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Care Quality Commission. (2024) The safer management of controlled drugs: annual update 2023. London: Care Quality Commission.

Ireland. Department of Health. (2024) Digital for care — a digital health framework for Ireland 2024-2030. Dublin: Department of Health.

Rajan, Dheepa and Rouleau, Katherine and Winkelmann, Juliane and Jakab, Melitta and Kringos, Dionne and Khalid, Faraz (2024) Implementing the primary health care approach: a primer. Geneva: World Health Organization.

Shine, Conan and Hennessy, Mark (2024) Hospital performance: an examination of trends in activity, expenditure and workforce in publicly funded acute hospitals in Ireland. Dublin: Irish Government Economic and Evaluation Service Research Services & Policy Unit, Department of Health.

Pomfret, Alice and Iatco, A and Rigoni, Rafaela and Schiffer, Katrin (2024) City report – Bălţi. Violating confidentiality: the disclosure of medical data of people who use drugs. Amsterdam: Correlation – European Harm Reduction Network.

Health Service Executive. (2024) Health and wellbeing key performance indicator metadata 2024. Dublin: Health Service Executive.

Health Service Executive. (2024) Social inclusion services key performance indicator metadata 2024. Dublin: Health Service Executive.

National Patient Safety Office. (2024) National Healthcare Quality Reporting System: report 2023. Dublin: Department of Health.

Editorial Board. (2024) Harm reduction journal. URL: https://harmreductionjournal.biomedcentral.com/

European Union Drugs Agency. (2024) EUDA Best practice portal. URL: https://www.euda.europa.eu/best-practice_en

BMJ. (2024) BMJ Best practice: psychiatry. URL: https://bestpractice.bmj.com/specialties/18/Psychi...

World Health Organization, International Association of National Public Health Institutes. (2024) Application of the essential public health functions: an integrated and comprehensive approach to public health. Geneva: World Health Organization.

World Health Organization. (2024) Operational framework for monitoring social determinants of health equity. Geneva: World Health Organization.

Ireland. Department of Health. (2023) Health System Performance Assessment (HSPA) platform [Ireland].

(2023) Alcohol, other drugs, and health: current evidence newsletter. . Boston: Boston University School of Medicine/Boston Medical Center.

McLaughlin, Patrick and Brady, Philip and Carabellese, Felice and Carabellese, Fulvio and Parente, Lia and Uhrskov Sorensen, Lisbeth and Jeandarme, Ingeborg and Habets, Petra and Simpson, Alexander I F and Davoren, Mary and Kennedy, Harry G (2023) Excellence in forensic psychiatry services: international survey of qualities and correlates. BJPsych Open , 9 , (6) .

Health Service Executive. (2023) Social inclusion services: key performance indicator metadata 2023. Dublin: Health Service Executive.

Craig, Michelle and Notarandrea, R (2023) Accountability for safe, quality care in bed-based addiction treatment. Ottawa: Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction.

Health Service Executive. (2023) Health and wellbeing key performance indicator metadata 2023. Dublin: Health Service Executive.

McDonald, Scott A and Myring, Gareth and Palmateer, Norah E and McAuley, Andrew and Beer, Lewis and Dillon, John F and Hollingworth, William and Gunson, Rory and Hickman, Matthew and Hutchinson, Sharon J (2023) Improved health-related quality of life after hepatitis C viraemic clearance among people who inject drugs may not be durable. Addiction , 118 , (7) , pp. 1340-1350.

Kelly, Yvonne and O'Rourke, Niamh and Flynn, Rachel and O'Connor, Laura and Hegarty, Josephine (2023) Factors that influence the implementation of (inter)nationally endorsed health and social care standards: a systematic review and meta-summary. BMJ Quality & Safety , 32 , (12) , pp. 750-762.

Scottish Drugs Forum. (2022) MAT standard 8 - towards implementation: the MAT standards webinar series. All people have access to independent advocacy and support for housing, welfare and income needs. Scottish Drugs Forum.

Ireland. Department of Health. (2022) National Cancer Strategy 2017-2026: implementation report 2021. Dublin: Department of Health.

