Home > High Level Taskforce on mental health and addiction – 1st annual progress report (September 2022-2023).

Ireland. Department of Health, Ireland. Department of Justice. (2023) High Level Taskforce on mental health and addiction – 1st annual progress report (September 2022-2023). Dublin: Department of Health; Department of Justice.

PDF (High Level Taskforce on mental health and addiction – September 2022-2023.)

The High Level Taskforce identified the need to take a holistic approach when considering the mental health and addiction challenges of those who come into contact with the criminal justice sector from initial contact right through to release and support in the community. Many of the recommendations detailed in the High Level Taskforce Report build on existing infrastructure, creating better connectivity and linkages between services to better support those in the criminal justice system with mental health and/or addiction issues and to make a meaningful difference to their treatment.

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