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Scotland. Health and social care, Population Health Directorate. (2022) Scottish health survey.

External website: https://www.gov.scot/collections/scottish-health-s...

A collection of documents relating to the Scottish Health Survey (SHeS). This Survey provides a detailed picture of the health of the Scottish population in private households and is designed to make a major contribution to the monitoring of health in Scotland.

The Scottish Health Survey dashboard summarises key indicators for Scotland (2008-2021) and NHS health board and local authority areas for combined years 2012-2015, 2013-2016, 2014-2017, 2015-2018, 2016-2019 and 2017-2021.

In 2021 - 

  • Three percent of adults reported ever having a problem with drugs.  Twelve per cent of adults reported using drugs in the previous 12 months. Prevalence was highest amongst those aged 16-24 (22%).  Mental wellbeing for adults who had used any drug in the last 12 months was significantly lower than for those who had not (WEMWBS mean scores of 45.4 and 49.1 respectively).
  • Prevalence of hazardous or harmful weekly alcohol consumption has reduced from 34% in 2003 to 23% in 2021. Nine per cent of adults reported ever having had a problem with alcohol, with 1% saying they still had a problem.
  • Prevalence of smoking amongst adults continued to fall to 11% in 2021, down from 28% in 2003.  Rates continued to be much higher in the most deprived areas (24%) compared to the least deprived areas (5%).  The proportion of children exposed to second-hand smoke in their home (2%) was significantly lower than in previous years (12% in 2012).
  • Five per cent of adults were current e-cigarette users, a reduction from 7% each year between 2015 and 2019.
  • Almost six in ten adults (58%) undertook any gambling This has decreased significantly since 2012 (70%). Prevalence of adult gambling activity excluding the National Lottery has changed to a lesser extent (43% in 2021 compared to 45% in 2012).   Online gambling participation has doubled since 2012 (from 7% to 14%).

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