Scottish Drugs Forum. (2022) MAT standard 7 - towards implementation: the MAT standards webinar series. All people have the option of MAT shared with Primary Care. Scottish Drugs Forum.

Scottish Drugs Forum. (2022) MAT standard 6 - towards implementation: the MAT standards webinar series. The system that provides MAT is psychologically informed (tier 1); routinely delivers evidence-based low intensity psychosocial interventions (tier 2); and supports individuals to grow social networks. Scottish Drugs Forum.

Scottish Drugs Forum. (2022) MAT standard 5 - towards implementation: the MAT standards webinar series. All people will receive support to remain in treatment for as long as requested. Scottish Drugs Forum.

Scottish Drugs Forum. (2022) MAT standard 4 - towards implementation: the MAT standards webinar series. All people are offered evidence-based harm reduction at the point of MAT delivery. Scottish Drugs Forum.

Scottish Drugs Forum. (2022) MAT standard 3 - towards implementation: the MAT standards webinar series. All people at high risk of drug-related harm are proactively identified and offered support to commence or continue MAT. Scottish Drugs Forum.

Scottish Drugs Forum. (2022) MAT standard 2 - towards implementation: the MAT standards webinar series. All people are supported to make an informed choice on what medication to use for MAT, and the appropriate dose. Scottish Drugs Forum.

National Patient Safety Office. (2022) National Healthcare Quality Reporting System: report 2021/2022. Dublin: Department of Health.

Scottish Drugs Forum. (2022) MAT standard 1 - Towards implementation: The MAT standards webinar series. All people accessing services have the option to start MAT from the same day of presentation. Scottish Drugs Forum.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2022) Adapting evidence-based practices for under-resourced populations. Rockville, MD: National Mental Health and Substance Use Policy Laboratory. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

Health Service Executive. (2022) Social inclusion services: key performance indicator metadata 2022. Dublin: Health Service Executive.

Health Service Executive. (2022) Population health and wellbeing key performance indicator metadata 2022. Dublin: Health Service Executive.

HSE Community Operations Infection Prevention & Control Nursing Teams. (2022) Community infection prevention and control manual: a practical guide to implementing standard and transmission-based precautions in community health and social care settings. Dublin: Health Service Executive.

[Department of Health] Ministers for Health establish the Public Health Reform Expert Advisory Group. (25 Jan 2022)

Doody, E and Malone, A and Gallagher, B and Hopkins, K and Weir, D and Kowalska-Beda, P and Naughton, M (2022) Quality improvement within a mental health setting: alcohol detoxification. Irish Medical Journal , 115 , (1) , pp. 516-524.

Galvani, Sarah (2022) Substance use and palliative care,. URL: https://endoflifecaresubstanceuse.com/

National Women's Council. (2021) Improving the healthcare outcomes and experiences of the healthcare system for marginalised women. Dublin: Department of Health.

Scottish Drugs Forum. (2021) Medication Assisted Treatment: Service evaluation of people's experience of accessing MAT in 6 health board areas across Scotland. Edinburgh: Scottish Drugs Forum.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2021) Treatment for stimulant use disorders. Rockville, MD: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe. (2021) The WHO Prison Health Framework: a framework for assessment of prison health system performance. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe.

Ireland. Department of Health. (2021) Health System Performance Assessment (HSPA) framework. Dublin: Department of Health.

Carroll, Christopher and Evans, Katie and Elmusharaf, Khalifa and O'Donnell, Patrick and Dee, Anne and O'Donovan, Diarmuid and Casey, Marie (2021) A review of the inclusion of equity stratifiers for the measurement of health inequalities within health and social care data collections in Ireland. BMC Public Health , 21 , (1) , p. 1705.

Health Information and Quality Authority. (2021) Overview report on the monitoring and regulation of healthcare services in 2020. Dublin: HIQA.

Health Information and Quality Authority. (2021) Health Information and Quality Authority annual report 2020. Dublin: HIQA.

Ireland. Department of Health. (2021) National Cancer Strategy 2017-2026: implementation report 2020. Dublin: Department of Health.

