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Houghton, Frank (2025) Alcohol control enforcement in Ireland: a paper tiger. Alcohol Action Ireland blog .

O’Meara Daly, Eóin and Dwane, Jackie and Lewis, Caitlin and Redmond, Sean (2025) An evidence-informed model and guide for effective relational working in youth justice. Manchester: HM Inspectorate of Probation.

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. (2025) International classification of crime for statistical purposes (ICCS): implementation manual. New York: United Nations.

Central Statistics Office. (2024) Recorded crime detection 2023. Cork: Central Statistics Office.

Central Statistics Office. (2024) Probation re-offending statistics 2020. Cork: Central Statistics Office.

Gilpin, Victoria and Smith, Robert B and Birkett, Jason W and Davis, James (2024) How 3D printing technologies could undermine law enforcement strategies targeting the production and distribution of designer drugs. Science & Justice , 64 , (6) , pp. 677-687.

Guiney, Ciara and Dillon, Lucy (2024) Drug use and current alternatives to coercive sanctions in Ireland. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 89, Autumn 2024 , pp. 4-10.

McNeill, Fergus (2024) Probation, rehabilitation and reparation. Irish Probation Journal , 21 , pp. 9-26.

European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2024) Topic overview: penalties at a glance. URL: https://www.emcdda.europa.eu/publications/topic-ov...

Quinn, Marian (2024) PEIN podcast: Perspectives on prevention. Dublin: Prevention and Early Intervention Network.

[Oireachtas] Joint Committee on Drugs Use debate. Engagement on decriminalisation, depenalisation, diversion and legalisation (resumed). (11 Jul 2024)

[Oireachtas] Joint Committee on Drugs Use debate. Decriminalisation, depenalisation, diversion and legalisation of drugs: discussion (resumed). (04 Jul 2024)

Ireland. Department of Justice. (2024) Justice plan 2024. Dublin: Department of Justice.

Child Law Project. (2024) Child Law Project. Case reports 2024 volume 1. Dublin: Child Law Project.

Garda Síochána Inspectorate. (2024) Post implementation review. Crime investigation report 2014 recommendation 9.16: property and exhibit management. Dublin: Garda Síochána Inspectorate.

Bass, Brittany and Padwa, Howard and Khurana, Dhruv and Urada, Darren and Boustead, Anne (2024) Adult use cannabis legalization and cannabis use disorder treatment in California, 2010-2021. Journal of Substance Use and Addiction Treatment , 162 .

Hillier, Bradley and Carthy, Eliott and Kalk, Nicola and Moncrieff, Monty and Pakianathan, Mark and Tracy, Derek and Bowden-Jones, Owen and Hickson, Ford and Forrester, Andrew (2024) Developing a coordinated response to chemsex across health, justice and social care settings: expert consensus statement. BJPsych Bulletin , 48 , (Special issue 5) , pp. 306-313.

[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac 'Vast majority' of large quantity drug possession sentences avoid 10-year minimum jail term. (20 May 2024)

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Question 275 & 287 – Illicit trade [13671/24,[13978/24]. (09 Apr 2024)

Policing Authority. (2024) Policing Authority assessment of policing performance 2023. Dublin: Policing Authority.

Graves, Brian D and Fendrich, Michael (2024) Community-based substance use treatment programs for reentering justice-involved adults: a scoping review. Drug and Alcohol Dependence Reports , 10 .

Guiney, Ciara (2024) Courts Service annual report, 2022. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 87, Winter 2024 , pp. 47-49.

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Question 18 – Substance misuse [possession] [8325/24]. (22 Feb 2024)

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Question 34 – Substance misuse [possession by minors] [8324/24]. (22 Feb 2024)

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Question 37 – Substance misuse [possession – caution] [8322/24]. (22 Feb 2024)

Health Research Board. Irish National Focal Point to the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2024) Ireland: national report for 2023 – legal framework. Dublin: Health Research Board.

Health Research Board. Irish National Focal Point to the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2024) Ireland: national report for 2023 - drug markets and crime. Dublin: Health Research Board.

Skogseth, Emma M and Brant, Kristina and Jones, Abenaa A and Harrison, Eric and Apsley, Hannah B and Crowley, Max and Schwartz, Robert P (2024) Women and treatment for opioid use disorder: contributors to treatment success from the perspectives of women in recovery, women with past attempts in drug treatment, and health and criminal justice professionals. Substance Use: Research and Treatment , 18 .

Central Statistics Office. (2023) Probation re-offending statistics 2019. Cork: Central Statistics Office.

Ireland. Department of Health, Ireland. Department of Justice. (2023) High Level Taskforce on mental health and addiction – 1st annual progress report (September 2022-2023). Dublin: Department of Health; Department of Justice.

Central Statistics Office. (2023) Recorded crime detection 2022. Dublin: Central Statistics Office.

Stevens, Alex and Hendrie, Nadine and Bacon, Matthew and Parrott, Steve and Monaghan, Mark and Williams, Emma and Lewer, Dan and Moore, Amber and Berlin, Jenni and Cunliffe, Jack and Quinton, Paul (2023) Evaluating police drug diversion in England: protocol for a realist evaluation. Health & Justice , 11 .

Forensic Science Ireland. (2023) Forensic Science Ireland annual report 2022. Dublin: Forensic Science Ireland.

Ireland. Department of Justice. (2023) Youth Justice Strategy implementation statement for 2022. Dublin: Department of Justice.

Ireland. Department of Justice. (2023) National action plan to prevent and combat human trafficking 2023 - 2027. Dublin: Government of Ireland.

Fisher, Benjamin W and Petrosino, Anthony and Persson, Hannah and Guckenburg, Sarah and Fronius, Trevor and Benitez, Ivan and Earl, Kevin (2023) School-based law enforcement strategies to reduce crime, increase perceptions of safety, and improve learning outcomes in primary and secondary schools: a systematic review. Campbell Systematic Reviews , 19 , (4) .

Irish Prison Service. (2023) Irish Prison Service drugs strategy 2023-2026. Dublin: Irish Prison Service.

Ireland. Department of Justice. (2023) Department of Justice annual report 2022. Dublin: Department of Justice.

Yukhnenko, Denis and Farouki, Leen and Fazel, Seena (2023) Criminal recidivism rates globally: a 6-year systematic review update. Journal of Criminal Justice , 88 .

National Collaborative. (2023) National Collaborative call for evidence – analysis report. Experiences of human rights in relation to substance use. Scotland: National Collaborative.

Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions. (2023) Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions annual report 2022. Dublin: Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions.

Ireland. Courts Service. (2023) Courts Service annual report 2022. Dublin: Courts Service.

Citizens’ Assembly. Citizens’ Assembly on Drugs Use hears about Ireland’s place in international drugs trade. (02 Sep 2023)

Guiney, Ciara (2023) Evaluation report on Youth Diversion Projects. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 86, Summer 2023 , pp. 48-52.

