Home > Health trends in England.

United Kingdom. Department of Health & Social Care. (2024) Health trends in England.

External website: https://fingertips.phe.org.uk/static-reports/healt...

Health trends in England presents information about the health of people in England and how it has changed over time. Topics presented include risk factors, disease prevalence and outcomes. Data is presented for the whole of England and its regions. Includes data on:

Alcohol in England

  • Hospital admissions for alcohol-related conditions
  • Alcohol-related mortality
  • Hospital admissions for alcohol-specific conditions in under 18s
  • Successful completion of alcohol treatment
  • Deaths from alcoholic liver disease, ages under 75
  • Deaths from liver disease, ages under 75
  • Incidence of alcohol-related cancer

Smoking in England

  • Adult smoking prevalence
  • Prevalence of regular smoking age 15
  • Mothers who smoke
  • Hospital admissions attributable to smoking
  • Deaths attributable to smoking
  • Successful smoking quitters

Also data on Life expectancy, Cardiovascular disease, Respiratory disease, Cancer, Musculoskeletal health, Mental health, and Wider determinants of health

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