Louie, Eva and Barrett, Emma L and Baillie, Andrew and Haber, Paul and Morley, Kirsten C (2021) A systematic review of evidence-based practice implementation in drug and alcohol settings: applying the consolidated framework for implementation research framework. Implementation Science , 16 , (1) , p. 22.

Quality Matters. (2021) A guide for drug and alcohol and homeless services on standards and good practice on accessibility and inclusion for people from migrant communities. Dublin: Community Response and South Inner City Drug and Alcohol Task Force.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2021) Advisory: Comprehensive case management for substance use disorder treatment. Rockville, MD: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

National Patient Safety Office. (2020) National Healthcare Quality Reporting System annual report 2020. Dublin: Department of Health.

Drug and Alcohol Findings. (2020) Alcohol treatment matrix cell E4: Treatment systems - psychosocial therapies. Drug and Alcohol Findings Alcohol Treatment Matrix , 8 p..

Drug and Alcohol Findings. (2020) Drug treatment matrix cell C4: Management/supervision - psychosocial therapies. Drug and Alcohol Findings Drug Treatment Matrix .

Drug and Alcohol Findings. (2020) Alcohol treatment matrix cell E3: treatment systems - medical treatment. Drug and Alcohol Findings Alcohol Treatment Matrix .

Drug and Alcohol Findings. (2020) Drug treatment matrix cell E3: Treatment systems - medical treatment. Drug and Alcohol Findings Drug Treatment Matrix .

Buykx, Penny and Irving, Andy and Gavens, Lucy (2020) Local alcohol treatment and recovery service commissioning practices and their perceived outcomes for service provision: an in-depth exploration. London: Alcohol Change UK.

Health Information and Quality Authority. (2020) Health Information and Quality Authority annual report 2019. Dublin: HIQA.

European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. (2020) Guidance for health system contingency planning during widespread transmission of SARS-CoV-2 with high impact on healthcare services. Stockholm: ECDC.

Drug and Alcohol Findings. (2020) Drug treatment matrix cell D2: organisational functioning - generic and cross-cutting issues. Drug and Alcohol Findings Drug Treatment Matrix .

Drug and Alcohol Findings. (2020) Alcohol treatment matrix cell E1: Treatment systems; Screening and brief intervention. Drug and Alcohol Findings Alcohol Treatment Matrix .

Drug and Alcohol Findings. (2020) Alcohol treatment matrix cell D2: Organisational functioning; Generic and cross-cutting issues. Drug and Alcohol Findings Alcohol Treatment Matrix .

Institute for Research and Development 'Utrip', IREFREA, Ana Liffey Drug Project, Civil Society Forum on Drugs. (2020) Guidelines and recommendations for the implementation of minimum quality standards in drug demand reduction in the European Union by civil society organisations (CSOs). Amsterdam: Civil Society Forum on Drugs.

Public Health Institute, Liverpool John Moores University, Public Health Wales. (2020) Facilitators and barriers to health care access amongst people using image and performance enhancing drugs in Wales. Cardiff: Public Health Wales.

Health Information and Quality Authority. (2019) Guidance on a human rights-based approach in health and social care services. Dublin: HIQA.

Lyons, Suzi (2019) Second National Intracultural Health Strategy 2018–2023. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 70, Summer 2019 , pp. 23-24.

Comiskey, Catherine and Galligan, Karen and Flanagan, Jean and Deegan, Joan and Farnann, Jane and Hall, Aine (2019) Clients' views on the importance of a nurse-led approach and nurse prescribing in the development of the healthy addiction treatment recovery model. Journal of Addictions Nursing , 30 , (3) , pp. 169-176.

Health Service Executive. (2019) Social inclusion. Key performance indicator metadata 2019. Dublin: Health Service Executive.

Witham, Gary and Galvani, Sarah and Peacock, Marian (2019) End of life care for people with alcohol and drug problems: Findings from a rapid evidence assessment. Health and Social Care in the Community .

Ireland. Department of Health. (2019) Sláintecare action plan 2019 - mid-year deliverables report. Dublin: Department of Health.

