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Rock, Kirsten L and Frinculescu, Anca and Shine, Trevor and Kalk, Nicola J and Copeland, Caroline S (2025) Impact of 'street' benzodiazepines on drug-related deaths in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Drug and Alcohol Review , 41 , (1) , pp. 355-365.

Tas, Basak and Kalk, Nicola J and Chesney, Edward and van der Waal, Rob and Boyd, Alastair and Bell, James and Kelleher, Mike and Moxham, John and Lawn, Will and Jolley, Caroline J and Strang, John (2025) A heroin overdose laboratory model: How do escalating doses of diamorphine alter respiratory function in a diamorphine-treated population? Addiction , Early online .

Institute of Alcohol Studies. (2025) The Impact of alcohol on our healthcare services: explained. Institute of Alcohol Studies.

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. (2025) Tobacco: preventing uptake, promoting quitting and treating dependence. London: NICE.

United Kingdom. Department of Health & Social Care. (2025) Alcohol profile. [England]. URL: https://fingertips.phe.org.uk/profile/local-alcoho...

Stevens, Alex and Schreeche-Powell, Ed and Billingham, Luke and Irwin-Rogers, Keir (2025) Interventionitis in the criminal justice system: three English cases. Critical Criminology , Early online .

Kopra, Emma I and Penttinen, Jenni and Rucker, James J and Copeland, Caroline S (2025) Psychedelic-related deaths in England, Wales and Northern Ireland (1997-2022). Progress in Neuro-psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry , 136 .

Jackson, Sarah E and Brown, Jamie and Buss, Vera and Shahab, Lion (2025) Prevalence of popular smoking cessation aids in England and associations with quit success. JAMA Network Open , 8 , (1) .

Di Forti, Marta and Bond, Benjamin W and Spinazzola, Edoardo and Trotta, Giulia and Lynn, Jodie and Malkin, Richard and Kamran Siddiqui, Naba and Demir, Sultan and Opadokun, Titilayomi and Leung, Perry B M and Li, Zhikun and Quattrone, Andrea and Baxter, Gabriella and Appiah-Kusi, Elizabeth and Freeman, Tom P and Walsh, Hannah and Squeri, Tommaso and Semikina, Daria and Amberson-Jones, Felicity and Austin-Zimmerman, Isabelle and Meynen, Tim and Quattrone, Diego and Murray, Robin M (2025) A proof-of-concept analysis of data from the first NHS clinic for young adults with comorbid cannabis use and psychotic disorders. BJPsych Open , 11 , (1) .

Card-Gowers, Joshua and Boniface, Sadie and Brown, Jamie and Kock, Loren and Martin, Alexander and Retat, Lise and Webber, Laura (2025) Long-term health consequences and costs of changes in alcohol consumption in England during the COVID-19 pandemic. PLoS ONE , 20 , (1) .

United Kingdom. Department of Health & Social Care. (2024) Medicine choices in opioid substitution treatment. Recommendations for prescribing methadone and buprenorphine to people in treatment for opioid dependence in England. London: Department of Health & Social Care.

Angus, Colin (2024) New alcohol mortality data presents a bleak picture for England. IAS Blog .

Hayhurst, Karen P and Burnett, Sam and Jahr, Stefan and Mangan, Dylan and Millar, Tim and Rigby, Oliver and Jones, Andrew (2024) Trends in young people accessing English alcohol treatment services: 2014 to 2023. International Journal of Drug Policy , 135 .

Office for National Statistics. (2024) Drug misuse in England and Wales. ONS website .

NHS England. (2024) Statistics on public health [England].

Adebisi, Yusuff Adebayo and Bafail, Duaa Abdullah (2024) Comparing self-rated health among exclusive e-cigarette users and traditional cigarette smokers: an analysis of the Health Survey for England 2019. Internal and Emergency Medicine , Early Online .

United Kingdom. Office for Health Improvement & Disparities. (2024) Children and young people's substance misuse treatment statistics 2023 to 2024: report. London: Office for Health Improvement & Disparities.

