Clancy, L and Babineau, Kate (2016) E-cigarettes: effective cessation tools or public health threat? QJM: An International Journal of Medicine, 109, (2), pp. 79-81.
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In a short time, electronic cigarettes have become a multi-billion dollar industry. Since their introduction to the market, prevalence of ever-use among smokers in the USA appears to have increased from ∼2% in 2010 to >30% in 2012, and the rate of increase appears to be similar in the United Kingdom, Ireland and other Western countries according to a special Eurobarometer survey in 2014.1 The e-cigarette market is estimated to be worth over $3 billion. However, there is no consensus on the role of e-cigarettes and their contribution to the provision of smoking cessation (SC) services, nor to global tobacco control.
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