United Kingdom. Office for National Statistics. (2016) Deaths related to drug poisoning in England and Wales: 2015 registrations. London: Office for National Statistics.
External website: http://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity...
Table of contents
- Main points
- Statistician’s quote
- Things you need to know
- Number of drug-related deaths increase again to highest level recorded
- Drug misuse deaths increased significantly in males but remained stable in females
- How to interpret data on deaths involving specific substances
- Deaths involving substances that are commonly abused
- Over half of drug deaths involve an opioid
- Deaths involving heroin and/or morphine doubled in the last 3 years and are now the highest on record
- Deaths involving tramadol fell for the first time
- Cocaine-related deaths reach an all time high
- Amphetamine deaths (including ecstasy) continue to climb
- Deaths involving new psychoactive substances (so called “legal highs”) increase again in 2015
- Diazepam deaths remain stable in 2015
- Deaths involving medicinal substances
- Paracetamol-related deaths remain stable in 2015
- Deaths involving zopiclone and zolpidem fall slightly in 2015
- Deaths involving antidepressants go down in 2015
- Deaths involving antipsychotics decrease by 20% in 2015
- Propranolol deaths continue to rise
- People aged 30 to 49 have the highest rate of drug misuse deaths
- North East had the highest drug misuse mortality rate in England in 2015
- Comparisons with other countries
- Most drug misuse deaths are accidental poisonings
- Impact of registration delays on drug misuse deaths
- Links to related ONS information
- Quality and methodology
- References
Item Type
Publication Type
International, Report
Drug Type
All substances, Opioid
Intervention Type
Harm reduction
September 2016
Office for National Statistics
Corporate Creators
United Kingdom. Office for National Statistics
Place of Publication
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