Home > Do we inadvertently make it hard to start and stay with alcohol treatment?

Drug and Alcohol Findings. (2016) Do we inadvertently make it hard to start and stay with alcohol treatment? Drug and Alcohol Findings Research Analysis, (13 December 2016),

PDF (Navigating the alcohol treatment pathway: A qualitative study from the service users’ perspective.)

External website: http://findings.org.uk/PHP/dl.php?file=Gilburt_H_1...

Patient interviews provide insight into low levels of engagement and retention in alcohol treatment services, hindering the effective provision of treatment for dependent drinkers. Findings suggest that treatment pathways should better reflect the capacity and capabilities of people with alcohol dependence.

Key points From summary and commentary
• Low levels of engagement and retention are hindering the effective provision of treatment for dependent drinkers in the England.
• Interviews with 20 patients in community alcohol treatment services in London reveal that treatment pathways can be confusing and unpredictable, requiring patients to draw on significant levels of motivation and self-efficacy.
• Treatment pathways should better reflect the capacity and capabilities of patients, themselves affected by alcohol dependence

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