[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 174 - Anti-social behaviour [33963/13]. (11 Jul 2013)
External website: http://oireachtasdebates.oireachtas.ie/debates%20a...
174. Deputy Finian McGrath asked the Minister for Justice and Equality the plans that are in place to deal with anti-social activity during the hot weather. [33963/13]
Minister for Justice and Equality (Deputy Alan Shatter): I am advised that the Garda authorities are of course aware of the potential for anti-social behaviour during periods of good weather, and in particular in relation to the consumption of alcohol in public places, and am further advised that additional resources are deployed where necessary to deal with this issue. In particular, Operation IRENE, which is in place for the months of June, July and August, incorporates a range of policing actions to be implemented at identified locations, which with the advent of warmer weather and longer evenings may experience an upsurge in anti-social behaviour associated with alcohol consumption. This is a targeted operation to combat under-age alcohol consumption and the consumption of alcohol in public spaces throughout the Dublin Metropolitan Region, through the enforcement of legislation regulating the sale, supply and consumption of alcohol as well as relevant public order legislation.
I am also informed that, nationally, local Garda management closely monitors patrols, and other operational strategies in place, in conjunction with crime trends and policing needs of local communities to ensure optimum use is made of Garda resources, and the best possible Garda service is provided to the public. In this regard, proactive mobile policing patrols are in place, focusing on urban centres, large open areas, public parks, harbour villages, coastal areas and key tourist locations to combat all forms of anti social behaviour, in particular drinking in public places. Special attention is also being paid to licensed premises and off licenses and all available resources, including members of the Garda Reserve, are being utilised in support of a high visibility policing strategy.
Furthermore, extra patrols are being conducted in the vicinity of beach/holiday resorts during the hot weather in order to prevent anti-social behaviour and also to regulate and to deal with traffic management particularly at the weekends. I am advised that this will continue as required throughout the summer period and that all incidents of anti-social behaviour will be dealt with in accordance with the relevant legislation.
Item Type
Dail Debates
Publication Type
Drug Type
Intervention Type
Crime prevention
11 July 2013
A Substance use and dependence > Prevalence > Substance use behaviour > Alcohol consumption
A Substance use and dependence > Substance related societal (social) problems > Public intoxication
B Substances > Alcohol
MM-MO Crime and law > Public order offence / social code crime
MM-MO Crime and law > Justice and enforcement system
VA Geographic area > Europe > Ireland
A Substance use and dependence > Substance related societal (social) problems > Public intoxication
B Substances > Alcohol
MM-MO Crime and law > Public order offence / social code crime
MM-MO Crime and law > Justice and enforcement system
VA Geographic area > Europe > Ireland
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