United Kingdom. Office for Health Improvement & Disparities. (2024) Adult substance misuse treatment statistics 2023 to 2024: report. London: Office for Health Improvement & Disparities.

Holloway, Aisha and Waller, Gillian and Ferguson, Jennifer and Guthrie, Victoria and Smith, Jamie Brian and Boyd, Joanne and Mercado, Sharon and Rees, Jessica and Anthony Parker, Richard and Stoddart, Andrew and Bray, Jeremy W and Coulton, Simon and Hunt, Kate and Stadler, Gertraud and Sondhi, Arun and Smith, Pam and Stenhouse, Rosie and Conaglen, Philip and Sheikh, Aziz and Newbury-Birch, Dorothy (2024) A self-efficacy enhancement alcohol reduction intervention for men on-remand in prison: the APPRAISE feasibility pilot RCT. Public Health Research , 12 , (11) , pp. 1-186.

Office for National Statistics. (2024) Deaths related to drug poisoning in England and Wales: 2023 registrations. London: Office for National Statistics.

Lifestyles Team, NHS Digital. (2024) Smoking, drinking and drug use among young people in England, 2023. Leeds: NHS Digital.

Social Mobility Commission. (2024) Childhood origins of social mobility. London: Social Mobility Commission.

United Kingdom. Office for Health Improvement & Disparities. (2024) Deaths linked to potent synthetic opioids [England]. London: Office for Health Improvement & Disparities.

Webb, Lucy and Ralphs, Rob and Wright, Sam and Dance, Cherilyn (2024) Tackling hospital service burden of alcohol dependence in England: a service evaluation of alcohol care teams (ACTs) and care pathways for integrated care. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy , Early Online .

Hughes, Elizabeth and Harris, Jane and Ainscough, Tom and Bate, Angela and Copello, Alex and Dalkin, Sonia and Gilchrist, Gail and Griffith, Emma and Jones, Lisa and Maden, Michelle and Mitcheson, Luke and Sumnall, Harry and Walker, Charlotte (2024) Care models for coexisting serious mental health and alcohol/drug conditions: the RECO realist evidence synthesis and case study evaluation. Health Technology Assessment , 28 , (67) , pp. 1-100.

Jackson, Sarah E and Brown, Jamie and Shahab, Lion and Cox, Sharon (2024) Trends in non-daily cigarette smoking in England, 2006-2024. BMC Medicine , 22 .

Balance. (2024) Reducing alcohol harm: a blueprint for national action. Durham: Balance.

United Kingdom. Office for Health Improvement & Disparities. (2024) SPOTLIGHT: Improving inclusion health outcomes [England].

United Kingdom. Government Statistical Service. (2024) Health and care statistics for England.

United Kingdom. Gambling Commission. (2024) Young people and gambling: official statistics [England & Scotland].

United Kingdom. Office for National Statistics. (2024) Deaths related to drug poisoning by selected substances, England and Wales.

The National Organisation for FASD. (2024) Not commissioned: systemic confusion in NHS services for alcohol, pregnancy, & FASD. Hertfordshire: The National Organisation for FASD.

Burns, Elizabeth J and de Vocht, Frank and Siqueira, Noemia and Ure, Cathy and Audrey, Suzanne and Coffey, Margaret and Hare, Susan and Hargreaves, Suzy C and Hidajat, Mira and Parrott, Steve and Scott, Lauren and Cook, Penny A (2024) An 'alcohol health champions' intervention to reduce alcohol harm in local communities: a mixed-methods evaluation of a natural experiment. Public Health Research , 12 , (9) , pp. 1-135.

Domzaridou, Eleni and Allen, Thomas and Carr, Matthew J and Millar, Tim and Webb, Roger T and Ashcroft, Darren M (2024) Healthcare utilisation and associated costs for methadone versus buprenorphine recipients: examination of interlinked primary and secondary care electronic health records in England. Drug and Alcohol Review , Early Online .

United Kingdom. Department of Health & Social Care. (2024) Health trends in England.

Opazo Breton, Magdalena and Henney, Madeleine and Kersbergen, Inge and Brennan, Alan and Holmes, John (2024) Expanding our understanding of long-term trends in alcohol abstention and consumption in England (2001–19) using two age–period–cohort approaches'. Addiction , 119 , (10) , pp. 1726-1736.

