Home > Implementation contexts and the impact of policing on access to supervised consumption services in Toronto, Canada: a qualitative comparative analysis.

Bardwell, Geoff and Strike, Carol and Altenberg, Jason and Barnaby, Lorraine and Kerr, Thomas (2019) Implementation contexts and the impact of policing on access to supervised consumption services in Toronto, Canada: a qualitative comparative analysis. Harm Reduction Journal, 16, (30),

External website: https://harmreductionjournal.biomedcentral.com/art...

Participants’ perspectives on, and experiences with, policing as they relate to accessing supervised consumption services (SCS) were shaped by the implementation contexts of each SCS site and how neighbourhoods, drug scenes, and differences in policing practices affected service use. Our findings also demonstrate the disconnect between the goals of policing and those of SCS. Until larger structural barriers are addressed (e.g. criminalization), future SCS programming should consider the impact of policing on the SCS implementation context to improve client experience with, and access to, SCS.

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