HSE Tobacco Free Ireland Programme. (2023) HSE education programme junior cycle SPHE resources: making healthy choices. Dublin: Health Service Executive.
External website: https://www.hse.ie/eng/about/who/tobaccocontrol/re...
Making healthy choices unit 1 teaching resources:
- Powerpoint - Second Hand Smoke Cartoons
- Powerpoint - Cigarette Smoke Contains front page preview
- Powerpoint - Cigarette Smoke Contains
- Powerpoint - Tobacco Plant front page preview
- Powerpoint - Tobacco Plant
- Powerpoint - Standard drinks front page preview
- Powerpoint - Standard drinks
- Second Hand Smoke Fact Sheet front page preview
- Second Hand Smoke Fact Sheet
- Worksheet - Alcohol in Ireland front page preview
- Worksheet - Alcohol in Ireland
- Worksheet - Alcohol myths and facts front page preview
- Worksheet - Alcohol myths and facts
- Worksheet -Contents of cigarette smoke front page preview
- Unit 2 teaching resources
- Tobacco and e-cigarettes (PDF, Designed to support the Junior Cycle
SPHE short course (2023)) - Nicotine delivery systems (PDF with images)
- Tobacco and e-cigarette industry marketing tactics (1 page PDF)
- Worksheet - roll your own tobacco (1 page PDF)
- Video lesson
Quit4Youth Programme
Quit4Youth is a seven-week, group stop smoking programme developed specifically for young people. The programme offers behavioural support in a fun, educational and non-judgmental manner. The aim for young people attending the programme is to quit smoking. Please note that while we have confidence in the underpinning evidence in terms of what works to support smoking cessation we do not have access to robust evidence in the cessation of vaping. However, while behavioural support for quitting smoking and medicines for managing nicotine withdrawal have not been developed or tested for stop vaping use, first principles would suggest that they could be useful as a stop vaping aid. We know these medicines have a well-established safety profile, and behavioural supports and techniques for addiction and health behaviour change have been applied successfully to multiple health behaviours. There should be consultation between the young person, GPs and parents/guardians so that they can discuss the pros and cons of using any medication.
B Substances > Tobacco (cigarette smoking)
B Substances > Tobacco (cigarette smoking) > Nicotine product (e-cigarette / vaping / heated)
J Health care, prevention, harm reduction and treatment > Prevention by setting > School based prevention
T Demographic characteristics > Student (secondary level)
VA Geographic area > Europe > Ireland
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