Conway, Lorraine (2024) Advertising, marketing and promotion of vaping products. London: House of Commons Library.

Nottage, Matilda K and Taylor, Eve V and East, Katherine A and McNeill, Ann and Thrasher, James F and Reid, Jessica L and Hammond, David and Simonavičius, Erikas (2024) Packaging of disposable vaping products and e-liquids in England, Canada and the United States: a content analysis. Addiction , Early online .

Care Quality Commission. (2024) The safer management of controlled drugs: annual update 2023. London: Care Quality Commission.

Buss, Vera Helen and Kock, Loren and Beard, Emma and Shahab, Lion and Brown, Jamie and Jackson, Sarah (2024) Impact of Standardised Packaging of Tobacco Products Regulations on cigarette consumption and youth smoking in England: interrupted time-series analysis. Tobacco Control , Early online .

Jones, Daniel and Morgan, Amber and Moodie, Crawford and Alexandrou, Georgia and Ford, Allison and Mitchell, Danielle (2024) The role of e-cigarette packaging as a health communications tool: a focus group study with adolescents and adults in England and Scotland. Nicotine & Tobacco Research .

Jones, Daniel and Morgan, Amber and Moodie, Crawford and Alexandrou, Georgia and Ford, Allison and Mitchell, Danielle (2024) The role of e-cigarette packaging as a health communications tool: a focus group study with adolescents and adults in England and Scotland. Nicotine & Tobacco Research , Early online .

United Kingdom. Office for National Statistics. (2024) Drug related deaths where gabapentin or pregabalin were mentioned, England and Wales: 2018 to 2022. London: Office for National Statistics.

United Kingdom. Office for National Statistics. (2024) Avoidable mortality in England and Wales: 2021 and 2022.

Lees, Rachel and Lawn, Will and Petrilli, Kat and Brown, Amelia and Trinci, Katie and Borissova, Anya and Ofori, Shelan and Mokrysz, Claire and Curran, H Valerie and Hines, Lindsey A and Freeman, Tom P (2024) Persistent increased severity of cannabis use disorder symptoms in adolescents compared to adults: a one-year longitudinal study. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience , Early online .

Jackson, Sarah E and Tattan-Birch, Harry and Buss, Vera and Shahab, Lion and Brown, Jamie (2024) Trends in daily cigarette consumption among smokers: A population study in England, 2008-2023. Nicotine & Tobacco Research , Early online .

NHS England. (2024) 10-year strategic plan for the drug and alcohol treatment and recovery workforce (2024–2034). London: Department of Health and Social Care.

Read, Daniel and Cope, Ed and Taylor, Lee (2024) Snus use in English professional football. London: Loughborough University.

Jacobson, Jessica and Templeton, Lorna and Murray, Alexandra (2024) Voicing loss: a research and policy project on the role of bereaved people in coroners’ investigations and inquests. London and Bath: Institute for Crime and Justice Policy Research and Centre for Death and Society.

Maani, Nason and van Schalkwyk, May C I and Petticrew, Mark (2024) The perils of partnership: interactions between Public Health England, Drinkaware, and the Portman Group surrounding the Drink Free Days Campaign. International Journal of Health Policy and Management , 13 .

Pomfret, Alice and Schlossenberg, Shayla S and Rigoni, Rafaela and Cutter, Stephen and Schiffer, Katrin (2024) City report – London. The disproportionate harms of drug prohibition on oppressed peoples. Amsterdam: Correlation – European Harm Reduction Network.

Public Health England. (2024) UK: Liver disease profiles. URL: http://fingertips.phe.org.uk/profile/liver-disease

Home Office, Office for Health Improvement & Disparities. (2024) Drug and alcohol treatment for victims and suspects of homicide: report. London: Home office and Office for Health Improvement & Disparities.

Garnett, Claire and Oldham, Melissa and Brose, Leonie and Cheeseman, Hazel and Cox, Sharon (2024) Prevalence and characteristics of co-occurrence of smoking and increasing-and-higher-risk drinking: a population survey in England. Addictive Behaviors , 150 .