Guiney, Ciara (2023) Progress on Youth Justice Strategy implementation statement, 2021. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 86, Summer 2023 , pp. 53-55.

Dublin North Inner City Local Community Safety Partnership. (2023) Dublin’s North Inner City Community Safety Partnership: community safety plan 2023-2026. Dublin: Department of Justice.

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, United Nations Development Programme. (2023) Global progress report on Sustainable Development Goal 16 indicators: a wake-up call for action on peace, justice and inclusion. Vienna: UNODC, OHCHR, UNDP OGC.

Ireland. Department of Justice. (2023) Promoting and supporting the provision of Restorative Justice at all stages of the criminal justice system. Policy paper. Dublin: Department of Justice.

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. EU Regulation on the Transfer of Proceedings in Criminal Matters: Motion. (11 Jul 2023)

Joint Committee on Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth. (2023) The future of youth work. Dublin: Houses of the Oireachtas.

Dillon, Lucy (2023) Joint Committee on Justice report on decriminalisation. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 85, Spring 2023 , pp. 6-8.

Guiney, Ciara (2023) An Garda Síochána strategy statement and policing plan, 2022. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 85, Spring 2023 , pp. 28-30.

Guiney, Ciara (2023) Courts Service annual report, 2021. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 85, Spring 2023 , pp. 30-33.

Guiney, Ciara (2023) Department of Justice annual report, 2021. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 85, Spring 2023 , pp. 34-37.

Papaioannou, Kostas and Kuo, Tien-Li and Dimova, Sashka and Fugard, Andi and Sharrock, Sarah and Roberts, Ellie and Kersting, Felicity and Haux, Tina and Ng-Knight, Terry (2023) Evaluation of family drug and alcohol courts. London: Foundations.

Corbett, Maria and Coulter, Carol (2023) Child Law Project. Findings and observations for reform from 10 years’ attendance at child protection proceedings. Dublin: Child Law Project.

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Written answer 13 - Youth services [24770/23]. (25 May 2023)

Scottish Government. Safer Communities Directorate. (2023) Violence prevention framework for Scotland. Edinburgh: Scottish Government.

Coulton, Simon and Nizalova, Olena and Pellatt-Higgins, Tracy and Stevens, Alex and Hendrie, Nadine and Marchand, Catherine and Vass, Rosa and Deluca, Paolo and Drummond, Colin and Ferguson, Jennifer and Waller, Gillian and Newbury-Birch, Dorothy (2023) A multicomponent psychosocial intervention to reduce substance use by adolescents involved in the criminal justice system: the RISKIT-CJS RCT. Public Health Research 11 (03). Southampton: National Institute for Health and Care Research .

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 205 - Healthcare policy [Sanctions][15702/23]. (29 Mar 2023)

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. (2023) Attrition of offences related to organized crime in the criminal justice system. Vienna: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.

[Department of Justice] Landmark Policing, Security and Community Safety Bill 2023 begins its legislative journey. (23 Feb 2023)

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Written answer 198 – Customs and Excise [7298/23]. (14 Feb 2023)

[Independent.ie] , Raleigh, David ‘Health referrals’ to form part of new garda strategy to confront widespread crack cocaine use. (08 Feb 2023)

[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac International drug gangs ‘will exploit cuts to naval service'. (04 Feb 2023)

Duopah, Yaa Asuaba and Elmusharaf, Khalifa and Moran, Lisa and Kelly, Dervla (2023) Doing more: the health and social impacts of crack cocaine use in Limerick City. Dublin: Ana Liffey Drug Project.

OECD. (2023) Modernising staffing and court management practices in Ireland: towards a more responsive and resilient justice system. Paris: OECD Publishing.

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Written answer 468 - Substance misuse [Cannabis possession] [3262/23]. (24 Jan 2023)

Ireland. Department of Justice. (2023) Department of Justice annual report 2021. Dublin: Department of Justice.

Petersen, Kevin and Weisburd, David and Fay, Sydney and Eggins, Elizabeth and Mazerolle, Lorraine (2023) Police stops to reduce crime: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Campbell Systematic Reviews , 19 , (1) .

Kimaram, Arisa and Tryl, Luke and Burns, Conleth and Surmont, Tyrone (2023) Where are the police? Britons’ attitudes to crime, anti-social behaviour and the police. London: More in Common.

Aston, Elizabeth V and O'Neill, Megan and Hail, Yvonne and Wooff, Andrew (2023) Information sharing in community policing in Europe: building public confidence. European Journal of Criminology , 20 , (4) , pp. 1349-1368.

Egan, Annabel (2023) Youth Diversion Programme annual conference 2022. The youth justice strategy: a new beginning, Croke Park, 9 November 2022. Report of proceedings. Dublin: Department of Justice .

United Kingdom. Ministry of Justice. (2023) Female offender strategy delivery plan 2022 to 2025. London: Ministry of Justice.

Columb, David and Wong, MC and O'Mahony, V and Harrington, C and Griffiths, Mark D and O'Gara, Colin (2023) Gambling advertising during live televised male sporting events in Ireland: a descriptive study. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine , 40 , (2) , pp. 134-142.

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. (2023) International Drug Control Conventions. URL: https://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/commissions/CND/Man...

European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2023) Law topics overview. URL: https://www.emcdda.europa.eu/topics/law_en

[thejournal.ie] , McNally, Tadgh Stigma around drug use preventing people from coming forward to access key supports. (09 Dec 2022)

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Written answer 460 - An Garda Síochána [60304/22]. (06 Dec 2022)

Cohen, Aliza and Vakharia, Sheila P and Netherland, Julie and Frederique, Kassandra (2022) How the war on drugs impacts social determinants of health beyond the criminal legal system. Annals of Medicine , 54 , (1) , pp. 2024-2038.

Kennefick, Louise and Guilfoyle, Eoin (2022) An evidence review of community service policy, practice and structure. Dublin: Probation Service.

Medical Bureau of Road Safety. (2022) Preliminary drug testing – Frequently asked questions. Updated FAQ document on drug driving and testing. Dublin: An Garda Siochana.

High Level Review Group on the Role of An Garda Síochána In the Public Prosecution System. (2022) High Level Review Group on the Role of An Garda Síochána in the public prosecution system: report to government. Dublin: Department of Justice.

[Oireachtas] Select Committee on Justice debate. Criminal Justice (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2022: Committee stage. (08 Nov 2022)

Ireland. Department of Justice. (2022) Discussion document. Diversion for young adults ages 18-24 years. Initial outline of issues for consideration. Dublin: Department of Justice.

Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions. (2022) Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions annual report 2021. Dublin: Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions.

Lynch, Michelle (2022) European Commission rule of law report 2022. L&RS note. Dublin: Houses of the Oireachtas.

Behaviour & Attitudes. (2022) Criminal justice public attitudes survey: 2021 results. Dublin: Department of Justice.

