Cooper, Sue and Bauld, Linda and Naughton, Felix and Sasieni, Peter and Manyonda, Isaac and Hajek, Peter (2024) Safety of e-cigarettes and nicotine patches as stop-smoking aids in pregnancy: Secondary analysis of the Pregnancy Trial of E-cigarettes and Patches (PREP) randomized controlled trial. Addiction , 119 , (5) , pp. 875-884.

Jackson, Sarah E and Tattan-Birch, Harry and Shahab, Lion and Oldham, Melissa and Kale, Dimitra and Brose, Leonie and Brown, Jamie (2024) Who would be affected by a ban on disposable vapes? A population study in Great Britain. Public Health , 227 , pp. 291-298.

Kinouani, Shérazade and Da Cruz, Héléna and Langlois, Emmanuel and Tzourio, Christophe (2024) Prevalence, lived experiences and user profiles in e-cigarette use: a mixed methods study among French college students. PLoS ONE , 19 , (2) .

Jackson, Sarah E and Tattan-Birch, Harry and East, Katherine and Cox, Sharon and Shahab, Lion and Brown, Jamie (2024) Trends in harm perceptions of e-cigarettes vs cigarettes among adults who smoke in England, 2014-2023. JAMA Network Open , 7 , (2) .

Vuolo, Mike and Orsini, Maria M and Staff, Jeremy and Maggs, Jennifer L and Kelly, Brian C (2024) Comprehensive vaping bans are associated with lower odds of initiation into electronic nicotine delivery systems use among young people. Addiction , 119 , (6) , pp. 1037-1047.

Matheson, Chloe and Simovic, Tijana and Heefner, Allison and Colon, Marisa and Tunon, Enrique and Cobb, Kolton and Thode, Christopher and Breland, Alison and Cobb, Caroline O and Nana-Sinkam, Patrick and Garten, Ryan and Rodriguez-Miguelez, Paula (2024) Evidence of premature vascular dysfunction in young adults who regularly use e-cigarettes and the impact of usage length. Angiogenesis , 27 , pp. 229-243.

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Berridge, Virginia and Fairchild, Amy Lauren and Morphett, Kylie and Gartner, Coral and Hall, Wayne and Bayer, Ronald (2024) E-cigarettes: a framework for comparative history and policy. Addiction , 119 , (11) , pp. 1864-1870.

Herzog, Chiara and Jones, Allison and Evans, Iona and Raut, Janhavi R and Zikan, Michal and Cibula, David and Wong, Andrew and Brenner, Hermann and Richmond, Rebecca C and Widschwendter, Martin (2024) Cigarette smoking and e-cigarette use induce shared DNA methylation changes linked to carcinogenesis. Cancer Research , 84 , (11) , pp. 1898-1914.

Pope, Ian and Clark, Lucy V and Clark, Allan and Ward, Emma and Belderson, Pippa and Stirling, Susan and Parrott, Steve and Li, Jinshuo and Coats, Tim and Bauld, Linda and Holland, Richard and Gentry, Sarah and Agrawal, Sanjay and Bloom, Benjamin Michael and Boyle, Adrian A and Gray, Alasdair J and Morris, M Geraint and Livingstone-Banks, Jonathan and Notley, Caitlin (2024) Cessation of Smoking Trial in the Emergency Department (COSTED): a multicentre randomised controlled trial. Emergency Medicine Journal , 41 , (5) , pp. 276-282.

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Hopkinson, Nicholas S and Vrinten, Charlotte and Parnham, Jennie C and Radó, Márta K and Filippidis, Filippos and Vamos, Eszter P and Laverty, Anthony A (2024) Association of time spent on social media with youth cigarette smoking and e-cigarette use in the UK: a national longitudinal study. Thorax , 79 , (7) , pp. 662-669.

Tattan-Birch, Harry and Brown, Jamie and Shahab, Lion and Beard, Emma and Jackson, Sarah E (2024) Trends in vaping and smoking following the rise of disposable e-cigarettes: a repeat cross-sectional study in England between 2016 and 2023. The Lancet Regional Health - Europe , 42 .

Meehan, Judith and Heffron, Mairead and McAvoy, Helen and Reynolds, Ciara and Kyne, Louise and Cox, Des W (2024) The adverse effects of vaping in young people. Global Pediatrics , 9 .

Conde, Monserrat and Tudor, Kate and Begh, Rachna and Nolan, Rebecca and Zhu, Sufen and Kale, Dimitra and Jackson, Sarah and Livingstone-Banks, Jonathan and Lindson, Nicola and Notley, Caitlin and Hastings, Janna and Cox, Sharon and Pesko, Michael F and Thomas, James and Hartmann-Boyce, Jamie (2024) Electronic cigarettes and subsequent use of cigarettes in young people: an evidence and gap map. Addiction , 119 , (10) , pp. 1698-1708.

Lee, Shieun and Elam, Kit and Lohrmann, David and Luo, Juhua and Chow, Angela and Seo, Dong-Chul (2024) Prospective longitudinal relations among frequent social media use, nicotine vaping and experiencing internalizing mental health problems. Addiction , 119 , (10) , pp. 1751-1761.

Jackson, Sarah E and Tattan-Birch, Harry and Shahab, Lion and Brown, Jamie (2024) Trends in long term vaping among adults in England, 2013-23: population based study. BMJ , 386 .

Lee, Juhan and Kong, Grace and Krishnan-Sarin, Suchitra and Camenga, Deepa R (2024) Unintended exposure to e-liquids and subsequent health outcomes among US youth and adults. PLoS ONE , 19 , (7) .

Stevens, Matthew WR and Cooper, Megan and Cusack, Lynette and Ali, Robert L and Holmwood, Chris and Briley, Annette L (2024) Screening and early intervention for substance use during pregnancy: a retrospective case note review of antenatal care records. Drugs and Alcohol Review , 43 , (7) , pp. 1817-1828.

Livingstone-Banks, Jonathan and Lindson, Nicola and Hartmann-Boyce, Jamie (2024) Effects of interventions to combat tobacco addiction: Cochrane update of 2021 to 2023 reviews. Addiction , 119 , (12) , pp. 2101-2115.

Ward, Emma and Belderson, Pippa and Clark, Allan and Stirling, Susan and Clark, Lucy and Pope, Ian and Notley, Caitlin (2024) How do people quit smoking using e-cigarettes? A mixed-methods exploration of participant smoking pathways following receiving an opportunistic e-cigarette-based smoking cessation intervention. Addiction , 119 , (12) , pp. 2185-2196.

Hanafin, Joan and Sunday, Salome and Clancy, Luke (2024) Inequalities in smoking and e-cigarette use in young adults with mental ill-health, 20 years after Ireland’s smoking ban. Tobacco Use Insights .