United Kingdom. Home Office. (2024) 001/2024: The Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (Amendment) Order 2024 and The Misuse of Drugs and Misuse of Drugs (Designation) (England and Wales and Scotland) (Amendment and Revocation) Regulations 2024. London: Home Office.

Duke, Karen and MacGregor, Susanne (2024) Responding to 'wicked problems': policy and governance on drug-related deaths in English and Welsh prisons, 2015-2021. International Journal of Drug Policy , 126 .

The National Confidential Inquiry into Suicide and Safety in Mental Health (NCISH). (2024) Suicide by people in contact with drug and alcohol services: a national study 2021 to 2022. Manchester: The University of Manchester.

Camacho, Christine and Webb, Roger T and Bower, Peter and Munford, Luke (2024) Risk factors for deaths of despair in England: an ecological study of local authority mortality data. Social Science & Medicine , 342 .

Buss, Vera and West, Robert and Kock, Loren and Kale, Dimitra and Brown, Jamie (2024) Smoking in England portal. URL: https://smokinginengland.info/graphs/top-line-find...

Kock, Loren and Shahab, Lion and Garnett, Claire and Oldham, Melissa and Tattan-Birch, Harry and Angus, Colin and Brose, Leonie and Brown, Jamie (2024) Brief interventions for smoking and alcohol associated with the COVID-19 pandemic: a population survey in England. BMC Public Health , 24 .

Mantzari, Eleni and Ventsel, Minna and Pechey, Emily and Lee, Ilse and Pilling, Mark A and Hollands, Gareth J and Marteau, Theresa M (2024) Impact on wine sales of removing the largest serving size by the glass: an A-B-A reversal trial in 21 pubs, bars, and restaurants in England. PLoS Medicine , 21 , (1) .

Johnsen, Sarah and Blenkinsopp, Janice (2024) Hard Edges: The reality for women affected by severe and multiple disadvantage. Edinburgh: Heriot-Watt University.

Duke, Karen and Gleeson, Helen and MacGregor, Susanne and Thom, Betsy (2024) The risk matrix: drug-related deaths in prisons in England and Wales, 2015-2020. Journal of Community Psychology , 52 , (8) , pp. 1056-1077.

Calder, Robert and Neale, J and Simonavicius, Erikas and Dyer, KD (2024) Optimizing online learning resources for substance use professionals in England: lessons from user-centered design. Drugs: Education Prevention and Policy , 31 , (3) , pp. 328-337.

Jackson, Sarah E and Cox, Sharon and Brown, Jamie (2024) Trends in cross-border and illicit tobacco purchases among people who smoke in England, 2019-2022. Tobacco Control , 33 , (5) , pp. 688-692.

Bacon, Matthew (2024) From criminalisation to harm reduction? The forms and functions of police drug diversion in England and Wales. Policing and Society , 34 , (3) , pp. 105-123.

van Hest, Naomi and Brothers, Thomas D and Williamson, Andrea and Lewer, Dan (2024) Health-care resource use among patients who use illicit opioids in England, 2010-20: a descriptive matched cohort study. Addiction , 119 , (4) , pp. 730-740.

van Hest, Naomi and Brothers, Thomas D and Williamson, Andrea and Lewer, Dan (2024) Health-care resource use among patients who use illicit opioids in England, 2010-20: a descriptive matched cohort study. Addiction , 119 , (4) , pp. 730-740.

Rashid, Theo and Bennett, James E and Muller, David C and Cross, Amanda J and Pearson-Stuttard, Jonathan and Asaria, Perviz and Iyathoo, Hima (2024) Mortality from leading cancers in districts of England from 2002 to 2019. The Lancet Oncology , 25 , (1) , pp. 86-98.