National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre. (2022) 2022 NDARC annual research symposium: spotlight presentations. NDARC.

Beckett, Peter and McGinnis, Emma (2022) An exploration of the relationship between probation supervision and desistance: a systematic narrative review. Irish Probation Journal , 19 , pp. 97-118.

Coyne, Alison (2022) Custodial transitions: are we meeting the needs of young adults in the criminal justice system? Irish Probation Journal , 19 , pp. 156-171.

Drug Treatment Court. (2022) The Parnell Mag. October 2022 , pp. 1-30. Dublin: Drug Treatment Court.

Falzon, Danilo and Aston, Elizabeth V and Carver, Hannah and Masterton, Wendy and Wallace, Bruce and Sumnall, Harry and Measham, Fiona and Fletcher, Emma and Gittins, Rosalind and Priyadarshi, Saket and Parkes, Tessa (2022) Challenges for drug checking services in Scotland: a qualitative exploration of police perceptions. Harm Reduction Journal , 19 .

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Written answer 1440 - An Garda Síochána [43556/22]. (08 Sep 2022)

Vaughan, Elena and Vaughan, Eoin and Kelly, Colette and Nic Gabhainn, Saoirse (2022) Understanding and addressing anti-social behaviour: a rapid evidence review. Dublin: Department of Justice.

Ireland. Department of Health, Ireland. Department of Justice. (2022) High Level Task Force to consider the mental health and addiction challenges of those who come into contact with the criminal justice sector: final report. Dublin: Department of Health; Department of Justice.

[Maynooth University] UBUNTU project brings young Black adults and Gardaí together for dialogue in Dublin West. (20 Aug 2022)

Thomas, Natalie and Maravilla, Joemer and Northcote, Mitchell and Juckel, Jennifer and Halstead, Callum and Daly, Catherine and Salom, Caroline (2022) Criminal justice contact and health amongst people who inject drugs in Greater Brisbane, Queensland: findings from the Illicit Drug Reporting System. Sydney: National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, UNSW Sydney.

Ireland. Department of Justice. (2022) Criminal justice policy: review of policy options for prison and penal reform 2022-2024. Dublin: Department of Justice.

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Written answer 1570 – Drug dealing [40692/22]. (26 Jul 2022)

MacDonald, Christel (2022) NDARC webinar series presentation. The factors influencing mental health diversion in the NSW Local Courts. National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre.

Forensic Science Ireland. (2022) Forensic Science Ireland annual report 2021. Dublin: Forensic Science Ireland.

United Kingdom. Home Office. (2022) Swift, certain, tough: new consequences for drug possession. London: Home Office.

Ireland. Department of Justice. (2022) Department of Justice annual report 2020. Dublin: Department of Justice.

Scottish Drug Deaths Taskforce. (2022) Changing lives: our final report. Edinburgh: Scottish Drug Deaths Taskforce.

Ireland. Policing Authority. (2022) Annual report of the Policing Authority 2021. Dublin: Policing Authority.

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Written answer 181 - An Garda Síochána [28208/22]. (01 Jun 2022)

An Garda Siochana. (2022) An Garda Síochána strategy statement 2022 - 2024. Dublin: An Garda Siochana.

Joyce, Sindy and O’Reilly, Olive and O'Brien, Margaret and Joyce, David and Schweppe, Jennifer and Haynes, Amanda (2022) Irish Travellers’ access to justice. Limerick: European Centre for the Study of Hate.

(2022) Special section on compulsory drug treatment and rehabilitation, health, and human rights. Health and Human Rights Journal , 24 , (1) .

Malvaso, Catia and Day, Andrew T and Cale, Jessie and Hackett, Louisa and Delfabbro, Paul and Ross, Stuart (2022) Adverse childhood experiences and trauma among young people in the youth justice system. Trends & Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice .

Askew, Rebecca and Griffiths, Ben and Bone, Melissa (2022) The importance of PEOPLE who use drugs within drug policy reform debates: findings from the UK Drug Policy Voices online survey. International Journal of Drug Policy , 105 .

Rorke, Bernard (2022) Brutal and bigoted: policing Roma in the EU. An overview of anti-Roma racism in law enforcement across 6 EU Member States: Bulgaria, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Romania, and Slovakia. Brussels: European Roma Rights Centre.

Ruane, Lynn (2022) Conversations on the margins.

House of Commons Home Affairs Committee. (2022) Spiking. Ninth report of session 2021–22. London: House of Commons.

Irish Penal Reform Trust, School of Law and Criminology, Maynooth University. (2022) "Sometimes I'm missing the words": The rights, needs and experiences of foreign national and minority ethnic groups in the Irish penal system. Dublin: Irish Penal Reform Trust.

Selby, Jasmine and Phillips, Robyn and Barnett, Tamara and Thomas, Maria (2022) Child criminal exploitation and the need for consistency. London: Human Trafficking Foundation.

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Topical Issue debate - An Garda Síochána. (01 Mar 2022)

Prison visiting committees. (2022) Prison visiting committee annual reports 2020. Dublin: Department of Justice and Equality.

Ireland. Department of Justice and Equality. (2022) Criminal justice sectoral strategy 2022 - 2024. Dublin: Department of Justice and Equality.

Reddy, John and Redmond, Sean (2022) Measuring effectiveness in Ireland's youth justice system. Technical report 2022. Limerick: Research Evidence into Policy, Programmes and Practice (REPPP) Project, University of Limerick.

Reddy, John (2022) The youth justice system in Ireland: a review (revised 2022). Limerick: Research Evidence into Policy, Programmes and Practice (REPPP) Project, University of Limerick.

Carroll, Jennifer J and Mackin, Sarah and Schmidt, Clare and McKenzie, Michelle and Green, Traci C (2022) The Bronze Age of drug checking: barriers and facilitators to implementing advanced drug checking amidst police violence and COVID-19. Harm Reduction Journal , 19 .

Irish Penal Reform Trust. (2022) Progress in the penal system: the need for transparency (2021). Dublin: Irish Penal Reform Trust.

Garda Síochána Inspectorate. (2022) Delivering custody services a rights-based review of the treatment, safety and wellbeing of persons in custody in Garda Síochána stations. Dublin: Garda Síochána Inspectorate.

Braithwaite, John (2022) Macrocriminology and freedom. Peacebuilding Compared (DOI: http://doi.org/10.22459/MF.2021). ANU Press .

O'Mahony, Conor (2022) Annual report of the Special Rapporteur on Child Protection 2021. Dublin: Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth.

Dasgupta, Nabarun and Figgatt, Mary C (2022) Invited commentary: Drug checking for novel insights into the unregulated drug supply. American Journal of Epidemiology , 191 , (2) , pp. 248-252.

