[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 91 - Garda deployment [2534/16]. (21 Jan 2016)
External website: http://oireachtasdebates.oireachtas.ie/Debates%20A...
91. Deputy Thomas P. Broughan asked the Minister for Justice and Equality the number of gardaí attached to each local Garda Síochána drugs unit in Dublin in each of the years 2013 to 2016 to date; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [2534/16]
Minister for Justice and Equality (Deputy Frances Fitzgerald): The Garda Commissioner is responsible for the distribution of personnel, among the Garda Regions, Divisions, and Districts. Garda management keep this distribution under continuing review taking into account crime trends and policing priorities so as to ensure that the best possible use is made of these resources.
I have been informed by the Garda Commissioner that the number of Gardaí assigned to each Divisional Drug Unit on the 31 December 2013, 2014 and on 30 November 2015, the latest date for which figures are readily available, was as set out in the table below. The overall response to the problem of drug misuse is set out in the National Drugs Strategy for the period 2009-2016. The Strategy provides a co-ordinated and comprehensive response to the issue of drug misuse and is very much founded on a partnership approach. Further to the Strategy and in line with the Policing Plan, An Garda Síochána continues to prioritise tackling drugs and organised crime as a core focus of its work. In this regard multi-disciplinary approaches are utilised to ensure that those involved in illicit drugs activity are effectively targeted including through the use of drugs legislation, the proceeds of crime legislation, money laundering legislation and the powers of the Criminal Assets Bureau. The recently merged National Drugs and Organised Crime Bureau continues to lead out the policing strategy for tackling drugs supply working closely with the local Divisional Drug Units. This approach allows for the co-ordinated use of Garda resources in tackling all forms of organised crime, including illicit drug activity nationwide. An Garda Síochána also has in place a number of strategic partnerships both nationally and internationally including with the Irish Customs Service, the Health Products Regulatory Authority, the Irish Naval Service, Europol, Interpol and the Maritime Analysis and Operations Centre Narcotics based in Lisbon.
Drugs Unit Personnel
Division |
31/12/2013 |
31/12/2014 |
30/11/2015 |
D.M.R.S.C. |
11 |
19 |
19 |
D.M.R.N.C |
13 |
20 |
19 |
D.M.R.N. |
27 |
16 |
25 |
D.M.R.E. |
13 |
10 |
10 |
D.M.R.S. |
23 |
17 |
16 |
D.M.R.W. |
26 |
24 |
26 |
Total |
113 |
106 |
115 |
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