Pesola, Francesca and Smith, Katie Myers and Phillips-Waller, Anna and Przulj, Dunja and Griffiths, Christopher and Walton, Robert and McRobbie, Hayden and Coleman, Tim and Lewis, Sarah and Whitemore, Rachel and Clark, Miranda and Ussher, Michael and Sinclair, Lesley and Seager, Emily and Cooper, Sue and Bauld, Linda and Naughton, Felix and Sasieni, Peter and Manyonda, Isaac and Hajek, Peter (2024) Safety of e-cigarettes and nicotine patches as stop-smoking aids in pregnancy: Secondary analysis of the Pregnancy Trial of E-cigarettes and Patches (PREP) randomized controlled trial. Addiction , 119 , (5) , pp. 875-884.

Jackson, Sarah E and Tattan-Birch, Harry and Shahab, Lion and Oldham, Melissa and Kale, Dimitra and Brose, Leonie and Brown, Jamie (2024) Who would be affected by a ban on disposable vapes? A population study in Great Britain. Public Health , 227 , pp. 291-298.

Harris, Magdalena and Scott, Jenny and Hope, Vivian and Busza, Joanna and Sweeney, Sedona and Preston, Andrew and Southwell, Mat and Eastwood, Niamh and Vuckovic, Cedomir and McGaff, Caitlynne and Yoon, Ian and Wilkins, Louise and Ram, Shoba and Lord, Catherine and Bonnet, Philippe and Furlong, Peter and Simpson, Natasha and Slater, Holly and Platt, Lucy (2024) Safe inhalation pipe provision (SIPP): protocol for a mixed-method evaluation of an intervention to improve health outcomes and service engagement among people who use crack cocaine in England. Harm Reduction Journal , 21 .

Suhag, Alisha and Webb, Thomas L and Holmes, John (2024) Longitudinal clustering of health behaviours and their association with multimorbidity in older adults in England: a latent class analysis. PLoS ONE , 19 , (1) .

Jackson, Sarah E and Tattan-Birch, Harry and East, Katherine and Cox, Sharon and Shahab, Lion and Brown, Jamie (2024) Trends in harm perceptions of e-cigarettes vs cigarettes among adults who smoke in England, 2014-2023. JAMA Network Open , 7 , (2) .

Cordis Bright. (2024) Reviewing the impact of support to the MEAM approach network, 2022-24. London: Making Every Adult Matter.

De-Loyde, Katie and Ferrar, Jennifer and Pilling, Mark A and Hollands, Gareth J and Clarke, Natasha and Matthews, Joe A and Maynard, Olivia M and Wood, Tiffany and Heath, Carly and Munafò, Marcus R and Attwood, Angela S (2024) The impact of introducing alcohol-free beer options in bars and public houses on alcohol sales and revenue: a randomised crossover field trial. Addiction , 119 , (6) , pp. 1071-1079.

Rochester, Eleanor and Cunningham, John A (2024) Applying the Canadian low-risk gambling guidelines to gambling harm reduction in England. Journal of Gambling Studies , 40 , (1) , pp. 21-28.

Berridge, Virginia and Fairchild, Amy Lauren and Morphett, Kylie and Gartner, Coral and Hall, Wayne and Bayer, Ronald (2024) E-cigarettes: a framework for comparative history and policy. Addiction , 119 , (11) , pp. 1864-1870.

Pope, Ian and Clark, Lucy V and Clark, Allan and Ward, Emma and Belderson, Pippa and Stirling, Susan and Parrott, Steve and Li, Jinshuo and Coats, Tim and Bauld, Linda and Holland, Richard and Gentry, Sarah and Agrawal, Sanjay and Bloom, Benjamin Michael and Boyle, Adrian A and Gray, Alasdair J and Morris, M Geraint and Livingstone-Banks, Jonathan and Notley, Caitlin (2024) Cessation of Smoking Trial in the Emergency Department (COSTED): a multicentre randomised controlled trial. Emergency Medicine Journal , 41 , (5) , pp. 276-282.

Tattan-Birch, Harry and Brown, Jamie and Shahab, Lion and Beard, Emma and Jackson, Sarah E (2024) Trends in vaping and smoking following the rise of disposable e-cigarettes: a repeat cross-sectional study in England between 2016 and 2023. The Lancet Regional Health - Europe , 42 .