Independent Advisory Panel on Deaths in Custody, Royal College of General Practitioners Secure Environments Group. (2022) Protecting lives: a cross-system approach to addressing alcohol and drug-related deaths within the criminal justice system. London: IADPC and RCGP.

Shaw, Danny and Stott, James and Kirk, Ellen and Adams, Delene (2022) Making the criminal justice system work better: how to improve out-of-court disposals and diversion schemes. London: Crest Advisory.

Reddy, John and Redmond, Sean (2022) Measuring outcomes in youth justice programmes: a review of literature and practice evidence. Limerick: Research Evidence into Policy, Programmes and Practice (REPPP) Project, University of Limerick.

Centre for Justice Innovation. (2022) Evidence and practice briefing: Best practice in pre-court disposals for possession of drugs. London: Centre for Justice Innovation.

Committee appointed to Monitor the Effectiveness of the Diversion Programme. (2022) Annual report of the Committee Appointed to Monitor the Effectiveness of the Diversion Programme 2020. Dublin: An Garda Siochana.

Stevens, Alex and Hughes, Caitlin and Hulme, Shann and Cassidy, Rebecca (2022) Depenalization, diversion and decriminalization: a realist review and programme theory of alternatives to criminalization for simple drug possession. European Journal of Criminology , 19 , (1) , pp. 29-54.

Graham, William and Robertson, Annette (2022) Exploring criminal justice policy transfer models and mobilities using a case study of violence reduction. Criminology & Criminal Justice , 22 , (3) , pp. 423-441.

Windle, James and Murphy, Paul (2022) How a moral panic influenced the world’s first blanket ban on new psychoactive substances. Drugs: Education Prevention and Policy , 29 , (3) , pp. 265-275.

Interagency Group for a Fairer and Safer Ireland. (2021) Annual report of the Interagency Group for a Fairer and Safer Ireland 2020. Dublin: Department of Justice and Equality.

Mulcahy, Jane (2021) Towards a neurodevelopmentally aware, trauma-responsive penal policy and practice. Researchgate.

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann Debate. Written answer 160 - Crime data. (24 Nov 2021)

[Irish Examiner] , Murray, Sean Drug-related intimidation 'normalised' way of resolving disputes, seminar hears. (17 Nov 2021)

[thejournal.ie] , O'Connor, Niall Forensic lab prioritising large drug seizures over personal use cases. (16 Nov 2021)

WHO Regional Office for Europe. (2021) “I walked through Recovery’s door”: Margaret’s story of fighting drug addiction after prison. World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe.

Central Statistics Office. (2021) Recorded crime detection 2020. Dublin: Central Statistics Office.

Nougier, Marie and Cots Fernández, Adria (2021) The Global Drug Policy Index 2021. London: Harm Reduction Consortium.

Rooney, Louise (2021) Informing & supporting change: drug and alcohol misuse among people on probation supervision in Ireland. Dublin: Probation Service.

Bowen, Phil (2021) A smarter approach? Sentencing and politics in England and Wales. Irish Probation Journal , 18 , pp. 78-90.

Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions. (2021) Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions annual report 2020. Dublin: Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions.

Cloud, David and Marque Heydari, Alissa and Paul, Rena (2021) A new approach: a prosecutor’s guide to advancing a public health response to drug use. New York: Institute for Innovation in Prosecution.

The Judicial Council, Sentencing Guidelines and Information Committee. (2021) Sentencing Guidelines and Information Committee – sentencing judgements. Dublin: The Judicial Council.

McAnallen, Annie and McGinnis, Emma (2021) Trauma-informed practice and the criminal justice system: a systematic narrative review. Irish Probation Journal , 18 , pp. 109-128.

Irish Penal Reform Trust. (2021) Irish Penal Reform Trust annual review & financial statement 2020 – 2021. Dublin: Irish Penal Reform Trust.

Guiney, Ciara (2021) Law Reform Commission report on suspended sentences. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 78, Summer 2021 , pp. 9-12.

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. An Garda Síochána [36578/21] Mental Health Commission. (08 Jul 2021)

Forensic Science Ireland. (2021) Forensic Science Ireland annual report 2020. Dublin: Forensic Science Ireland.

Ireland. Courts Service. (2021) Courts Service annual report 2020. Dublin: Courts Service.

Probation Service. (2021) Statement of strategy 2021-2023. Probation works for community safety. Dublin: Probation Service.

Child Care Law Reporting Project. (2021) Child Care Law Reporting Project. Case reports 2021 volume 1. Dublin: Child Care Law Reporting Project.

Harm Reduction International. (2021) The harms of incarceration: The evidence base and human rights framework for decarceration and harm reduction in prisons. London: Harm Reduction International.

Fulerton, Deirdre and Bamber, John and Redmond, Sean (2021) Developing effective relationships between youth justice workers and young people: a synthesis of the evidence. Limerick: School of Law, University of Limerick.

US Department of State. Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons. (2021) Trafficking in persons report 2021. Washington DC: US Department of State.

[thejournal.ie] A conviction for €4 worth of cannabis 'just defies logic', say campaigners. (23 May 2021)

Bacon, Matthew (2021) Desistance from criminalisation: police culture and new directions in drugs policing. Policing and Society .

United Nations. (2021) United Nations system common position on incarceration. New York: United Nations.

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Criminal Justice (Amendment) Bill 2021: Second Stage [Mandatory sentences]. (28 Apr 2021)

Harm Reduction International. (2021) Death penalty for drug offences: global overview 2020. London: Harm Reduction International.

Committee appointed to Monitor the Effectiveness of the Diversion Programme. (2021) Annual report of the Committee Appointed to Monitor the Effectiveness of the Diversion Programme 2019. Dublin: An Garda Siochana.

Madden, Annie and Tanguay, Pascal and Chang, Judy (2021) Drug decriminalisation: progress or political red herring? Assessing the impact of current models of decriminalisation on people who use drugs. London: INPUD.

Nougier, Marie and Cots Fernández, Adria and Putri, Dania (2021) Taking stock of half a decade of drug policy - an evaluation of UNGASS implementation. London: International Drug Policy Consortium.

Rice, Orlaith (2021) How punitive are the public? Attitudes towards crime and punishment in Ireland. The Dublin University Journal of Criminology , 1 , pp. 53-76.

Ireland. Department of Justice. (2021) Youth justice strategy 2021 - 2027. Dublin: Department of Justice.

Ireland. Department of Justice. (2021) Department of Justice annual report 2019. Dublin: Department of Justice.

An Garda Siochana Strategic Human Rights Advisory Committee. (2021) Strategic Human Rights Advisory Committee annual report 2020. Dublin: An Garda Siochana.

[Department of Justice] Minister Browne provides update to Cabinet on the establishment of a Gambling Regulator. (24 Mar 2021)

APS Group Scotland. (2021) International approaches to drug law reform. Edinburgh: Scottish Government.

