Home > National Healthcare Quality Reporting System annual report 2020.

National Patient Safety Office. (2020) National Healthcare Quality Reporting System annual report 2020. Dublin: Department of Health.

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PDF (National Healthcare Quality Reporting System 2020)

The Committee of the National Healthcare Quality Reporting System (NHQRS) publishes an annual report on selected indicators of health service performance and outcomes. The focus is on reporting a balanced set of healthcare data that gives an overview of how our health services are performing. It is intended that the NHQRS will evolve over time to include new indicators and to respond to changing priorities. Use of benzodiazepine medicines in those over 65 years of age, particularly in women, is higher than known international averages. While the causes for these gaps are undoubtedly multifactorial, this report serves to highlight them to healthcare providers and policy makers


P.11. Use of benzodiazepine medicines in those over 65 years of age, particularly in women is higher than known international averages. This is an area which will require continued focus over the coming years.

P.199 Chronic benzodiazepine usage in the community in people aged 65 years and over



5.7. Number of eligible patients per 1,000 with prescriptions dispensed for benzodiazepines or related
drugs, aged 65 years and over, for 12 months or greater, 2013-2018

5.8. Proportion of people with prescriptions dispensed for benzodiazepines or related drugs, aged 65 and
over, for 365 days or more, for selected OECD countries, 2017 (or nearest year)

5.9. Number of eligible patients per 1,000 with prescriptions dispensed for benzodiazepines or related
drugs, aged 65 and over, for 12 months or greater, by Community Health Organisation, 2018


5.2. Number of eligible patients per 1,000 with prescriptions dispensed for benzodiazepines or related
drugs, aged 65 and over, 12 months or greater, by Community Health Organisation and Local Health
Office, 2018

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