Jackson, Sarah E and Tattan-Birch, Harry and Shahab, Lion and Brown, Jamie (2024) Trends in long term vaping among adults in England, 2013-23: population based study. BMJ , 386 .

Ward, Emma and Belderson, Pippa and Clark, Allan and Stirling, Susan and Clark, Lucy and Pope, Ian and Notley, Caitlin (2024) How do people quit smoking using e-cigarettes? A mixed-methods exploration of participant smoking pathways following receiving an opportunistic e-cigarette-based smoking cessation intervention. Addiction , 119 , (12) , pp. 2185-2196.

Morris, Damon and Angus, Colin and Gillespie, Duncan and Stevely, Abigail K and Pryce, Robert and Wilson, Luke and Henney, Madeleine and Meier, Petra S and Holmes, John and Brennan, Alan (2024) Estimating the effect of transitioning to a strength-based alcohol tax system on alcohol consumption and health outcomes: a modelling study of tax reform in England. The Lancet Public Health , 9 , (10) .

Jackson, Sarah E and Oldham, Melissa and Angus, Colin and Garnett, Claire and Wilson, Luke and Holmes, John and Brown, Jamie (2024) Trends in alcohol expenditure among risky drinkers: a population study in England, 2014–2023. International Journal of Drug Policy , 133 .

Measham, Fiona and McCormack, Mark and Simmons, Henry and Wignall, Liam (2024) Poppers, the politics of exemption and the characteristics of poppers users in the annual English festival study, 2014–23. The British Journal of Criminology .

United Kingdom. Office for Health Improvement & Disparities. (2024) Child and maternal health [England].

Breen, Paul and Smith, Rebecca (2023) Deaths related to drug poisoning in England and Wales: 2022 registrations. London: Office of National Statistics.

Office for Health Improvement & Disparities. (2023) Gambling treatment need and support in England: main findings and methodology. Office for Health Improvement & Disparities.

NHS Benchmarking Network. (2023) The National Drug and Alcohol Treatment and Recovery Services workforce report: England workforce data (2022-23). London: NHS England.

Edmundson, Claire and Croxford, Sara and Emanuel, Eva and Njoroge, Jacquelyn and Ijaz, Samreen and Hope, Vivian and Phipps, Emily and Desai, Monica (2023) Recent increases in crack injection and associated risk factors among people who inject psychoactive drugs in England and Wales. International Journal of Drug Policy , Early online .

Stevens, Alex and Hendrie, Nadine and Bacon, Matthew and Parrott, Steve and Monaghan, Mark and Williams, Emma and Lewer, Dan and Moore, Amber and Berlin, Jenni and Cunliffe, Jack and Quinton, Paul (2023) Evaluating police drug diversion in England: protocol for a realist evaluation. Health & Justice , 11 .

Jackson, Sarah E and Tattan-Birch, Harry and Brown, Jamie (2023) Trends in where people buy their vaping products and differences by user and device characteristics: a population study in England, 2016-23. Addiction , Early online .

United Kingdom. Office for Health Improvement & Disparities, NHS England. (2023) OHID and NHS England’s Drug and alcohol treatment and recovery workforce transformation programme. Briefing #2. London: NHS England.

Hulbert, Sabina and Eida, Tamsyn and Ferris, Erica and Hrytsenko, Viktoriia and Kendall, Sally (2023) HBSC England national report: findings from the 2021-2022 HBSC study for England. University of Kent.

Whitehead, Stephen and Page, Sarah and Jeffery, Hannah and McCormack, Fiona (2023) Exploring women’s experience of drug and alcohol treatment in the West Midlands. London: Centre for Justice Innovation.

Davies, Miranda and Hutchings, Rachel and Keeble, Eilís (2023) Growing up inside: understanding the key health care issues for young people in young offender institutions and prisons. London: Nuffield Trust.

McGeoch, Luke and Ewbank, Leo and Dun-Campbell, Kate and Burale, Hanan and O’Brien, Sally and Mulrenan, Claire and Briggs, Adam (2023) Briefing: Addressing the leading risk factors for ill health – a framework for local government action. London: The Health Foundation.