Kennelly, Helen (2019) Resilience in the face of trauma: implications for service delivery. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 69, Spring 2019 , pp. 21-22.

Ireland. Department of Health. (2019) National Cancer Strategy 2017-2026: implementation report 2018. Dublin: Department of Health.

Donelly, Sarah and O’Brien, Marita (2019) The case for change, key developments and next steps for adult safeguarding in Ireland. Summary of findings. Dublin: Senator Colette Kelleher.

Mental Health Commission. (2019) Mental Health Commission annual report 2018: including report of the Inspector of Mental Health Services. Dublin: Mental Health Commission.

South East Community Healthcare. (2019) South East Community Healthcare: Healthy Ireland implementation plan 2019-2022. Kilkenny: South East Community Healthcare.

Klimas, Jan and Fairgrieve, Christopher and Tobin, Helen and Field, Catherine-Anne and O'Gorman, Clodagh SM and Glynn, Liam G and Keenan, Eamon and Saunders, Jean and Bury, Gerard and Dunne, Colum and Cullen, Walter (2018) Psychosocial interventions to reduce alcohol consumption in concurrent problem alcohol and illicit drug users. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews , 12 .

Health Information and Quality Authority. (2018) National standards for children’s residential centres. Dublin: HIQA.

Dillon, Lucy (2018) Quality and Capacity Building Initiative (QCBI). Drugnet Ireland , Issue 67, Autumn 2018 , pp. 4-5.

European Association for the Study of the Liver. (2018) EASL recommendations on treatment of Hepatitis C 2018. Journal of Hepatology , 69 , (2) .

Bach-Mortensen, Anders Malthe and Lange, Brittany C L and Montgomery, Paul (2018) Barriers and facilitators to implementing evidence-based interventions among third sector organisations: a systematic review. Implementation Science , 13 , (1) , p. 103.

Mental Health Commission. (2018) Mental Health Commission annual report 2017: including report of the Inspector of Mental Health Services. Dublin: Mental Health Commission.

Drug and Alcohol Findings. (2018) Alcohol treatment matrix cell D4: Organisational functioning - psychosocial therapies. Drug and Alcohol Findings Alcohol Treatment Matrix .

Ronellenfitsch, Ulrich (2018) Clinical question: What are the benefits and harms of glucocorticosteroids in adults with alcoholic hepatitis? Cochrane Clinical Answers .

Drug and Alcohol Findings. (2018) Drug treatment matrix cell D3: Organisational functioning - medical treatment. Drug and Alcohol Findings Drug Treatment Matrix .

CHO Dublin North City and County. (2018) Community Health Organisation Dublin North City & County Healthy Ireland implementation plan 2018 - 2022. Dublin: CHO Dublin North City and County.

Health Service Executive. (2018) CHO 1 Traveller health strategic plan 2018 - 2022. Dublin: Health Service Executive.

Drug and Alcohol Findings. (2018) Drug treatment matrix cell C3: Management/supervision - medical treatment. Drug and Alcohol Findings Drug Treatment Matrix .

Kaner, Eileen FS and Beyer, Fiona and Muirhead, Colin and Campbell, Fiona and Pienaar, Elizabeth and Bertholet, Nicholas and Daeppen, Jean B and Saunders, John B and Burnand, Bernard (2018) Effectiveness of brief alcohol interventions in primary care populations. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews , (2) .

Galvin, Brian (2018) EMCDDA publishes guide on evidence-based responses to drug problems. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 64, Winter 2018 , pp. 18-20.

Quanbeck, Andrew and Brown, Randall T and Zgierska, Aleksandra E and Jacobson, Nora and Robinson, James M and Johnson, Roberta A and Deyo, Brienna M and Madden, Lynn and Tuan, Wen-Jan and Alagoz, Esra (2018) A randomized matched-pairs study of feasibility, acceptability, and effectiveness of systems consultation: a novel implementation strategy for adopting clinical guidelines for opioid prescribing in primary care. Implementation Science , 13 , (1) , p. 21.

National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2018) Principles of drug addiction treatment: a research based guide. Bethesda, MD: National Institute on Drug Abuse.