Wilson, David B and Feder, Lynette and Olaghere, Ajima (2021) Court‐mandated interventions for individuals convicted of domestic violence: an updated Campbell systematic review. Campbell Systematic Reviews , 17 , (1) , e1151.

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Criminal Procedure Bill 2021: Second Stage. (10 Feb 2021)

Ireland. Courts Service. (2021) Courts Service corporate strategic plan 2021 - 2023. Dublin: Courts Service.

Ireland. Department of Justice. (2021) Department of Justice. A safe, fair and inclusive Ireland. Statement of strategy 2021 - 2023. Dublin: Department of Justice.

Child Care Law Reporting Project. (2021) General Scheme of the Family Court Bill Observations to the Joint Committee on Justice on behalf of Dr Carol Coulter and Maria Corbett of the Child Care Law Reporting Project. Dublin: Child Care Law Reporting Project.

Ireland. Department of Justice. (2021) Department of Justice action plan 2021. Dublin: Department of Justice.

Irish Penal Reform Trust. (2021) Progress in the penal system (PIPS): assessing progress during a pandemic. Dublin: Irish Penal Reform Trust.

[Department of Justice] Bill to outlaw the grooming of children into crime announced by Ministers McEntee and Browne. (15 Jan 2021)

Earp, Brian D and Lewis, Jonathan and Hart, Carl L (2021) Racial justice requires ending the War on Drugs. The American Journal of Bioethics , pp. 1-29.

Rolando, Sara and Asmussen Frank, Vibeke and Duke, Karen and Kahlert, Rahel and Pisarska, Agnieszka and Graf, Niels and Beccaria, Franca (2021) ‘I like money, I like many things’. The relationship between drugs and crime from the perspective of young people in contact with criminal justice systems. Drugs: Education Prevention and Policy , 28 , (1) , pp. 7-16.

Child Care Law Reporting Project. (2021) Child Care Law Reporting Project. Case reports 2020 volume 2. Dublin: Child Care Law Reporting Project.

Committee appointed to Monitor the Effectiveness of the Diversion Programme. (2021) Annual report of the Committee Appointed to Monitor the Effectiveness of the Diversion Programme 2018. Dublin: An Garda Siochana.

DRIVE Oversight Committee. (2021) Drug related intimidation & violence engagement (DRIVE) leaflet. Dublin: DRIVE.

An Garda Siochana. (2021) An Garda Siochana annual policing plan 2021. Tullamore: An Garda Siochana.

Hean, Sarah and Johnsen, Berit and Kajamaa, Anu and Kloetzer, Laure (2021) Improving interagency collaboration, innovation and learning in criminal justice systems: supporting offender rehabilitation. Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan .

Meyler, Aisling (2021) Bridges not barriers – Care after prison study on care plans and pathways for people who have left prison. Dublin: Care After Prison.

[An Garda Siochana] Introduction of new offences to the adult cautioning scheme, December 2020. (14 Dec 2020)

[RTE Brainstorm] , Leahy, Deirdre How is online gambling regulated across Europe? (10 Dec 2020)

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[thejournal.ie] Dealers with cash amounts of €1,000 to be targeted in gangland crackdown. (31 May 2016)

[thejournal.ie] Drug dealers in local areas will be targeted by a new 'mini-CAB' - Minister. (26 May 2016)

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[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 91 - Garda deployment [2534/16]. (21 Jan 2016)

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Hunter, Ruairi (2016) Difficult terrain and unreported successes: young people and community-based restorative justice in Northern Ireland. Irish Probation Journal , 13 , pp. 175-193.

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[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 319 - Garda deployment [45744/15]. (17 Dec 2015)

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 159, 160, 161 & 162 – Customs and Excise controls and staff [43854/15 43857/15, 43856/15 & 43857/15]. (08 Dec 2015)

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 56 - Anti-social behaviour [42285/15]. (01 Dec 2015)

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answers 327 & 350 – Drugs crime [42723/15 & 42917/15]. (01 Dec 2015)

[Oireachtas] Joint Committee on Transport and Communications debate - Conviction rates for drink driving: discussion. (25 Nov 2015)

[Irish Examiner] , O'Brien, Kelly Gardaí unable to pursue 'legal high' prosecutions even if linked to cases of death. (18 Nov 2015)

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Priority question 4 - Road traffic offences [39535/15]. (11 Nov 2015)

[Irish Examiner Breaking News] Govt figures show less than half of drink driving cases end in conviction. (19 Oct 2015)

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Topical issue debate - Misuse of drugs. (06 Oct 2015)

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[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac Gardaí seize €700m in drugs. (21 Jul 2015)

[thejournal.ie] , Finn, Christina Drink driving orders drop by 25% but road traffic offences still holding up the courts. (14 Jul 2015)

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 16 - Anti-social behaviour [27055/15]. (07 Jul 2015)

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 249 - Drugs crime [27295/15]. (07 Jul 2015)

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answers 146 & 147 - Departmental expenditure [Justice] [26481/15, 26482/15]. (01 Jul 2015)

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 177 - Proposed legislation [Misuse of Drugs Bill] [26484/15]. (01 Jul 2015)

Pike, Brigid (2015) What is the Pompidou Group? Drugnet Ireland , Issue 54, Summer 2015 , pp. 9-10.

Connolly, Johnny (2015) Report of the Garda Síochána Inspectorate. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 54, Summer 2015 , pp. 17-18.

Ireland. Courts Service. (2015) Courts Service annual report 2014. Dublin: Courts Service.

An Garda Siochana. (2015) An Garda Siochana: annual report 2014. Dublin: An Garda Siochana.

European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2015) Alternatives to punishment for drug-using offenders. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.

European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2015) New psychoactive substances in Europe: Innovative legal responses. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.

Kenny, Julia and Conway, Pat, eds. (2015) Understanding and improving employment pathways in youth justice in Northern Ireland. Belfast: NIACRO and The Bytes Project.

European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2015) Perspectives on drugs: Legal approaches to controlling new psychoactive substances. Lisbon: European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction.

European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2015) Drugs policy and the city in Europe. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.

[Irish Examiner] , O'Riordan, Sean Garda: Heroin addicts need treatment, not jail time. (15 May 2015)

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answers 127 & 143 - alcohol sales legislation [19046/15], 19109/15. (14 May 2015)

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Proceeds of Crime (Amendment) Bill 2014): Second Stage [Private Members]. (08 May 2015)

[thejournal.ie] , O'Faolain, Aodhan Three men tell High Court they should be let out of jail because of the ecstasy loophole. (25 Apr 2015)

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answers 156, 159 & 162 - Garda operations [10902/15, 10906/15, 10914/15],. (20 Mar 2015)

[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac and McEnroe, Juno Drugs ruling: Cases in doubt after key ruling. (11 Mar 2015)

[thejournal.ie] The judge who allowed ecstasy and ketamine to be legalised explains why he did it. (11 Mar 2015)

[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac Government ‘is turning a blind eye’ to drug crime. (02 Mar 2015)

Connolly, Johnny (2015) Sentencing in drug cases. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 53, Spring 2015 , pp. 13-14.

