Home > Violence prevention framework for Scotland.

Scottish Government. Safer Communities Directorate. (2023) Violence prevention framework for Scotland. Edinburgh: Scottish Government.

PDF (Violence prevention framework for Scotland)
PDF (Violence prevention framework for Scotland - evidence supplement)

This Framework sets out our vision to prevent violence across Scotland, and when it does occur, to reduce its harm. It is supported by an evidence supplement, spotlights some cross government work and includes priority aims and an action plan, outlining the initial activities going forward.

P.20 To prevent violence, we want to help people at heightened risk of violent victimisation, including those who have been violent in the past, to access the support and services they need. People are often at heightened risk of being affected by violence as a result of multiple social and environmental circumstances, including poor wellbeing and mental health, trauma, adverse childhood experiences and problem alcohol and drug use. We also know that experiences of repeated violent incidents (where someone has been a victim of more than one violent incident) accounted for almost two-thirds (65%) of violent crime in 2019/2020.

We are preventing and reducing alcohol and drug related harm and violence. 
Over two-fifths of non-sexual violent crimes in 2019/20 involved offenders under the influence of alcohol. Alcohol use is therefore a major risk factor in many forms of violence. Changing Scotland’s relationship with alcohol will take time and early intervention through education, as well as by reducing access to alcohol and reducing affordability. These interventions could, in turn, reduce the risk of violence.

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