Drug and Alcohol Findings. (2018) Drug treatment matrix cell E2: Treatment systems - Generic and cross-cutting issues. Drug and Alcohol Findings Drug Treatment Matrix .

Health Service Executive. (2018) Health Service Executive annual report and financial statements 2017. Dublin: Health Service Executive.

World Health Organization. (2018) WHO Mental Health Gap Action Programme (mhGAP). Geneva: World Health Organization.

Health Service Executive, Human Resources Division, Organisation Development and Design. (2018) People’s needs defining change: health services change guide. Kells, Co Meath: Health Service Executive.

Community Healthcare West. (2018) Community Healthcare West Galway, Mayo and Roscommon Healthy Ireland implementation plan 2018 - 2022. Galway: Community Healthcare West.

Cork Kerry Community Healthcare. (2018) COMPASS: Healthy Ireland implementation plan 2018 - 2022. Cork: Cork Kerry Community Healthcare.

Community Healthcare East. (2018) Community Healthcare East Healthy Ireland plan 2018 - 2023 (Dublin South East, Dún Laoghaire & Wicklow). Dublin: Community Healthcare East.

Community Healthcare Dublin South, Kildare & West Wicklow. (2018) HSE Community Healthcare Dublin South, Kildare & West Wicklow Healthy Ireland implementation plan 2018-2022. Dublin: Community Healthcare Dublin South, Kildare & West Wicklow.

Midlands Louth Meath CHO. (2018) Midlands Louth Meath CHO implementation plan 2018 – 2022. Louth: Midlands Louth Meath CHO.

Community Healthcare Organisation area 1. (2018) Community Healthcare Organisation area 1 Healthy Ireland implementation plan 2018-2022. Sligo: Community Healthcare Organisation area 1.

Pobal. (2018) Managing better - guidance in how to effect good governance in practice. Dublin: Pobal.

Clinical Guidelines on Drug Misuse and Dependence Update 2017 Independent Expert Working Group. (2017) Drug misuse and dependence. UK guidelines on clinical management. London: Department of Health.

Burch, Jane and Tort, Sera (2017) Clinical question: What are the effects of glucocorticosteroids and/or pentoxifylline in people with alcohol‐related liver disease? Cochrane Clinical Answers .

Sumnall, Harry and Bates, Geoff and Jones, Lisa (2017) Evidence review summary: drug demand reduction, treatment and harm reduction. Lisbon: European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction.

Liu, Jia and Wang, Lunig (2017) Baclofen for alcohol withdrawal. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews , (8) .

Health Service Executive. (2017) Health Service Executive annual report and financial statements 2016. Health Service Executive.

McDaid, Shari and Ní Bheara, Anna (2017) The advocacy needs of mental health service users living in the community: a pilot study. Dublin: Mental Health Reform.

Gowing, Linda and Ali, Robert and White, Jason M (2017) Opioid antagonists with minimal sedation for opioid withdrawal. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews , (6) .

Health Service Executive. (2017) Health service performance report October - December 2016. Dublin: Health Service Executive.

Gowing, Linda and Ali, Robert and White, Jason M (2017) Buprenorphine for managing opioid withdrawal. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews , (2) .

Health Service Executive. (2017) Health service performance report August/September 2016. Dublin: Health Service Executive.

Ryan, Sara and Hislop, Jenny and Ziebland, Sue (2017) Do we all agree what "good health care" looks like? Views from those who are "seldom heard" in health research, policy and service improvement. Health Expectations , 20 , (5) , pp. 878-885.

Recovery Group UK. (2016) Quality standard frameworks for community treatment. London: Recovery Partnership.

Magalhães, Pedro V (2016) Clinical question: What are the effects of brief interventions in heavy alcohol users admitted to general hospital wards? Cochrane Clinical Answers .

Health Service Executive. (2016) Health service annual report and financial statements 2015. Dublin: Health Service Executive.

Gruenebaum, Dane (2016) Clinical question: How does pentoxifylline affect outcomes in people with alcoholic hepatitis? Cochrane Clinical Answers .