[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac Need for mini CABs to tackle drug gangs. (19 Feb 2015)

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 5 - Garda operations [7371/15] [Tobacco]. (19 Feb 2015)

Connolly, Johnny (2015) Illicit drug markets in Ireland. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 52, Winter 2014 , pp. 1-5.

Quigley, M and Martynowicz, Agnieszka and Gardner, Caroline (2015) Building bridges – an evaluation and social return on investment study of the Le Cheile Restorative Justice Project in Limerick. Ireland: Le Chéile.

Loughran, Hilda and Hohman, Melinda and Carolan, Fiona and Bloomfield, Darren (2015) Practice note: The Irish drug treatment court. Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly , 33 , (1) , pp. 82-92.

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Broomfield, Darren (2015) Drug treatment courts: refining successes and failures through participant narratives. The Irish Social Worker , Spring , pp. 36-40.

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Penal Policy Review Group. (2015) 1st report of the Implementation Oversight Group to the Minister for Justice and Equality. Dublin: Penal Policy Review Group.

Edwards, Phil and Jarrett, Caitlin and Perkins, Chloe and Beecher, Deirdre and Steinbach, Rebecca and Robertson, Ian (2015) Mediation, mentoring and peer support to reduce youth violence: a systematic review. London: Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

Hayhurst, Karen P and Leitner, Maria and Davies, Linda and Flentje, Rachel and Millar, Tim and Jones, Andrew and King, Carlene and Donmall, Micheal and Farrell, Michael and Fazel, Seena and Harris, Rochelle and Hickman, Matthew and Lennox, Charlotte and Mayet, Soraya and Senior, Jane and Shaw, Jennifer (2015) The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of diversion and aftercare programmes for offenders using class A drugs: a systematic review and economic evaluation. Health Technology Assessment , 19 , (6) .

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. (2015) Introducing the United Nations model strategies and practical measures on the elimination of violence against children in the field of crime prevention and criminal justice: a new tool for policymakers, criminal justice officials and practitioners. Vienna: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.

[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac Restorative practice ‘can help with crisis’. (10 Dec 2014)

O'Dwyer, Kieran (2014) Towards excellence in restorative practice: a quality assurance framework for organisations and practitioners. Dublin: Restorative Practices Strategic Forum.

Childhood Development Initiative. (2014) A community-wide restorative practices programme implementation guide. Dublin: Childhood Development Initiative.

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 347 - National drugs strategy implementation [44300/14]. (18 Nov 2014)

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 309 - Drugs crime [44300/14]. (18 Nov 2014)

[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac Gardaí voice concern over wide use of stop and search powers. (13 Nov 2014)

[Irish Examiner Breaking News] 'Important question' raised in drugs case at Court of Appeal. (11 Nov 2014)

[Independent.ie] , MacCarthaigh, Sean Localised problems with certain types of crime highlighted. (08 Nov 2014)

[Irish Examiner] Some drug addicts ‘should not be prosecuted’. (25 Oct 2014)

[Irish Examiner] , McDonald, Brian 85 fail drug tests in Defence Forces. (23 Oct 2014)

[thejournal.ie] , Hennessy, Michelle Public order offences down in Dublin as gardaí target drunks and ‘aggressive begging’. (16 Oct 2014)

[Oireachtas] , O'Keeffe, Cormac Gardaí swoop on dealers. (01 Oct 2014)

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[thejournal.ie] A week in the Family Court: 6,500 children are in care – here are some of their stories. (16 Sep 2014)

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Ireland. Department of Justice and Equality. (2014) Department of Justice and Equality annual report 2013. Dublin: Department of Justice and Equality.

[RTE News] 30 people held in garda drug raids. (19 Aug 2014)

Ireland. Courts Service. (2014) Courts service annual report 2013. Dublin: Courts Service.

CAB Annual Report Committee. (2014) Criminal Assets Bureau annual report 2013. Dublin: Government of Ireland.

[Irish Examiner] , O'Doherty, Caroline 75% of drug jail terms not minimum. (06 May 2014)

[thejournal.ie] Cocaine and heroin involved in majority of serious drugs cases before courts. (05 May 2014)

Brett, Francesca and Tormey, William P (2014) Alcohol, duty-of-care and common law – Where do the consequences of drunken behaviour lie? Medical Legal Journal , 82 , (3) , pp. 119-123.

Connolly, Johnny (2014) Problem solving justice – establishing a community court in Dublin. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 49, Spring 2014 , pp. 18-19.

Aitken, Jonathan (2014) Meaningful mentoring. London: Centre for Social Justice.

O'Mahony, Paul (2014) Psychology and the penal system. Working Notes , Issue 73: The Rights of Workers – Then and Now .

Migrant Rights Centre Ireland. (2014) Trafficking for forced labour in cannabis production. Dublin: Migrant Rights Centre Ireland.

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 181 - Drug seizures. [10056/14]. (27 Feb 2014)

[Oireachtas] Seanad Eireann debate. Community Courts: motion. (25 Feb 2014)

[Irish Examiner] Crime records ‘should be cleared at 18’. (17 Feb 2014)

[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac Drink and drugs linked to crimes done on probation. (05 Feb 2014)

European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2014) Estimating public expenditure on drug-law offenders in prison in Europe. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.

[Independent.ie] , Brennan, David Community courts will help address capital's low-level ills. (29 Jan 2014)

[Oireachtas] Seanad Eireann debate. Youth justice policy: statements. (28 Jan 2014)

Mackey, Kelly (2014) Analysis of sentencing for possession or importation of drugs for sale or supply. Dublin: Irish Sentencing Information System.

Tolan, Graham and Seymour, Mairead (2014) Increasing the potential for diversion in the Irish Criminal Justice System: the role of the Garda Síochána adult cautioning scheme. Irish Journal of Applied Social Studies , 14 , (1) .

[Irish Independent] 'Lynchpin' reactivates. (31 Dec 2013)

European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. Quigley, Eoghan (2013) Drug supply reduction and internal security policies in the European Union: an overview. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.

European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. Laniel, Laurent and Kasecker, Rainer and Groshkova, Teodora and Carpentier, Chloe (2013) Drug squads: units specialised in drug law enforcement in Europe. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.

[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac Drug law conference told of jail term for €2 stash. (21 Nov 2013)

[Oireachtas] Select Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality debate Vote 24 - Justice and Equality (supplementary) (continued). (20 Nov 2013)

Pike, Brigid (2013) Incarceration as a health strategy – imprisonment for drug offences in Ireland. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 47, Autumn 2013 , pp. 8-9.

Connolly, Johnny (2013) Beyond criminalisation. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 47, Autumn 2013 , pp. 9-10.