(2024) Smoking, vaping, HTP, NRT and snus in Ireland.

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Seitz, Christopher M and Carney, Blánaid and McTavish, Ger and O'Brien, Aoife and Regan, Colin (2024) Spectators’ opinions about purchasing tickets from a smoke/vape-free stadium in Ireland: a qualitative study. Sport in Society , Early Online .

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Krishnan, Nandita and Berg, Carla J and Elmi, Angelo F and Klemperer, Elias M and Sherman, Scott E and Abroms, Lorien C (2024) Trajectories of ENDS and cigarette use among dual users: analysis of waves 1 to 5 of the PATH Study. Tobacco Control , 33 , (1) .

Brouwer, Andrew F and Jeon, Jihyoun and Jimenez-Mendoza, Evelyn and Land, Stephanie R and Holford, Theodore R and Friedman, Abigail S and Tam, Jamie and Mistry, Ritesh and Levy, David T and Meza, Rafael (2024) Changing patterns of cigarette and ENDS transitions in the USA: a multistate transition analysis of youth and adults in the PATH Study in 2015-2017 vs 2017-2019. Tobacco Control , 33 , (5) , pp. 570-579.

Kelly, Brian C and Vuolo, Mike and Maggs, Jennifer and Staff, Jeremy (2024) E-cigarette use among early adolescent tobacco cigarette smokers: testing the disruption and entrenchment hypotheses in two longitudinal cohorts. Tobacco Control , 33 , (4) , pp. 497-502.

Hardie, Iain and Green, Michael James (2024) Vaping and socioeconomic inequalities in smoking cessation and relapse: a longitudinal analysis of the UK Household Longitudinal Study. Tobacco Control , 33 , (e2) .

[Department of Health] Minister for Health bans the sale of nicotine inhaling products to children with immediate effect. (21 Dec 2023)

Miller, Connor Richard and Xu, Steve S and Smith, Danielle M and Sutanto, Edward and Goniewicz, Maciej Lukasz and Quah, Anne C K and Fong, Geoffrey T (2023) Assessing use of inhalable nicotine products within complex markets: the dilemma of heated tobacco products. Tobacco Control , 33 , (1) , pp. 103-109.

[Department of Health] Minister for Health welcomes the passing of legislation banning sale of e-cigarettes to under 18s. (05 Dec 2023)

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White, David and Bush, Andrew and Smyth, Alan R and Bhatt, Jayesh Mahendra (2023) Why and how should children be protected from the deluge of vaping related media and marketing overexposure? Breathe , 19 , (4) .

[Oireachtas] Seanad Éireann debate - Public Health (Tobacco Products and Nicotine Inhaling Products) Bill 2023: Committee Stage. (28 Nov 2023)

[Department of Health] Ministers Donnelly and Naughton launch public consultation on further regulation of vapes and tobacco. (25 Nov 2023)

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Questions 219 – Tobacco control measures [51490/23]. (22 Nov 2023)

HSE Tobacco Free Ireland Programme. (2023) Vaping and e cigarettes: get the facts webinar 2023. Health Service Executive.

Villanti, Andrea C and Peasley-Miklus, Catherine and Mercincavage, Melissa and Mays, Darren and Donny, Eric C and Cappella, Joseph N and Strasser, Andrew A (2023) Effect of nicotine corrective messaging on nicotine-related beliefs in US adults: a randomised controlled trial. Tobacco Control , Early online .

Zarate-Gonzalez, Gilda and Brown, Paul and Cameron, Linda D and Song, Anna V (2023) Will tobacco price increases lead more people who smoke to vape? The results from a discrete choice experiment amongst U.S. adults. BMC Public Health , 23 .

Sunday, Salome and Clancy, Luke and Hanafin, Joan (2023) The associations of parental smoking, quitting and habitus with teenager e-cigarette, smoking, alcohol and other drug use in GUI Cohort '98. Scientific Reports , 13 .

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Questions 547 – Tobacco control measures [49820/23]. (14 Nov 2023)

Jackson, Sarah E and Tattan-Birch, Harry and Brown, Jamie (2023) Trends in where people buy their vaping products and differences by user and device characteristics: a population study in England, 2016-23. Addiction , Early online .

[Department of Health] Ministers for Health welcome Dáil passing of legislation to ban vaping products being sold to under 18s. (08 Nov 2023)

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Vol. 1045 No. 2. Public Health (Tobacco Products and Nicotine Inhaling Products) Bill 2023: Report and final stages. (08 Nov 2023)

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Questions 1210 & 1347 – Legislative measures [Vaping and young people] [47982/23]. (07 Nov 2023)

Perry, Ivan J and Gallagher, Kerrie (2023) Primary prevention of cardiovascular disease. Best practices and lessons for Ireland. Dublin: Irish Heart Foundation.

McEwen, Andy and McRobbie, Hayden and Ross, Louise and Soar, Kirstie (2023) Vaping: a guide for health and social care professionals. Dorset: National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training.

Ipsos B&A. (2023) Healthy Ireland survey 2023 - summary report. Dublin: Healthy Ireland, Department of Health.

HSE Tobacco Free Ireland Programme. (2023) HSE vaping and e-cigarettes: a HSE information booklet for parents, guardians and young people. Dublin: Health Service Executive.

HSE Tobacco Free Ireland Programme. (2023) HSE health and wellbeing: information and guidance on e-cigarettes for schools. Dublin: Health Service Executive.

Reynolds, Ciara Marie Edel and Hanafin, Joan and Sunday, Salome and McAvoy, Helen and Clancy, Luke (2023) Odds of gambling among adolescents: a secondary analysis of the cross-sectional European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs. The Lancet , 402 Suppl 1 .

Corrigan, Deirdre and Scarlett, Mary and Stewart, Bill (2023) Health survey (NI) first results 2022/23. Belfast: Public Health Information & Research Branch, Information Analysis Directorate.

Kew, Kayleigh (2023) Does vaping or e-cigarettes make a difference to health? iHealthFacts .

Scottish Government. (2023) Tobacco and vaping framework: roadmap to 2034. Edinburgh: Scottish Government.

[Oireachtas] Select Committee on Health debate - Public Health (Tobacco Products and Nicotine Inhaling Products) Bill 2023: Committee stage. (12 Oct 2023)

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Question 608 – Tobacco control measures [42324/23]. (03 Oct 2023)

Hanafin, Joan and Sunday, Salome and Clancy, Luke (2023) Higher smoking and e-cigarette use among young adults with mental health problems: an analysis of wave 4 of growing up in Ireland, the national longitudinal study of children in Ireland. In: The 8th ESNP European Conference on Tobacco Control, 9-12 October 2023, Florence, Italy.