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 37 - Mental health services [Standards] [20946/16]. (12 Jul 2016)

Health Service Executive. (2016) Health Service performance report March/April 2016. Dublin: Health Service Executive.

Guerrero, Erick G and Padwa, Howard and Fenwick, Karissa and Harris, Lesley M and Aarons, Gregory A (2016) Identifying and ranking implicit leadership strategies to promote evidence-based practice implementation in addiction health services. Implementation Science , 11 , (69) , p. 69.

Gowing, Linda and Farrell, Michael and Ali, Robert and White, Jason M (2016) Alpha2-adrenergic agonists for the management of opioid withdrawal. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews , (5) .

Pike, Brigid (2016) HSE National Service Plan 2016. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 57, Spring 2016 , pp. 26-27.

Health Service Executive. (2016) Health service performance report January/February 2016. Dublin: Health Service Executive.

NHS England. (2016) Improving the physical health of people with serious mental illness. A practical toolkit. London: NHS England.

Lau, Rosa and Stevenson, Fiona and Ong, Bie Nio and Dziedzic, Krysia and Treweek, Shaun and Eldridge, Sandra and Everitt, Hazel and Kennedy, Anne and Qureshi, Nadeem and Rogers, Anne and Peacock, Richard and Murray, Elizabeth (2016) Achieving change in primary care - causes of the evidence to practice gap: systematic reviews of reviews. Implementation Science , 11 , (40) , p. 40.

Indave, Blanca I and Minozzi, Silvia and Pani, Pier Paolo and Amato, Laura (2016) Antipsychotic medications for cocaine dependence. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews , (3) .

Health Service Executive. (2016) Health service performance report December 2015. Dublin: Health Service Executive.

Moriarty, Jo and Manthorpe, Jill (2016) The effectiveness of social work with adults. A systematic scoping review. London: King’s College London.

Houses of the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Health and Children. (2016) Report on the role of advocacy in health and social care services in Ireland. Dublin: Houses of the Oireachtas.

World Health Organization. (2016) mhGAP intervention guide for mental, neurological and substance use disorders in non-specialized health settings : mental health Gap Action Programme (‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎mhGAP). Geneva: World Health Organization.

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, World Health Organization. (2016) International standards for the treatment of drug use disorders. Vienna: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. (2016) Cirrhosis in over 16s: assessment and management. London: NICE.

United Kingdom. Department of Health. (2015) Improving outcomes and supporting transparency. London: Department of Health.

van der Stel, Jaap (2015) Precision in addiction care: does it make a difference? The Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine , 88 , (4) , pp. 415-22.

Health Service Executive. (2015) Health service performance report August 2015. Dublin: Health Service Executive.

[EMCDDA] Minimum quality standards for drug demand reduction interventions in the EU. (28 Sep 2015)

Cayley, William (2015) Clinical question: Can acamprosate (with or without naltrexone) support continued abstinence after detoxification in alcohol‐dependent people? Cochrane Clinical Answers .

The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. (2015) Prescribing drugs of dependence in general practice, Part A – Clinical governance framework. Melbourne: The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners.

[The Guardian] , Hardy, Ruth How good is the social care sector at building an evidence base? (07 Jul 2015)

Health Information and Quality Authority. (2015) Linking learning to National Standards. How recommendations from previous HIQA investigation, statutory inquiry and review reports (2009–2015) relate to specific National Standards for Safer Better Healthcare. Dublin: Health Information and Quality Authority.

Hardwick, Rebecca and Anderson, Rob and Cooper, Chris (2015) How do third sector organisations use research and other knowledge? A systematic scoping review. BioMed Central.

Health Service Executive. (2015) Health Service Executive annual report and financial statements 2014. Dublin: Health Service Executive.

Health Service Executive. (2015) Health service performance report March 2015. Dublin: Health Service Executive.

Health Service Executive. (2015) Health service performance report January 2015. Dublin: Health Service Executive.

Miller, Robin and Freeman, Tim and Davidson, Deborah and Glasby, Jon (2015) An adult social care compendium of approaches and tools for organisational change. London: Social Care Institute for Excellence.