Connolly, Johnny (2013) LRC calls for repeal of mandatory sentencing legislation in drug cases. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 47, Autumn 2013 , pp. 32-33.

Connolly, Johnny (2013) Drug law enforcement and seizures. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 47, Autumn 2013 , pp. 35-36.

[Irish Independent] Prosecution for possession of drugs falls off. (13 Jul 2013)

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 174 - Anti-social behaviour [33963/13]. (11 Jul 2013)

Connolly, Johnny (2013) Legal proceedings for drug offences 2004–2011. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 46, Summer 2013 , pp. 20-21.

Ireland. Courts Service. (2013) Courts Service annual report 2012. Dublin: Courts Service.

UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre, NUI, Galway. Fives, Allyn and Keenaghan, Celia and Canavan, John and Moran, Lisa and Coen, Liam (2013) Evaluation of the Restorative Practice Programme of the Childhood Development Initiative. Dublin: Childhood Development Initiative.

McElvaney, Rosaleen and Tatlow-Golden, Mimi and Webb, Roisin and Lawlor, Eilis and Merriman, Brian (2013) Someone to care: the mental health needs of children and young people in the care and youth justice system. Dublin: Children's Mental Health Coalition.

[Irish Examiner] , Deegan, Gordon HSE to be told of parents’ drink and drug crimes. (17 Jun 2013)

[Independent.ie] , Sheehan, Maeve Gardai's undercover drugs sting is aborted after leaks in media. (09 Jun 2013)

[Irish Examiner] 29 drug dealers arrested in major sting. (08 Jun 2013)

[Independent.ie] , McDonald, Dearbhail Only fifth of drug offenders servce 10 years. (12 Apr 2013)

[Irish Medical Times] , Gantly, Dara Drug barons ‘should get mandatory life in jail’. (10 Apr 2013)

[Spiegel online international] , Hollersen, Wiebke 'This Is Working': Portugal, 12 years after decriminalizing drugs. (28 Mar 2013)

[Oireachtas] Seanad Eireann debate: Restorative Justice Process: Motion (Continued). (20 Mar 2013)

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate: Criminal Justice (Spent Convictions) Bill 2012 [Seanad]: Second Stage (Resumed) (Continued). (14 Mar 2013)

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate: Criminal Justice (Spent Convictions) Bill 2012 [Seanad]: Second Stage (Resumed) (Continued). (12 Mar 2013)

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answers 455 & 465 - Anti-social behaviour [12359/13 & 12573/13]. (12 Mar 2013)

[Irish Examiner] , Raleigh, David Gardaí target drugs gangs. (11 Mar 2013)

[thejournal.ie] Rise in ‘designer drugs’ poses serious health risk: UN report. (06 Mar 2013)

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answers 39, 50, 161 – Sentencing policy [11654/13, 11565/13, 11771/13]. (06 Mar 2013)

International Narcotics Control Board. (2013) Report of the International Narcotics Control Board for 2012. New York: United Nations.

Stevens, Alex (2013) Applying harm reduction principles to the policing of retail drug markets. Modernising drug law enforcement report 3. London: International Drug Policy Consortium.

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[Independent.ie] , Brady, Tom Five people banned from city centre under ASBO. (13 Feb 2013)

Felbab Brown, Vanda (2013) Focused deterrence, selective targeting, drug trafficking and organised crime: Concepts and practicalities. Modernising drug law enforcement report 2. London: International Drug Policy Consortium.

Butler, Shane (2013) The symbolic politics of the Dublin drug court: the complexities of policy transfer. Drugs: Education Prevention and Policy , 20 , (1) , pp. 5-14.

European Commission, European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2013) The second European conference on drug supply indicators: conclusions of the Chairs. Bruxelles: Council of the European Union.

Monaghan, Geoffrey and Bewley-Taylor, Dave (2013) Police support for harm reduction policies and practices towards people who inject drugs. Modernising drug law enforcement report 1. London: International Drug Policy Consortium.

Law Reform Commission. (2013) Mandatory sentences. Dublin: Law Reform Commission.

Irish Penal Reform Trust. (2013) IPRT Submission on Criminal Justice (Spent Convictions) Bill 2012. Dublin: Irish Penal Reform Trust.

Connolly, Johnny (2013) Penal reform high on the agenda. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 47, Autumn 2013 , p. 35.

Irish Penal Reform Trust. (2013) Women in the Criminal Justice System: towards a non-custodial approach. Dublin: Irish Penal Reform Trust.

Probation Service. Horgan, John J (2013) Drug and alcohol misuse among young offenders on probation supervision in Ireland: findings from the Drugs and Alcohol Survey 2012. Dublin: Probation Service.

Barnes, Ronan (2013) Joint Enterprise, Section 15(A) of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1977 and the meaning of "Possession". Irish Criminal Law Journal , 23 , (3) , pp. 70-75.

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[Oireachtas] Seanad Eireann debate: Europol Bill 2012: Second stage (Continued). (29 Nov 2012)

Drug Policy Modelling Program. (2012) Drug law reform bibliography. Sydney: University of New South Wales.

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Priority questions 1 & 3 – Gangland killings [46576/12, 46644/12]. (24 Oct 2012)

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Europol Bill 2012: Second Stage (Resumed). (23 Oct 2012)

Connolly, Johnny (2012) Drugs and crime data 2012. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 43, Autumn 2012 , pp. 29-31.

Irish Penal Reform Trust. (2012) Reform of remission, temporary release and parole. Irish Penal Reform Trust.

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 188 - EU funding [Defence Forces] operations [39967/12]. (20 Sep 2012)

National Economic and Social Council. (2012) Quality and standards in human services in Ireland: policing and the search for continuous improvement. Dublin: National Economic and Social Council.

[The Guardian] , McDonald, Henry Northern Ireland judges use powers to ban naming of alleged drug dealers. (15 Jul 2012)

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Criminal Justice (Search Warrants) Bill 2012 [Seanad]: Second Stage (Resumed). (04 Jul 2012)

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Criminal Justice (Search Warrants) Bill 2012 [Seanad]: Second Stage. (03 Jul 2012)

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London Drug and Alcohol Policy Forum. (2012) Tackling alcohol problems in the night time economy: guidance for local areas. London: London Drug and Alcohol Policy Forum; Department of Health and Greater London Authority.

[Oireachtas] Seanad Eireann debate. Criminal Justice (Search Warrants) Bill 2012: second stage. (19 Jun 2012)

Connolly, Johnny (2012) Arriving at a definition of ‘drug mules’. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 42, Summer 2012 , p. 17.

[Oireachtas] Seanad Eireann debate: Adjournment matters – Garda operations. (16 May 2012)

Connolly, Johnny (2012) Mandatory minimum sentencing. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 41, Spring 2012 , pp. 23-24.

Ireland. Department of Justice and Equality. (2012) Department of Justice and Equality strategy 2011-2014. Dublin: Department of Justice and Equality.

