Home > The drug treatment outcomes research study (DTORS): baseline report. Research report 3.

Jones, Andrew and Weston, Samantha and Moody, Alison and Millar, Tim and Dollin, Laura and Anderson, Tracy (2007) The drug treatment outcomes research study (DTORS): baseline report. Research report 3. London: Home Office.

PDF (The drug treatment outcomes research study (DTORS): baseline report. Research report 3) - Published Version

The Drug Treatment Outcomes Research Study has been designed to update existing knowledge on the effectiveness of drug treatment in England. Within the context of changing patterns of drug use and an expansion in criminal justice referrals, this study aims to measure the outcomes experienced by those seeking drug treatment. The study comprises of three key elements, operated over a three-year period, namely: a quantitative study of outcomes; a qualitative study of treatment�related issues; and a cost benefi ts analysis. This report describes the fi ndings from the quantitative study baseline interviews. The sample of drug treatment seekers in this study is broadly representative of all drug treatment seekers in England

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