The Office of the Nursing and Midwifery Service Director. (2015) Clinical supervision framework for nurses working in mental health services. Dublin: Health Service Executive.

Ireland. Department of Health. (2015) National Healthcare Quality Reporting System: first annual report. Dublin: Department of Health.

Pike, Brigid (2015) HSE National Service Plan 2015. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 53, Spring 2015 , pp. 16-18.

Health Service Executive. (2015) Health services performance assurance report December 2014. Dublin: Health Service Executive.

Higgins, A and Morrissey, J and Doyle, L and Bailey, J and Gill, A (2015) Best practice principles for risk assessment and safety planning for nurses working in mental health services. Dublin: Health Service Executive.

Health Service Executive. (2014) Open your eyes. HSE elder abuse services 2013. Dublin: Health Service Executive.

Health Service Executive. (2014) Health service: social inclusion KPI metadata 2014 based on division operational plan NSP 2014. Dublin: Health Service Executive.

Health Service Executive. (2014) Health Service performance assurance report July 2014. Dublin: Health Service Executive.

Health Service Executive. (2014) Health Service performance assurance report: June 2014. Dublin: Health Service Executive.

World Health Organization. (2014) Consolidated guidelines on HIV prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care for key populations. Geneva: World Health Organization.

Scottish Government. (2014) The quality principles: standard expectations of care and support in drug and alcohol services. Edinburgh: Scottish Government.

Leen, Brendan and Bell, Miriam and McQuillian, Patricia (2014) Evidence-based practice: a practice manual. Dublin: Health Service Executive.

Ireland. Office of the Chief Medical Officer. (2013) Health care quality indicators in the Irish health system. Examining the potential of hospital discharge data using the Hospital Inpatient Enquiry System. Dublin: Department of Health.

Pike, Brigid (2013) HSE targets for drug-related services in 2013. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 45, Spring 2013 , pp. 4-5.

Parity of esteem working group. Bailey, Sue and Thorpe, Lucy and Smith, Greg (2013) Whole-person care: from rhetoric to reality. Achieving parity between mental and physical health. London: Royal College of Psychiatrists.

Health Service Executive. (2013) National standard for tobacco cessation support programme. Dublin: Health Service Executive.

Agyapong, Vincent and Singh, K and Savage, M and Thekiso, Thekiso B and Finn, M and Farren, Conor Kevin and McLoughlin, Declan M (2013) Use of codeine-containing medicines by Irish psychiatric inpatients before and after regulatory limitations on their supply. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine , 30 , (1) , pp. 7-12.

Muckle, Wendy and Muckle, Jamie and Welch, Vivian and Tugwell, Peter (2012) Managed alcohol as a harm reduction intervention for alcohol addiction in populations at high risk for substance abuse. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews , (12) .

Health Service Executive. (2012) Key performance indicator guidelines 2012. Based on National Service Plan 2012. Dublin: Health Service Executive.

Novotná, Gabriela and Dobbins, Maureen and Henderson, Joanna (2012) Institutionalization of evidence-informed practices in healthcare settings. Implementation Science , 7 , (112) .

Health Information and Quality Authority. (2012) What you should know about data quality. A guide for health and social care staff. Cork: Health Information and Quality Authority.

National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. (2012) Quality standard for drug use disorders. London: NICE.

Drug and Alcohol Findings. (2012) Effectiveness Bank Bulletin [Strategies for improving outcomes of services]. Effectiveness Bank Bulletin , 8 Octo .

Royal College of Psychiatrists, Royal College of General Practitioners. (2012) Delivering quality care for drug and alcohol users: the roles and competencies of doctors. A guide for commissioners, providers and clinicians. London: Royal College of Psychiatrists and Royal College of General Practitioners.

Shannon, Geoffrey and Gibbons, Norah (2012) Report of the Independent Child Death Review Group 2000-2010. Dublin: Government Publications.

Keane, Martin (2012) CRA, ACRA and CRAFT: a brief review of the evidence. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 41, Spring 2012 , pp. 16-17.

Health Service Executive. (2012) Review of adequacy for HSE children and families services 2010. Dublin: Health Service Executive.

