Home > The Planet Youth survey: Monaghan. What our young people say about living in Monaghan in 2023.

Cavan and Monaghan Planet Youth Working Group. (2024) The Planet Youth survey: Monaghan. What our young people say about living in Monaghan in 2023. Monaghan: Planet Youth.

PDF (The Planet Youth survey: Monaghan) - Published Version

Planet Youth is an evidence-based substance misuse prevention programme, developed in Iceland. It involves surveying young people aged 15-16 (research phase), and subsequently using this youth-reported information to design preventative interventions at the community level (intervention phase). The model also aims to understand more general risk and protective factors for the health and wellbeing of young people.

This report describes the results of the Planet Youth survey conducted in Monaghan in September 2023. Between 2020 and 2021, all secondary schools and Youthreach centres in Cavan and Monaghan were invited to participate in the survey, and all agreed. Within these, all 15-16 year olds post-Junior cycle were invited to participate. In 2023, 86% of Cavan students and 92% of Monaghan students in participating school completed the survey. This survey is therefore highly representative of all 15-16-year-olds in the area.

  • Almost half of young people (44%) said most of their friends drink alcohol
  • Most young people are getting their vapes/e-cigarettes from their friends/schoolmates (42%), but many are also buying them from shops (28%)
  • Of those who have drank alcohol (77%), most were given it by their parents (47%) but many bought it directly from shops and pubs (36%).
Item Type
Publication Type
Irish-related, Report
Drug Type
All substances
Intervention Type
Prevention, Harm reduction
June 2024
17 p.
Planet Youth
Corporate Creators
Cavan and Monaghan Planet Youth Working Group
Place of Publication

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