World Health Organization. (2024) Tobacco: e-cigarettes.
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There are many different types of e-cigarettes, which are the most common type of electronic nicotine delivery system (ENDS) and electronic non-nicotine delivery system (ENNDS). These systems heat a liquid to create aerosols that are inhaled by the user. These so-called e-liquids may or may not contain nicotine (but do not contain tobacco). They also typically contain additives, flavours and chemicals that can be harmful to people’s health. E-cigarettes are part of broader products categories of ENDS and ENNDS, which include products such as e-cigars and e-pipes. WHO is concerned that these products have been allowed on the open market as consumer products and aggressively marketed to young people. Currently, 88 countries have no minimum age at which e-cigarettes can be bought and 74 countries have no regulations in place for these harmful products. E-cigarettes target children through social media and influencers, with at least 16 000 attractive flavours. Some of these products use cartoon characters and have sleek designs, which appeal to the younger generation. Some look like toys and games. There is an alarming increase in use of e-cigarettes among children and young people, with rates exceeding adult use in many countries. Even brief exposure to e-cigarette content on social media is associated with greater intention to use these products, as well as more positive attitudes toward e-cigarettes.
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