[RTE News] Review of term for drugs offences recommended. (19 Jan 2012)

Mitchell, Ojmarrh and Wilson, David B and MacKenzie, Doris L (2012) The effectiveness of incarceration-based drug treatment on criminal behavior. Campbell Systematic Reviews , 8 , (1) , pp. 1-76.

Connolly, Johnny (2012) Legal update 2011. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 41, Spring 2012 , p. 20.

Tormey, William P (2012) Expert witnesses in the coronial system. Medicine, Science and the Law , 52 , p. 58.

Reilly, Judge Michael (2012) Report on an inspection of St. Patrick’s Institution by the Inspector of Prisons Judge Michael Reilly. Tipperary: Office of the Inspector of Prisons.

Tormey, William P (2012) Cannabis misinterpretation and misadventure in a coroner's court. Medicine, Science and the Law , 52 , (4) , pp. 229-230.

Department of Justice and Equality. (2012) Department of Justice and Equality annual Report 2011. Dublin: Department of Justice and Equality.

Ireland. Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions. (2012) Office of the director of Public Prosecutions annual report 2011. Dublin: Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions.

Probation Service. (2012) Probation service recidivism study 2007-2011. Dublin: Probation Service.

Brennan, Anne Marie (2012) The Garda Diversion Programme and the juvenile offender: The dilemma of due process rights. Irish Criminal Law Journal , 22 , (2) , p. 46.

O'Sullivan, James N (2012) An examination of the practitioners' role in promoting compliance with participants in the Irish drug treatment court. Masters thesis, Dublin Institute of Technology.

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 413 - Garda operations [25025/11]. (20 Sep 2011)

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 72 - Garda resources [24750/11]. (20 Sep 2011)

[thejournal.ie] Could two Mayo publicans have exposed a gaping hole in Ireland’s legal system? (24 Jul 2011)

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 464 - Drug courts [15056/11]. (15 Jun 2011)

Sunday Independent. [Sunday Independent] Gardai arrest drug dealers targeting city's treatment centres for addicts. (06 Mar 2011)

[Sunday Independent] , Cusack, Jim Gardai demand more protection when on the beat. (06 Mar 2011)

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Association for Criminal Justice Research and Development. (2011) Women in the criminal justice system. 13th annual conference 2010. Dublin: Association for Criminal Justice Research and Development .

National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse. Day, Ed and Shough, Nick (2011) Routes to recovery: via criminal justice. Mapping user manual. London: National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse.

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Reuter, Peter (2011) Options for regulating new psychoactive drugs: a review of recent experiences. London: UK Drug Policy Commission.

Ireland. Courts Service. (2011) Courts Service annual report 2010. Dublin: Courts Service.

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Connolly, Johnny (2011) Supreme Court overturns mandatory drug sentence. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 38, Summer 2011 , pp. 15-16.

Hunt, Priscillia and Kilmer, Beau and Rubin, Jennifer (2011) Development of a European crime report: improving safety and justice with existing crime and criminal justice data. Santa Monica, CA: Rand.

Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform. (2011) A review of the youth justice system in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Department of Justice.

Connolly, Johnny (2011) Drugs and crime data. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 39, Autumn 2011 , pp. 21-23.

Ireland. Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions. (2011) Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions annual report 2010. Dublin: Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions.

Criminal Assets Bureau. (2011) Criminal Assets Bureau annual report 2010. Department of Justice, Equality & Law Reform.

McDonnell, Martin (2011) Criminal Justice (Psychoactive Substances) Act 2010. Irish Criminal Law Journal , 21 , (3) , p. 66.

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 205 - Medicinal products [Head shops]. (08 Jul 2010)

Health Service Executive. (2010) HSE Legal Activity Project. Enhancing organisational learning in response to the Mental Health Acts 2001-2009. Dublin: Health Service Executive.

An Garda Siochana. (2010) Annual report of An Garda Síochana 2009. Dublin: An Garda Siochana.

Ireland. Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform. (2010) Review of the drug treatment court. Dublin: Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform.

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Parole Board. (2010) Annual report of the Parole Board 2009. Dublin: Parole Board.

Reilly, Judge Michael (2010) The Irish prison population - an examination of duties and obligations owed to prisoners. Tipperary: Office of the Inspector of Prisons.

Reilly, Judge Michael (2010) Report of an investigation on the use of 'special cells' in Irish prisons. Tipperary: Office of the Inspector of Prisons.

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Murphy, Candy (2010) From justice to welfare: the case for investment in prevention and early intervention. Dublin: Irish Prison Reform Trust; Barnardos; IAYPIC.

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Sargent, Paul (2010) 'A history of youth justice in Ireland : opening up space in government'. PhD thesis, Trinity College Dublin.

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Ireland. Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs. (2009) National Drugs Strategy (interim) 2009-2016. Dublin: Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs.

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 253 - Departmental expenditure [Justice] [20958/09]. (26 May 2009)

An Garda Siochana. (2009) Annual report of An Garda Síochana 2008. Dublin: An Garda Siochana.

Mental Health Commission, Garda Siochana. (2009) Report of Joint Working Group on Mental Health Services and the Police 2009. Dublin: Garda Siochana.

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Mental Health Commission. (2008) Report on the operation of Part 2 of the Mental Health Act 2001. Dublin: Mental Health Commission.

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[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 86 - Courts service [34585/07]. (13 Dec 2007)

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Comiskey, Catherine and Saris, A. Jamie and Pugh, Julian (2007) Estimating the prevalence of opiate use in Ireland and the implications for the criminal justice system. Probation Journal , 54 , (1) , pp. 22-35.

Connolly, Johnny (2007) Drug Policy Action Group: policy paper 1. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 21, spring 2007 , pp. 25-26.

An Garda Siochana. (2007) Annual report of An Garda Siochana 2006. Dublin: An Garda Siochana.

O'Mahony, Paul and Cassin, Sean (2007) Criminal justice drug policy in Ireland: policy paper 1. Dublin: Drug Policy Action Group.

Joseph Rowntree Foundation Drug & alcohol research programme. May, Tiggey and Duffy, Martin and Warburton, Hamish and Hough, Mike (2007) Policing cannabis as a Class C drug: an arresting challenge? York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

Criminal Justice Interventions Programme. (2007) Out of crime, into treatment: an introduction to the Criminal Justice Interventions Programme (CJIP) for treatment providers. United Kingdom: Home Office.

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Mazerolle, Lorraine and Soole, David W and Rombouts, Sacha (2007) Street-level drug law enforcement: a meta-analytic review. Oslo: The Campbell Collaboration.

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[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answers 236 & 237 - Drug-related crime [5276/05, 5277/05]. (16 Feb 2005)

Connolly, Johnny (2005) Analysis of trends in drug law enforcement. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 13, Spring 2005 , pp. 14-16.

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