Home > Open your eyes. HSE elder abuse services 2013.

Health Service Executive. (2014) Open your eyes. HSE elder abuse services 2013. Dublin: Health Service Executive.

PDF (HSE elder abuse services 2013)

P.55 - Issues and Interventions for the Person Causing Concern
In 2013 there were 440 alleged perpetrators that were listed by the Senior Case Worker as having at least one possible health issue reported. A summary of health issues is presented in figure 17 (p.55)- alcohol and mental health issues predominate. “Other issues” continue to be internal family issues and carer stress. (Drugs 6% and alcohol 28%).

P.58 - Self neglect
Currently, there are 191 cases open - representing 36% of all self neglect cases with results on a par with 2012. The provision of services and supports to individuals that are neglecting themselves, does not involve legal or Garda involvement to the same extent as elder abuse cases more generally. Garda consultation occurred in 4%, Garda notification in 9% and legal action in 3% of cases.

In total, 62% of clients availed of a service, a further 27% declined the service offered while the balance 11% were not offered any service. Home support and monitoring were the dominant services offered. Of particular significance to the older person is the fact that, when looking at overall service provision, the provision of residential care has increased from 8% in 2012 to 12% in 2013. “Other services” related to addiction and cleaning services.

Within this group 161 clients had a documented health issue - these related to physical, mental health, dementia and alcohol(p.59). In comparison to cases of elder abuse the impact of alcohol issues is highly significant in self neglect (18% Vs 5%). (Drugs 1% alcohol 18%)

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