Stevely, Abigail K and Gray, Laura L and Fairbrother, Hannah and Fenton, Laura and Henney, Madeleine and Holmes, John (2023) A latent class analysis of change and continuity in adolescent health and wellbeing in England during the decline in youth alcohol consumption: a repeat cross-sectional study. Preventive Medicine Reports , 36 .

WithYou. (2023) Accessing support in the digital age: the impact of WithYou’s webchat service. London: WithYou.

Turning Point. (2023) A sobering thought: the scale of alcohol harm and what we can do about it. London: Turning Point.

Addison, Michelle and Lhussier, Monique and Bambra, Clare (2023) Relational stigma as a social determinant of health: “I'm not what you _____see me as”. SSM - Qualitative Research in Health , 4 .

Appleby, John and Georghiou, Theo and Ledger, Jean and Rolewicz, Lucina and Sherlaw-Johnson, Chris and Tomini, Sonila M and Frerich, Jason M and Ng, Pei Li (2023) Youth violence intervention programme for vulnerable young people attending emergency departments in London: a rapid evaluation. Health and Social Care Delivery Research , 11 , (10) , pp. 1-122.

Tavistock Institute of Human Relations. (2023) Evaluation of the Children of Alcohol Dependent Parents programme innovation fund: full report. London: Department of Health and Social Care.

Greater Manchester Combined Authority, Manchester Metropolitan University. (2023) Greater Manchester: testing and research on emergent and new drugs no.2. 2022 monitoring cycle full report. Manchester: Manchester Metropolitan University.

Whitaker, Victoria and Curtis, Penny and Fairbrother, Hannah and Oldham, Melissa and Holmes, John (2023) Young people’s explanations for the decline in youth drinking in England. BMC Public Health , 23 , (402) .

Begley, Emma K and Poole, Helen M and Sumnall, Harry R and Frank, Bernhard F and Montgomery, Catharine (2023) Opioid prescribing and social deprivation: a retrospective analysis of prescribing for CNCP in Liverpool CCG. PLoS ONE , 18 , (3) .

Fraser, Catriona and Giles, Lucie (2023) The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on alcohol consumption and harm in Scotland and England: an evidence summary. Edinburgh: Public Health Scotland.

Fenton, Laura and Fairbrother, Hannah and Whitaker, Victoria and Henney, Madeleine and Stevely, Abigail K and Holmes, John (2023) ‘When I came to university, that’s when the real shift came’: alcohol and belonging in English higher education. Journal of Youth Studies .

Clarke, Natasha and Blackwell, Anna K M and Ferrar, Jennifer and De-Loyde, Katie and Pilling, Mark A and Munafò, Marcus R and Marteau, Theresa M and Hollands, Gareth J (2023) Impact on alcohol selection and online purchasing of changing the proportion of available non-alcoholic versus alcoholic drinks: a randomised controlled trial. PLoS Medicine , 20 , (3) .

Public Health England. (2023) Wider Impacts of COVID-19 on Health (WICH) monitoring tool. URL: https://analytics.phe.gov.uk/apps/covid-19-indirec...

Arshad, Humairah and Jackson, Sarah E and Kock, Loren and Ide-Walters, Charlotte and Tattan-Birch, Harry (2023) What drives public perceptions of e-cigarettes? A mixed-methods study exploring reasons behind adults' perceptions of e-cigarettes in Northern England. Drug and Alcohol Dependence , 245 .

Ujhelyi Gomez, Katalin and McBride, Orla and Roberts, Emmert and Angus, Colin and Keyes, Katherine and Drummond, Colin and Buchan, Iain and Fleming, Kate and Gilmore, Ian and Donoghue, Kim and Bonnet, Laura and Goodwin, Laura (2023) The clustering of physical health conditions and associations with co-occurring mental health problems and problematic alcohol use: a cross-sectional study. BMC Psychiatry , 89 .

National Audit Office. (2023) Alcohol treatment services: a briefing by the National Audit Office. London: National Audit Office.

HCVAction. (2023) Taking the initiative: how England is eliminating hepatitis C. HCVAction.

Bryant, Lucy (2023) Patterns in alcohol related violence: exploring recent declines in alcohol related violence in England and Wales. London: Institute of Alcohol Studies.