Royal College of Physicians of Ireland, Faculty of Paediatrics. (2023) Disposable vapes and young people. Faculty of Paediatrics position statement. Dublin: Royal College of Physicians of Ireland.

United Kingdom. Department of Health & Social Care. (2023) Stopping the start: our new plan to create a smokefree generation. London: Department of Health & Social Care.

Health Service Executive. (2023) The dangers of e-cigarettes for young people know the facts. HSE Health and Wellbeing , 14 .

Hanafin, Joan and Sunday, Salome and Clancy, Luke (2023) Prevalence of chronic health conditions among young adults living in Ireland and associations with smoking and e-cigarette-use. Irish Journal of Medical Science , 192 , (Supp 2) , pp. 74-75.

World Health Organization. (2023) Freedom from nicotine and tobacco: guide for schools. Geneva: World Health Organization.

WHO Regional Office for Europe. (2023) Nicotine- and tobacco-free schools: policy development and implementation toolkit. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe.

[Irish Times] , Holland, Kitty Lung cancer specialist raises concerns over impact of vaping. (25 Sep 2023)

Northern Ireland. Department of Health. (2023) The 10 year tobacco control strategy for Northern Ireland final review 2023. Belfast: Department of Health.

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Question 67 - Health and safety [Single use vapes] [40618/23]. (21 Sep 2023)

[Independent.ie] , O'Regan, Eilish Most smokers who buy vapes to quit end up using them with cigarettes, doctor warns. (19 Sep 2023)

Graham-DeMello, Anna and Hoek, Janet and Drew, Jonathan (2023) How do underage youth access e-cigarettes in settings with minimum age sales restriction laws? A scoping review. BMC Public Health , 23 .

Lindson, Nicola and Theodoulou, Annika and Ordóñez-Mena, José M and Fanshawe, Thomas R and Sutton, Alex J and Livingstone-Banks, Jonathan and Hajizadeh, Anisa and Zhu, Sufen and Aveyard, Paul and Freeman, Suzanne C and Agrawal, Sanjay and Hartmann-Boyce, Jamie (2023) Pharmacological and electronic cigarette interventions for smoking cessation in adults: component network meta-analyses. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews , 9 , (9) .

Lindson, Nicola and Theodoulou, Annika and Ordóñez-Mena, JM and Fanshawe, TR and Sutton, AJ and Livingstone-Banks, Jonathan and Hajizadeh, A and Zhu, S and Aveyard, P and Freeman, SC and Agrawal, S and Hartmann-Boyce, Jamie (2023) Clinical question: How effective are medications and e-cigarettes for quitting smoking, and what works best? Cochrane Clinical Answers .

Tobacco Control Team and Educational Settings Team, Health Improvement Division, Public Health Wales. (2023) Information and guidance on vaping for secondary-aged learners in Wales. Cardiff: Public Health Wales.

Public Health Information and Research Branch. (2023) Young persons behaviour & attitudes survey 2022: substance use (smoking, alcohol & drugs). Belfast: Department of Health.

Fenton, Elizabeth and Robertson, Lindsay and Hoek, Janet (2023) Ethics and ENDS. Tobacco Control , 32 , e243-e246.

Purdy, Joanna and McAvoy, Helen and Reynolds, Ciara (2023) Smoking and mental health – An exploration of data in Northern Ireland and scan of policy approaches in the UK and Ireland. Dublin and Belfast: Institute of Public Health.

Darke, Shane (2023) Drugs and the body video series. National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre.

Tackett, Alayna P and Urman, Robert and Barrington-Trimis, Jessica and Liu, Feifei and Hong, Hanna and Pentz, Mary Ann and Islam, Talat S and Eckel, Sandrah P and Rebuli, Meghan and Leventhal, Adam and Samet, Jonathan M and Berhane, Kiros and McConnell, Rob (2023) Prospective study of e-cigarette use and respiratory symptoms in adolescents and young adults. Thorax .

Patrick, Megan E and Miech, Richard A and Johnston, Lloyd D and O’Malley, Patrick M (2023) Monitoring the future panel study annual report. National data on substance use among adults ages 19 to 60, 1976-2022. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Institute for Social Research.

WHO study group on tobacco product regulation. (2023) Report on the scientific basis of tobacco product regulation: ninth report of a WHO study group. Geneva: World Health Organization.

Levett, Jeremy Y and Filion, Kristian B and Reynier, Pauline and Prell, Celine and Eisenberg, Mark J (2023) Efficacy and safety of e-cigarette use for smoking cessation: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. The American Journal of Medicine , 136 , (8) , 804-813.e4.

Action on Smoking and Health. (2023) Use of e-cigarettes (vapes) among adults in Great Britain. London: ASH.

Institute for Global Tobacco Control. (2023) Country laws regulating e-cigarettes. URL: https://www.globaltobaccocontrol.org/en/policy-sca...

World Health Organization. (2023) WHO report on the global tobacco epidemic, 2023: protect people from tobacco smoke. Geneva: World Health Organization.

[Independent.ie] , Hyland, Paul Two thirds of Irish public would support disposable vape ban, Ipsos poll finds. (27 Jul 2023)

World Health Organization. (2023) Heated tobacco products: summary of research and evidence of health impacts. Geneva: World Health Organization.

Sun, Tianze and Lim, Carmen C W and Chung, Jack and Cheng, Brandon and Davidson, Lily and Tisdale, Calvert and Leung, Janni and Gartner, Coral E and Connor, Jason and Hall, Wayne D and Chan, Gary C K (2023) Vaping on TikTok: a systematic thematic analysis. Tobacco Control , 32 , (2) , pp. 251-254.

World Health Organization. (2023) Tobacco. URL: https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/t...

Boakye, Ellen and Erhabor, John and Obisesan, Olufunmilayo and Tasdighi, Erfan and Mirbolouk, Mohammadhassan and Osuji, Ngozi and Osei, Albert D and Lee, Jieun and DeFilippis, Andrew P and Stokes, Andrew C and Hirsch, Glenn A and Benjamin, Emelia J and Robertson, Rose Marie and Bhatnagar, Aruni and El Shahawy, Omar and Blaha, Michael J (2023) Comprehensive review of the national surveys that assess e-cigarette use domains among youth and adults in the United States. Lancet Regional Health. Americas , 23 .

World Health Organization. (2023) WHO report on the global tobacco epidemic, 2023: country profile Ireland. Geneva: World Health Organization.

