About the NDAS
The data for these tables are provided by the Health Research Board's National Drug and Alcohol Survey (NDAS). The NDAS collects information on alcohol and tobacco, and drug use among the general population in Ireland.
The NDAS also surveys people’s attitudes and perceptions relating to tobacco, alcohol and other drug use and records the impact of drug use on people’s communities. The 2019/20 NDAS collected information from 5,762 people aged 15 and over across Ireland. This is the fifth such survey undertaken in Ireland, providing an opportunity to observe trends over time. Data from all five surveys are available. This survey was undertaken in the Republic of Ireland only.
Through these interactive tables you can search for prevalence data on all of the substances included in the survey. The results of your analysis can be organised by year, age group, drug type, gender, and other variables.
Use of any illegal drug and alcohol
The tables provide figures on reported use of an illegal drug (cannabis, ecstasy, cocaine powder, magic mushrooms, amphetamines, poppers, LSD, new psychoactive substances (NPS), crack, and heroin) and solvents and alcohol at some time in the respondents’ lives, in the last year, and recent use.
Factors associated with drug use
The survey recorded personal and demographic information such as level of education, employment status, and area of resident (which is coded according to levels of deprivation).
Perceptions and attitudes
Respondents were asked if they agreed with permitting cannabis for medical and recreational use and their perceptions of people who had an addiction.
Impact on local communities
Questions on the impact of drug use on local communities were included in the 2019/20 NDAS for the first time. Respondents were asked if they had had personal experience of drug-related intimidation.
By downloading data, you agree to the terms of use as set out below.
Any of the data published here may be freely used but remain the property of the Health Research Board (HRB). To safeguard the integrity and confidentiality of the data, all users must agree to the following conditions:
- NDAS data are not to be presented in either written or oral form that could directly or indirectly identify an individual.
- The NDAS must be clearly acknowledged as the source of the data in any publication or presentation in which the data are used.
- The HRB National Drugs Library must be provided with a copy of any published paper in which NDAS data are used.
You, as the data user, are fully responsible for the accurate interpretation of the data.
Please reference the data as follows:
HRB National Drugs Library (2021) National Drug and Alcohol Survey (NDAS).
Available at: www.drugsandalcohol.ie/
If you have any queries, please contact the HRB National Drugs Library at drugslibrary@hrb.ie
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