NHS Benchmarking Network. (2023) Drug and alcohol treatment and recovery services: National workforce census 2022. London: NHS Health Education England.

Office for Health Improvement & Disparities, NHS Health Education England. (2023) Drug and alcohol treatment and recovery workforce programme. URL: https://www.hee.nhs.uk/our-work/mental-health/drug...

East, Katherine A and Miller, Connor R and Hitchman, Sara C and McNeill, Ann and Tompkins, Charlotte N E (2023) 'It's not what you'd term normal smoking': a qualitative exploration of language used to describe heated tobacco product use and associated user identity. Addiction , 118 , (3) , pp. 533-538.

Rooney, Brian and Sobiecka, Pola and Rock, Kirsten and Copeland, Caroline (2023) From bumps to binges: overview of deaths associated with cocaine in England, Wales and Northern Ireland (2000-2019). Journal of Analytical Toxicology , 47 , (3) , pp. 207-215.

Ashworth, Emma and Jarman, Ian and McCabe, Phillippa and McCarthy, Molly and Provazza, Serena and Crosbie, Vivienne and Quigg, Zara and Saini, Pooja (2023) Suicidal crisis among children and young people: associations with adverse childhood experiences and socio-demographic factors. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , 20 , (2) .

United Kingdom. Office for Health Improvement and Disparities. (2023) The economic and social cost of harms associated with gambling in England. Evidence update 2023. London: Office for Health Improvement and Disparities.

Brennan, Alan and Angus, Colin and Pryce, Robert and Buykx, Penny and Henney, Madeleine and Gillespie, Duncan and Holmes, John and Meier, Petra S (2023) Effectiveness of subnational implementation of minimum unit price for alcohol: policy appraisal modelling for local authorities in England. Addiction , 118 , (5) , pp. 819-833.

Jackson, Sarah E and Guo, Xiaotang and Holmes, John and Brown, Jamie (2023) Trends in public awareness and knowledge of drinking guidelines: a representative population survey in England, 2016-2022. Alcohol and Alcoholism , 58 , (4) , pp. 415-425.

Paris, Alvar and Lake, Luke and Joseph, Albert and Workman, Anna and Walton, Joseph and Hayton, Tom and Evangelou, Nikos and Lilleker, James B and Ayling, Ruth M and Nicholl, David and Noyce, Alastair J (2023) Nitrous oxide-induced subacute combined degeneration of the cord: diagnosis and treatment. Practical Neurology , 23 , (3) , pp. 222-228.

Lohner, Valerie and McNeill, Ann and Schneider, Sven and Vollstädt-Klein, Sabine and Andreas, Marike and Szafran, Daria and Grundinger, Nadja and Demjén, Tibor and Fernandez, Esteve and Przewozniak, Krzysztof and Tountas, Yannis and Trofor, Antigona and Zatonski, Witold and Willemsen, Marc C and Vardavas, Constantine and Fong, Geoffrey T and Mons, Ute (2023) Understanding perceived addiction to and addictiveness of electronic cigarettes among electronic cigarette users: a cross-sectional analysis of the International Tobacco Control Smoking and Vaping (ITC 4CV) England Survey. Addiction , 118 , (7) , pp. 1282-1294.

Lewer, Dan and Brothers, Thomas D and Gasparrini, Antonio and Strang, John (2023) Seasonal, weekly and other cyclical patterns in deaths due to drug poisoning in England and Wales. Addiction , 118 , (8) , pp. 1596-1601.

Mair, Devan and Paris, Alvar and Zaloum, Safiya A and White, Laura M and Dodd, Katherine C and Englezou, Christina and Patel, Farhin and Abualnaja, Siraj and Lilleker, James B and Gosal, David and Hayton, Tom and Liang, Di and Allroggen, Holger and Pucci, Mark and Keddie, Stephen and Noyce, Alastair J (2023) Nitrous oxide-induced myeloneuropathy: a case series. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry , 94 , (4) , pp. 681-688.

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This list was generated on Thu Feb 13 04:52:41 2025 GMT.