[Irish Times] , Burns, John ‘It’s the biggest spread of addiction this country has ever seen’: Regulatory noose tightens on vaping. (30 Jun 2023)

Ozekin, Yunus H and Saal, Maxwell L and Pineda, Ricardo H and Moehn, Kayla and Ordonez-Erives, Madison A and Delgado Figueroa, Maria F and Frazier, Caleb and Korth, Kamryn M and Königshoff, Melanie and Bates, Emily A and Vladar, Eszter K (2023) Intrauterine exposure to nicotine through maternal vaping disrupts embryonic lung and skeletal development via the Kcnj2 potassium channel. Developmental Biology , 501 , pp. 111-123.

Livingstone-Banks, Jonathan (2023) Clinical question: How does bupropion compare with varenicline or nicotine replacement therapies (NRTs) for promoting smoking cessation in adolescents and adults? Cochrane Clinical Answers .

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Question - 628 Health promotion [e-cigarette product flavours] [29187/23]. (20 Jun 2023)

[Irish Examiner] , Phelan, Ciara Vape firms may pay thousands for licences under new laws. (18 Jun 2023)

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Public Health (Tobacco and Nicotine Inhaling Products) Bill 2023: Second stage (resumed). (15 Jun 2023)

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Question 171 - Pharmacy services [disposable vapes] [28805/23]. (14 Jun 2023)

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Public Health (Tobacco and Nicotine Inhaling Products) Bill 2023: Second stage. (13 Jun 2023)

Pettigrew, Simone and Santos, Joseph Alvin and Li, Yuan and Jun, Min and Anderson, Craig and Jones, Alexandra (2023) Short report: factors contributing to young people's susceptibility to e-cigarettes in four countries. Drug and Alcohol Dependence , 250 .

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Questions 70 - Health promotion [Tobacco] [26671/23]. (01 Jun 2023)

Kasza, Karin A and Rivard, Cheryl and Seo, Young Sik and Reid, Jessica L and Gravely, Shannon and Fong, Geoffrey T and Hammond, David and Hyland, Andrew (2023) Use of electronic nicotine delivery systems or cigarette smoking after US Food and Drug Administration-prioritized enforcement against fruit-flavored cartridges. JAMA Network Open , 6 , (6) .

Avery, Rosemary J and Kalaji, Motasem and Niederdeppe, Jeff and Mathios, Alan and Dorf, Michael and Byrne, Sahara and Safi, Amelia Greiner (2023) Perceived threat and fear responses to e-cigarette warning label messages: results from 16 focus groups with U.S. youth and adults. PLoS ONE , 18 , (6) .

Moore, Graham and Hallingberg, Britt and Brown, Rachel and McKell, Jennifer and Van Godwin, Jordan and Bauld, Linda and Gray, Linsay and Maynard, Olivia and Mackintosh, Anne-Marie and Munafò, Marcus and Blackwell, Anna and Lowthian, Emily and Page, Nicholas (2023) Impacts of EU Tobacco Products Directive regulations on use of e-cigarettes in adolescents in Great Britain: a natural experiment evaluation. Public Health Research , 11 , (5) , pp. 1-102.

Theodoulou, Annika and Chepkin, Samantha C and Ye, Weiyu and Fanshawe, Thomas R and Bullen, Chris and Hartmann-Boyce, Jamie and Livingstone-Banks, Jonathan and Hajizadeh, A and Lindson, Nicola (2023) Different doses, durations and modes of delivery of nicotine replacement therapy for smoking cessation. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews , (6) .

[Department of Health] Ministers for Health receive government approval to introduce legislation to ban the sale of vaping products to under 18s. (30 May 2023)

Wackowski, Olivia A and Bover Manderski, Michelle T and Gratale, Stefanie K and Weiger, Caitlin V and O'Connor, Richard J (2023) Perceptions about levels of harmful chemicals in e-cigarettes relative to cigarettes, and associations with relative e-cigarette harm perceptions, e-cigarette use and interest. Addiction , 118 , (10) , pp. 1881-1891.

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Question 281 – Departmental data. [e-cigarettes and vaping] [22322/23]. (11 May 2023)

[Irish Examiner] , Phelan, Ciara Micheál Martin in favour of Australia-style crackdown on vaping. (06 May 2023)

[Independent.ie] , Gataveckaite, Gabija Legislation to ban sale of vapes to children expected to be in force by mid- July. (01 May 2023)

Western Region Drug and Alcohol Task Force, Planet Youth. (2023) Growing up in the West. The lives of our young people. Planet Youth report Galway city 2022. Galway: WRDATF.

Western Region Drug and Alcohol Task Force, Planet Youth. (2023) Growing up in the West. The lives of our young people. Planet Youth county report Galway 2022. Galway: WRDATF.

Western Region Drug and Alcohol Task Force, Planet Youth. (2023) Growing up in the West. The lives of our young people. Planet Youth report Mayo 2022. Galway: WRDATF.

Western Region Drug and Alcohol Task Force, Planet Youth. (2023) Growing up in the West. The lives of our young people. Planet Youth report Roscommon 2022. Galway: WRDATF.

Ma, Shaoying and Jiang, Shuning and Wagener, Theodore and Mays, Darren and Chen, Jian and Shang, Ce (2023) The associations between e-liquid characteristics and its pricing: evidence from online vape shops. PLoS ONE , 18 , (5) .

Kreski, Noah T and Ankrum, Hadley and Cerdá, Magdalena and Chen, Qixuan and Hasin, Deborah and Martins, Silvia S and Olfson, Mark and Keyes, Katherine M (2023) Nicotine vaping and co-occurring substance use among adolescents in the United States from 2017-2019. Substance Use & Misuse , 58 , (9) , pp. 1075-1079.

Zhang, Qing and Wen, Cai (2023) The risk profile of electronic nicotine delivery systems, compared to traditional cigarettes, on oral disease: a review. Frontiers in Public Health , 11 .

Berridge, Virginia and Bayer, Ronald and Fairchild, Amy L and Hall, Wayne, eds. (2023) E-cigarettes and the comparative politics of harm reduction: history, evidence, and policy. London: Palgrave Macmillan .

Hanafin, Joan and Sunday, Salome and Reynolds, Ciara and McAvoy, Helen and Luke, Chris (2023) Conference proceeding: Links between smoking, e-cigarette and cannabis use, and gambling in Ireland: What are the odds? In: 9th European Conference on Tobacco or Health, 26-28 April 2023, Madrid.

Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. (2023) Vaping – What does the science tell us? RCSI.

Ali, Fatma Romeh M and Schillo, Barbara and Crane, Elisha and Seaman, Elizabeth L and King, Brian A (2023) Evaluation of statewide restrictions on e-cigarette nicotine strength - United States, 2017-2022. Addiction , 118 , (9) , pp. 1649-1660.

