Home > National men’s health action plan. Healthy Ireland - men (HI-M) 2024-2028. Working with men in Ireland to achieve optimum health and wellbeing.

Richardson, Noel (2024) National men’s health action plan. Healthy Ireland - men (HI-M) 2024-2028. Working with men in Ireland to achieve optimum health and wellbeing. Dublin: Health Service Executive and Department of Health.

PDF (National men’s health action plan) - Published Version

In response to the key recommendations of an independent review of the previous Healthy Ireland - Men Action Plan, this new Plan will target and support, in particular, those subgroups of men with the poorest health outcomes. The Plan aligns with the key priorities of Healthy Ireland and Sláintecare by adopting a focused and strategic approach to address many of the key health topics and themes under the Framework of Actions highlighted in Healthy Ireland and the HSE priority areas.


One of the key strengths of the work in the area of men’s health in recent years has been the focus on research and the gathering of evidence to build a credible and robust programme of work which can leverage ongoing investment. This evidence, along with ongoing men’s health work, provides a platform from which to progress and build momentum in the future. HI-M 2024-2028 is relevant to a wide audience – policy makers, service providers, health and allied health professionals, and to those who work with men in the community and voluntary sectors - and sets out a new vision and roadmap for men’s health in Ireland in the years ahead.

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