National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. (2012) Identifying and managing tuberculosis among hard-to-reach groups. London: NICE.

Keane, Martin (2012) Service providers accredited in Community Reinforcement Approach. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 40, Winter 2011 , p. 16.

Health Information and Quality Authority. (2012) National standards for safer better healthcare. Dublin: Health Information and Quality Authority.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2011) Addressing viral hepatitis in people with substance use disorders. Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) series 53. Rockville, MD: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

Lundgren, Lena and Krull, Ivy and Zerden, Lisa de Saxe and McCarty, Dennis (2011) Community-based addiction treatment staff attitudes about the usefulness of evidence-based addiction treatment and CBO organizational linkages to research institutions. Evaluation and Program Planning , 34 , (4) , pp. 356-65.

National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health. (2011) Psychosis with coexisting substance misuse: assessment and management in adults and young people. London: NICE.

National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health. (2011) Alcohol-use disorders: diagnosis, assessment and management of harmful drinking and alcohol dependence. London: NICE.

Ford, Chris and Halliday, Kate and Lawson, Euan and Browne, Elsa (2011) Guidance for the use of substitute prescribing in the treatment of opioid dependence in primary care. London: RCGP Substance Misuse Unit; RCGP Sex, Drugs and HIV Group; Substance Misuse Management in General Practice; The Alliance.

National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse. Day, Ed and Shough, Nick (2011) Routes to recovery: via criminal justice. Mapping user manual. London: National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse.

Pike, Brigid (2011) Working together for better quality in drugs services. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 37, Spring 2011 , pp. 13-14.

Moore, Joan (2011) From Drugnet Europe. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 37, Spring 2011 , p. 28.

Xiao, Liang and Cousins, Grainne and Courtney, Brenda and Hederman, Lucy and Fahey, Tom and Dimitrov, Borislav D. (2011) Developing an electronic health record (EHR) for methadone treatment recording and decision support. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making , 11 , (5) .

Pechey, Laura (2011) Improving the delivery of the alcohol direct enhanced service. A step-by-step guide for commissioners, primary care practitioners and practice managers. London: Haringey Drug and Alcohol Action Team, Public Health Directorate; and Department of Health 2011.

Barry, Joseph and Armstrong, Ruth (2011) Towards a framework for implementing evidence based alcohol interventions. Kildare: Health Service Executive.

National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. (2011) Alcohol dependence and harmful alcohol use quality standard. London: NICE.

Handford, Curtis and Kahan, Meldon and Srivastava, Anita and Cirone, Sharon and Palda, Valerie (2011) Buprenorphine/Naloxone for opioid dependence: clinical practice guideline. Toronto: Centre for Addiction and Mental Health.

European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2011) Guidelines for the treatment of drug dependence: a European perspective. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.

RCGP Secure Environments Group. (2011) Safer prescribing in prisons: guidance for clinicians. London: Royal College of General Practitioners.

Uchtenhagen, A and Schaub, Michael P (2011) Minimum quality standards in drug demand reduction EQUS. Zurich: Research Institute for Public Health and Addiction.

Pike, Brigid (2010) How does evidence feed into Ireland’s drug policy? Drugnet Ireland , Issue 35, Autumn 2010 , p. 3.

Bostock, Lisa (2010) Promoting resilience in fostered children and young people. London: Social Care Institute for Excellence.

Shoptaw, Steven J and Kao, Uyen and Ling, Walter (2009) Treatment for amphetamine psychosis. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews , (1) .

Sheppard, Rose and Maloney, Stephanie and Maye, Maura and Ward, Julie (2009) The best laid care plans. World of Irish Nursing & Midwifery , 17 , (7) , pp. 42-43.

Kaner, Eileen FS and O'Dickinson, Heather and Beyer, Fiona and Campbell, F and Schlesinger, Carla and Heather, Nick and Saunders, John B and Burnand, Bernard and Pienaar, Elisabeth (2009) The effectiveness of brief alcohol interventions in primary care settings: A systematic review. Drug and Alcohol Review , 28 , (3) , pp. 301-323.

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