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Written answer 616, 618, 619, 620 - Health strategies [Tobacco] [14688/23, 14690/23, 14692/23, 14694/23]. (28 Mar 2023)

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Written answer 699 - Tobacco control measures [15030/23]. (28 Mar 2023)

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Question 1396 – Tobacco control measures. [disposable vapes] [13254/23]. (21 Mar 2023)

Health Service Executive. (2023) HSE Talking health and wellbeing podcast: Episode 3: Tobacco free Ireland. Dublin: Health Service Executive.

Taylor, Eve and Arnott, Deborah and Cheeseman, Hazel and Hammond, David and Reid, Jessica L and McNeill, Ann and Driezen, Pete and East, Katherine (2023) Association of fully branded and standardized e-cigarette packaging with interest in trying products among youths and adults in Great Britain. JAMA Network Open , 6 , (3) .

Sun, Ruoyan and Méndez, David and Warner, Kenneth E (2023) Association of electronic cigarette use by US adolescents with subsequent persistent cigarette smoking. JAMA Network Open , 6 , (3) .

Colyer-Patel, Karis and Kuhns, Lauren and Weidema, Alix and Lesscher, Heidi and Cousijn, Janna (2023) Age-dependent effects of tobacco smoke and nicotine on cognition and the brain: a systematic review of the human and animal literature comparing adolescents and adults. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews , 146 .

Dillon, Lucy (2023) Planet Youth in Fingal, Cavan, and Monaghan. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 84, Winter 2023 , pp. 33-34.

[Health Service Executive] HSE announces free Nicotine Replacement Therapies (NRT) for anyone who wants to quit smoking. (22 Feb 2023)

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Written answer 179 – Tax code [Vaping] [6430/23]. (14 Feb 2023)

Arshad, Humairah and Jackson, Sarah E and Kock, Loren and Ide-Walters, Charlotte and Tattan-Birch, Harry (2023) What drives public perceptions of e-cigarettes? A mixed-methods study exploring reasons behind adults' perceptions of e-cigarettes in Northern England. Drug and Alcohol Dependence , 245 .

Hartmann-Boyce, Jamie and Butler, Ailsa R and Theodoulou, Annika and Onakpoya, Igho J and Hajek, Peter and Bullen, Chris and Rigotti, Nancy A and Lindson, Nicola (2023) Biomarkers of potential harm in people switching from smoking tobacco to exclusive e-cigarette use, dual use or abstinence: secondary analysis of Cochrane systematic review of trials of e-cigarettes for smoking cessation. Addiction , 118 , (3) , pp. 539-545.

Notley, Caitlin and West, Robert and Soar, Kirstie and Hastings, Janna and Cox, Sharon (2023) Towards an ontology of identity-related constructs in addiction, with examples from nicotine and tobacco research. Addiction , 118 , (3) , pp. 548-556.

Han, Dae-Hee and Elam, Kit K and Quinn, Patrick D and Huang, Chunfeng and Seo, Dong-Chul (2023) Within-person associations of escalated electronic nicotine delivery systems use with cigarette, alcohol, marijuana, and drug use behaviors among U.S. young adults. Addiction , 118 , (3) , pp. 509-519.

Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development. (2023) EU country cancer profile 2023 - Ireland. Paris: OECD Publishing.

Ireland. Department of Education. (2023) Short course. Social, Personal & Health Education (SPHE). Specification for junior cycle. Dublin: Department of Education.

Klemperer, Elias M and Bunn, Janice Y and Palmer, Amanda M and Smith, Tracy T and Toll, Benjamin A and Cummings, K Michael and Carpenter, Matthew J (2023) E-cigarette cessation and transitions in combusted tobacco smoking status: Longitudinal findings from the US FDA PATH Study. Addiction , 118 , (6) , pp. 1161-1166.

Wetherill, Reagan R and Doot, Robert K and Young, Anthony J and Lee, Hsiaoju and Schubert, Erin K and Wiers, Corinde E and Leone, Frank T and Mach, Robert H and Kranzler, Henry R and Dubroff, Jacob G (2023) Molecular imaging of pulmonary inflammation in electronic and combustible cigarette users: a pilot study. Journal of Nuclear Medicine .

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Written answer 1321 - Health promotion [e-cigarettes] [63790/22]. (18 Jan 2023)

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Harlow, Alyssa F and Vogel, Erin A and Tackett, Alayna P and Cho, Junhan and Han, Dae-Hee and Wong, Melissa and Cockburn, Myles G and Sussman, Steve Y and Unger, Jennifer B and Leventhal, Adam M and Barrington-Trimis, Jessica L (2022) Adolescent use of flavored non-tobacco oral nicotine products. Pediatrics .

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[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Written answer 1638, 1771, 1772, 1773, 1774 – Tobacco control measures [39630/22, 40368/22, 40369/22, 40370/22, 40371/22]. (26 Jul 2022)

Omaiye, Esther E and Luo, Wentai and McWhirter, Kevin J and Pankow, James F and Talbot, Prue (2022) Disposable Puff Bar electronic cigarettes: chemical composition and toxicity of e-liquids and a synthetic coolant. Chemical Research in Toxicology .

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Boakye, Ellen and Osuji, Ngozi and Erhabor, John and Obisesan, Olufunmilayo and Osei, Albert D and Mirbolouk, Mohammadhassan and Stokes, Andrew C and Dzaye, Omar and El Shahawy, Omar and Hirsch, Glenn A and Benjamin, Emelia J and DeFilippis, Andrew P and Robertson, Rose Marie and Bhatnagar, Aruni and Blaha, Michael J (2022) Assessment of patterns in e-cigarette use among adults in the US, 2017-2020. JAMA Network Open , 5 , (7) .

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[Oireachtas] Seanad Éireann debate - Legislative measures. (21 Jun 2022)

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[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Written answer 603 – Legislative measures [Vapes] [25813/22]. (24 May 2022)

[Health Service Executive] HSE Environmental Health Service takes market surveillance action against certain disposable e-cigarettes. (18 May 2022)

Gaiha, Shivani Mathur and Lin, Crystal and Lempert, Lauren Kass and Halpern-Felsher, Bonnie (2022) Use patterns, flavors, brands, and ingredients of nonnicotine e-cigarettes among adolescents, young adults, and adults in the United States. JAMA Network Open , 5 , (5) .

