Home > Dáil Éireann debate. Question 144 – Illicit trade [vapes] [27291/24].

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Question 144 – Illicit trade [vapes] [27291/24]. (25 Jun 2024)

External website: https://www.oireachtas.ie/en/debates/question/2024...

  1. Deputy Michael Fitzmaurice asked the Minister for Finance if he will conduct research or an annual survey on illicit vapes similar to the Revenue Commissioners’ ‘illegal tobacco products research’ surveys; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [27291/24]


Michael McGrath, Minister for Finance: Each year since 2009, Revenue, in conjunction with the HSE’s National Tobacco Control Office, has commissioned Ipsos MRBI to conduct independent market research among smokers about the source of their cigarettes. The survey is an independent research study into illegal tobacco products behaviour patterns, the purpose of which is to estimate the volume of non-Irish duty paid cigarettes being consumed in Ireland. Since 2013, this cigarette research has been complemented by an additional survey on roll your own tobacco.As vaping products do not contain tobacco and, currently, are not subject to excise duty, they are outside the scope of the existing survey. Work is ongoing in my Department in relation to the implementation of a domestic tax on e-liquids. My officials are engaging with Revenue colleagues in the design of this tax and also liaising with colleagues in the Department of Health in order to align our respective positions.In light of an excise duty soon to be applied to e-liquids, consideration may be given in the future to an illicit products survey, in line with that of the Illegal Tobacco Products Research Survey.

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