[Oireachtas] Joint Committee on Justice and Equality debate. Garda reform and related issues: discussion. (18 Sep 2019)
External website: https://www.oireachtas.ie/en/debates/debate/joint_...
The purpose of the meeting is to meet the Garda Commissioner, Mr. Drew Harris, for an update on the Garda policing plan for 2019, the implementation of the Garda reform plan, new policing structures and miscellaneous issues that have arisen since the Commissioner was last before the committee in June. He is joined by Mr. John Twomey, deputy commissioner for policing and security, Mr. Michael Finn, assistant commissioner for the southeastern region, and Mr Joseph Nugent, chief administrative officer. I extend a warm welcome to them and to their colleagues who are also present, including Mr Andrew McLindon, director of communications, and Mr. John Keegan, superintendent of corporate services.
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