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Hajek, Peter and Przulj, Dunja and Pesola, Francesca and Griffiths, Chris and Walton, Robert and McRobbie, Hayden and Coleman, Tim and Lewis, Sarah and Whitemore, Rachel and Clark, Miranda and Ussher, Michael and Sinclair, Lesley and Seager, Emily and Cooper, Sue and Bauld, Linda and Naughton, Felix and Sasieni, Peter and Manyonda, Isaac and Myers Smith, Katie (2022) Electronic cigarettes versus nicotine patches for smoking cessation in pregnancy: a randomized controlled trial. Nature Medicine , 28 , (5) , pp. 958-964.

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Jackson, Sarah E and Shahab, Lion and West, Robert and Brown, Jamie (2019) Associations between dual use of e-cigarettes and smoking cessation: a prospective study of smokers in England. Addictive Behaviors , 103 , (106230) , p. 106230.

[Irish Times] , Power, Jack Smoking levels falling faster than increases in e-cigarette use. (22 Nov 2019)

[thejournal.ie] , Hennessy, Michelle HSE checking all Irish vaping products for ingredient linked to US illnesses. (19 Nov 2019)

[Irish Times] , Gorman, David Irish Heart Foundation calls on State to ban e-cigarette advertising. (18 Nov 2019)

[Irish Examiner] , Shanahan, Catherine Vaping products on sale triple to over 5,300. (18 Nov 2019)

[Irish Times] , Cullen, Paul E-cigarettes damage brain, heart, lungs and blood vessels, study finds. (13 Nov 2019)

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Public Health (Electronic Cigarettes and Herbal Cigarettes) Bill 2019: First Stage. (06 Nov 2019)

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Ciapponi, Agustín (2019) Clinical question: How do effects of active nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) differ across different genetic biomarkers for people trying to quit smoking? Cochrane Clinical Answers .

Hong, Bosun (2019) Clinical question: Can smokers be helped to reduce the harm caused by cigarette smoking by smoking fewer cigarettes or using different tobacco products? Cochrane Clinical Answers .

[Irish Examiner] , O'Cionnaith, Fiachra Licencing system for sales of tobacco proposed; plans to ban e-cigs for under 18s. (22 Oct 2019)

[Department of Health] Minister for Health welcomes Government approval to draft a Public Health (Tobacco and Nicotine Inhaling Products) Bill. (22 Oct 2019)

[Irish Times] , O'Halloran, Marie Bill banning sale of e-cigarettes to under-18s goes to Cabinet. (14 Oct 2019)

AFP. [thejournal.ie] Death toll from vaping-related lung injury in US rises to 26 as health officials name mystery illness. (12 Oct 2019)

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate – Leaders questions [Vaping and drug prevalence]. (09 Oct 2019)

[thejournal.ie] , Dwyer, Orla As vaping-linked injuries and deaths rise in the US, some Irish colleges are moving towards an all-out ban. (05 Oct 2019)

[thejournal.ie] , Finn, Christina Harris hits out at politicians trying to get him to meet vaping company reps. (02 Oct 2019)

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Singh, Kameshwar P and Lawyer, Gina and Muthumalage, Thivanka and Maremanda, Krishna P and Khan, Naushad Ahmad and McDonough, Samantha R and Ye, Dongxia and McIntosh, Scott and Rahman, Irfan (2019) Systemic biomarkers in electronic cigarette users: implications for noninvasive assessment of vaping-associated pulmonary injuries. ERJ Open Research , 5 , (4) .

[thejournal.ie] , Cox, Des Opinion: Is there now an argument for banning e-cigarettes in Ireland? (29 Sep 2019)

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[Irish Times] , Wall, Martin Sale of tobacco products from vending machines to be banned. (16 Sep 2019)

[thejournal.ie] , Hennessy, Michelle Irish doctors monitoring US warnings about e-cigs after lung disease outbreak. (14 Sep 2019)

AFP. [thejournal.ie] Five people now believed to have died from vaping-related illnesses in the US. (07 Sep 2019)

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[Irish Examiner] , English, Eoin Self-service cigarette machines set to be stubbed out. (29 Jul 2019)

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[Royal College of Physicians of Ireland] RCPI Policy Group on Tobacco calls on the Government to fast-track legislation to prohibit the sale of e-cigarettes to children. (22 Jul 2019)

Brewer, Noel T and Jeong, Michelle and Hall, Marissa G and Baig, Sabeeh A and Mendel, Jennifer R and Lazard, Allison J and Noar, Seth M and Kameny, Madeline R and Ribisl, Kurt M (2019) Impact of e-cigarette health warnings on motivation to vape and smoke. Tobacco Control , 28 , e64-e70.

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Burch, Jane and Ciapponi, Agustín (2019) Clinical question: Can use of electronic cigarettes help people quit smoking? Cochrane Clinical Answers .

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[thejournal.ie] , Halpin, Hayley Teen vapers are more likely to use sweet-flavoured e-cigarettes than adult vapers, study finds. (18 Mar 2019)

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Simonavicius, Erikas and McNeill, Ann and Shahab, Lion and Brose, Leonie S (2019) Heat-not-burn tobacco products: a systematic literature review. Tobacco Control , 28 , (5) .

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Jackson, Sarah and Beard, Emma and Michie, Susan and Shahab, Lion and Raupach, Tobias and West, Robert and Brown, Jamie (2018) Are smokers who are regularly exposed to e-cigarette use by others more or less motivated to stop or to make a quit attempt? A cross-sectional and longitudinal survey. BMC Medicine , 16 , (206) .

[Irish Independent] , Downing, John Smoke-free Ireland still 34 years off as 100 die every week. (02 Oct 2018)

Shapiro, Harry (2018) No fire, no smoke: the global state of tobacco harm reduction 2018. London: Knowledge-Action-Change.

Kavirajan, Harish (2018) Clinical question: How do single over‐the‐counter nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) agents compare with placebo/no NRT agents for smoking cessation? Cochrane Clinical Answers .

[Irish Independent] , Begley, Ian Vaping must only be used 'as last resort'. (15 Aug 2018)

[Irish Times] , Houston, Muiris Study linking e-cigarettes to lung function adds to concerns over vaping. (14 Aug 2018)

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[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 271 - Electronic cigarettes [18856/18]. (01 May 2018)

Hartmann-Boyce, Jamie and Chepkin, Samantha C and Ye, Weiyu and Bullen, Chris and Lancaster, Tim (2018) Nicotine replacement therapy versus control for smoking cessation. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews , 5 .

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Conner, Mark and Grogan, Sarah and Simms-Ellis, Ruth and Flett, Keira and Sykes-Muskett, Bianca and Cowap, Lisa and Lawton, Rebecca and Armitage, Christopher J and Meads, David and Torgerson, Carole and West, Robert and Siddiqi, Kamran (2018) Do electronic cigarettes increase cigarette smoking in UK adolescents? Evidence from a 12-month prospective study. Tobacco Control , 27 , (4) .

Best, Catherine and Haseen, Farhana and Currie, Dorothy and Ozakinci, Gozde and MacKintosh, Anne Marie and Stead, Martine and Eadie, Douglas and MacGregor, Andy and Pearce, Jamie and Amos, Amanda and Frank, John and Haw, Sally (2018) Relationship between trying an electronic cigarette and subsequent cigarette experimentation in Scottish adolescents: a cohort study. Tobacco Control , 27 , (4) , pp. 373-378.

Herbec, Aleksandra and Tombor, Ildiko and Shahab, Lion and West, Robert (2018) "If I'd Known …"-a theory-informed systematic analysis of missed opportunities in optimising use of nicotine replacement therapy and accessing relevant support: a qualitative study. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine , 25 , (5) .

Kolto, Andras and Harrington, Aisling and Kavanagh, Aileen and Tyrell, Leah and Nic Gabhainn, Saoirse (2018) New questions for the health behaviour in school-aged children (HBSC) study in Ireland: pilot 2018. Galway: Health Promotion Research Centre, NUI Galway.

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 367 - Electronic cigarettes [51798/17]. (05 Dec 2017)

[thejournal.ie] , Sweanor, David T 'Abstinence-only approach to nicotine has created undue fears about alternatives'. (21 Oct 2017)

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answers 377 & 379 - Tobacco control measures [e-cigarettes] [41513/17 & 41528/17]. (03 Oct 2017)

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 893 - Electronic cigarettes [37167/17]. (11 Sep 2017)

[Irish Examiner] , Leogue, Joe Calls to extend nicotine replacement therapy. (01 Aug 2017)

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[thejournal.ie] , Hennessy, Michelle Inmates in Irish prisons will soon have access to e-cigarettes. (26 Feb 2017)

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[Independent.ie] , Knapton, Sarah E-cigarettes 'not safe' for young and can lead to addiction, warns expert. (09 Dec 2016)

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[ESRI] Growing Up in Ireland. The life of a 17/18-year-old in 2016. (03 Nov 2016)

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[Irish Medical Times] Make nicotine replacement therapy free, say charities. (30 Sep 2016)

[Irish Examiner] , Ring, Evelyn E-cigarette use linked to success in quitting. (13 Sep 2016)

[Irish Examiner] , Russell, Sam Adverts for e-cigs may act as lure for children. (07 Sep 2016)

Taylor, Keishia and Babineau, Kate and Keogan, Sheila and Whelan, Ellen and Clancy, Luke (2016) ESPAD 2015: European Schools Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs in Ireland. Dublin: Department of Health.

[medicalnewstoday.com] , Nichols, Hannah E-cigarettes: Toxic emission level dependent on temperature, type, age of device. (27 Jul 2016)

Public Health England. (2016) Use of e-cigarettes in public places and workplaces: advice to inform evidence-based policy making. London: Public Health England.

Broadcasting Authority of Ireland. (2016) BAI draft general commercial communications code. Consultation document. Dublin: Broadcasting Authority of Ireland.

McEwen, Andy and McRobbie, Hayden (2016) Electronic cigarettes a briefing for stop smoking services. National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training.

[Irish Medical Times] , Gantly, Dara HIQA to achieve ‘world first’ on e-cigarettes. (11 May 2016)

European Commission. (2016) Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on the potential risks to public health associated with the use of refillable electronic cigarettes. Brussels: European Commission.

[Irish Examiner] , Pickover, Ella and Ring, Evelyn E-cigarettes benefit smokers’ health: report. (28 Apr 2016)

Hess, Isabel MR and Lachireddy, Kishen and Capon, Adam (2016) A systematic review of the health risks from passive exposure to electronic cigarette vapour. Public Health Research & Practice , 26 , (2) .

Royal College of Physicians. (2016) Nicotine without smoke: tobacco harm reduction. London: Royal College of Physicians.

Advertising Standards Authority for Ireland. (2016) Code of Standards for Advertising and Marketing Communications in Ireland. Dublin: ASAI.

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answers 232, 233, 234 Tobacco control measures [3463/16, 3465/16 & 3464/16]. (28 Jan 2016)

[Irish Examiner] , Ring, Evelyn and Kirby, Jane Teens who use e-cigarettes ‘more likely to start smoking’. (26 Jan 2016)

Vasiljevic, Milica and Petrescu, Dragos C and Marteau, Theresa M (2016) Impact of advertisements promoting candy-like flavoured e-cigarettes on appeal of tobacco smoking among children: an experimental study. Tobacco Control , 25 , e107-e112.

Clancy, L and Babineau, Kate (2016) E-cigarettes: effective cessation tools or public health threat? QJM: An International Journal of Medicine , 109 , (2) , pp. 79-81.

European Commission. (2016) Reporting obligations under the Tobacco Products Directive No. 2014/40/EU. European Commission.

Keogan, Sheila and Taylor, Keishia and Babineau, Kate and Clancy, Luke (2016) A 2015 national survey of e-cigarette use among Irish youth. European Respiratory Journal , 48 .

[RTE News] Scientists warn over chemicals found in e-cigarettes. (09 Dec 2015)

[Department of Health] Department of Health announces public consultation on revised European Tobacco Products Directive. (16 Oct 2015)

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 153 - Tobacco control measures [32511/15]. (24 Sep 2015)

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 984, 985, 986, 987 & 988 - Tobacco control measures [31396/15]. (22 Sep 2015)

[thejournal.ie] Vaping business group welcomes new rules. (18 Sep 2015)

[Irish Examiner Breaking News] New restrictions on gambling and e-cigarette adverts announced. (17 Sep 2015)

[Health Service Executive] HSE endorses QUIT supports that are proven to be safe to use, and proven to be effective. (11 Sep 2015)

Advertising Standards Authority for Ireland. (2015) Code of standards for advertising and marketing communications in Ireland. Dublin: ASAI.

[Independent.ie] , Brennan, John Cancer Society here wants research on safety of vaping. (20 Aug 2015)

McNeill, A and Brose, LS and Calder, R and Hitchman, SC and Hajek, Peter and McRobbie, Hayden (2015) E-cigarettes: an evidence update. A report commissioned by Public Health England. London: Public Health England.

[Irish Examiner] , O'Brien, Kelly Council outlaws smoking and cursing in Waterford parks. (23 Jun 2015)

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 25 - Tobacco control measures [20586/15]. (28 May 2015)

[Independent.ie] E-cigarettes may 'increase smokers' dependency'. (17 Apr 2015)

Fullerton, Deirdre and Bauld, Linda and Dobbie, Fiona (2015) We can quit. Development and evaluation of an action research project. Dublin: Irish Cancer Society.

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 710 - Smoking ban [12020/15]. (24 Mar 2015)

Press Association. [Independent.ie] US teens try e-cigs before tobacco. (14 Feb 2015)

[Independent.ie] , von Radowitz, John E-cigarettes can damage lungs like tobacco, study claims. (06 Feb 2015)

[Irish Examiner Breaking News] Bill on e-cigarettes due to be launched today. (30 Jan 2015)

[Irish Examiner] , Kelleher, Lynne Poisoning cases rise blamed on e-cigs. (05 Jan 2015)

Goutier, W and O'Connor, JJ and Lowry, JP and McCreary, AC (2015) The effect of nicotine induced behavioral sensitization on dopamine D1 receptor pharmacology: An in vivo and ex vivo study in the rat. European Neuropsychopharmacology , 25 , (6) , pp. 933-943.

Babineau, Kate and Taylor, Keishia and Clancy, Luke (2015) Electronic cigarette use among Irish youth: a cross sectional study of prevalence and associated factors. PLoS ONE , 10 , (5) .

[Irish Examiner] , Tarr, Sophie Study finds ‘vaping’ can help smokers cut down. (17 Dec 2014)

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 454 - EU directives [tobacco] [48025/14]. (16 Dec 2014)

Irish Cancer Society. (2014) Position paper on electronic cigarettes. Dublin: Irish Cancer Society.

[Independent.ie] , O'Regan, Eilish RTE refuses to air ads for e-cigarettes. (11 Nov 2014)

[Independent.ie] , Downing, John Howlin takes a tip from smokers over free nicotine patches. (16 Oct 2014)

Babineau, Kate and Keogan, Sheila and Clancy, Luke (2014) Are electronic cigarettes good for tobacco control in Ireland? In: Institute of Public Health Open Conference, 14 October 2014, Belfast.

[Independent.ie] , Fitzpatrick, Gillian Burning question: to vape, or not to vape? (23 Sep 2014)

[Irish Examiner] , Pickover, Ella E-cigarettes ‘could save thousands of lives’. (05 Sep 2014)

[rte.ie] WHO recommends e-cigarette ban for minors. (26 Aug 2014)

[thejournal.ie] Think e-cigarettes are harmful? 37% of Irish people believe they are. (17 Jun 2014)

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 221 - Electronic cigarettes [23943/14]. (04 Jun 2014)

[Irish Examiner] , Hirschier, Ben E-cigarettes could save millions of lives, WHO told. (30 May 2014)

[Irish Examiner] , Ring, Evelyn and von Radowitz, John E-cigarettes can boost quitting success by 60%. (21 May 2014)

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 17 - Tobacco control measures [21152/14 [e-cigarettes]. (14 May 2014)

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Topical issues debate - Tobacco control measures [e-cigarettes]. (13 May 2014)

[Independent.ie] , O'Shea, Dawn and Griffin, Sam Fear of a fatality as 11 children are poisoned by e-cigarettes. (10 May 2014)

[rte.ie] E-cigarettes banned in health service facilities. (24 Apr 2014)

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 619 - Electronic cigarettes [16362/14]. (08 Apr 2014)

[Irish Examiner] Consultant likens e-cigs to methadone. (27 Mar 2014)

[thejournal.ie] Scaremongering or safe? The two sides to banning e-cigarettes in restaurants. (19 Mar 2014)

[Independent.ie] , Russell, Chrissie Smoke(less) signals: why we're vaping now. (12 Mar 2014)

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 415 - Tobacco control measures [10518/14] [e-cigarettes]. (04 Mar 2014)

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 244 - Tobacco control measures. [10031/14] [e-cigarettes]. (27 Feb 2014)

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 640 - Tobacco control measures [8977/14] [e-cigarettes]. (25 Feb 2014)

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 631 - Tobacco control measures. [4958/14] [e-cigarettes]. (04 Feb 2014)

Alcohol and Drug Education and Prevention Information Service. (2014) E-cigarettes and Nicotine Containing Products (NCPs). London: Mentor ADEPSIS.

Global Drug Survey. (2014) The global drug survey 2014 findings. Global drugs survey.

WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. (2014) Electronic nicotine delivery systems. Geneva: WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.

[The Guardian] EU regulations on e-cigarettes and tobacco. (22 Dec 2013)

[Irish Examiner] , Cahill, Ann E-cigarettes may only be available in pharmacies. (18 Dec 2013)

[Irish Examiner] , Cahill, Ann MEPs in e-cigarette nicotine campaign. (17 Dec 2013)

[Independent.ie] , Anderson, Nicola Brussels plan to stub out e-cigarettes is leaked. (29 Nov 2013)

[Irish Examiner] Switch to e-cigs ‘could save millions of lives’. (14 Nov 2013)

[Irish Examiner] , Cahill, Ann MEPs pass new rules on sale of tobacco. (09 Oct 2013)

[Irish Independent] , Barrett, David UK rail companies ban e-cigarettes from trains and stations. (12 Aug 2013)

[Irish Examiner Breaking News] Minister for Health asked to clarify legal status of e-cigarettes. (06 Aug 2013)

[World Health Organization] Questions and answers on electronic cigarettes or electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS). (10 Jul 2013)

[Irish Examiner] Cancer society looks for regulation of e-cigarettes. (17 Jun 2013)

[Irish Examiner Breaking News] UK: E-cigarettes to be classified as 'medicines'. (12 Jun 2013)

[Oireachtas] Joint Committee on Health and Children debate. Scrutiny of EU legislative proposals [Manufacture, presentation and sale of tobacco]. (21 Feb 2013)

[thejournal.ie] EU regulation of e-cigarettes a step closer. (2013)

Snowdon, Christopher (2013) Free market solutions in health: the case of nicotine. London: Kings Fund.

Chen, YF and Madan, J and Welton, N and Yahaya, I and Aveyard, Paul and Bauld, L and Wang, D and Fry-Smith, A and Munafo, Marcus R (2012) Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of computer and other electronic aids for smoking cessation: a systematic review and network meta-analysis. Health Technology Assessment , 16 , (38) .

Hartmann-Boyce, Jamie and Cahill, Kate and Hatsukami, Dorothy and Cornuz, Jacques (2012) Nicotine vaccines for smoking cessation. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews , (8) .

Whelton, Helen and Kingston, Rose and O'Mullane, Denis and Nilsson, Frederick (2012) Randomized controlled trial to evaluate tooth stain reduction with nicotine replacement gum during a smoking cessation program. BMC Oral Health , 12 , p. 13.

This list was generated on Fri Feb 14 04:39:30 2025 GMT.