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Galvin, Brian (2024) Scenarios development workshop at National Drugs Forum, 2023. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 87, Winter 2024 , pp. 27-31.

European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2023) Drug policy evaluation. URL: https://www.emcdda.europa.eu/publications/topic-ov...

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Question 1174 - Oireachtas Committees [Joint Committee on Justice report] [38334/23]. (11 Sep 2023)

Home Office. (2023) From harm to hope: a 10-year drugs plan to cut crime and save lives First annual report 2022-23. London: HM Government.

Ireland. Department of Health. (2023) Sláintecare Action Plan 2023. Dublin: Department of Health.

Scottish Drugs Forum. (2023) Working to decriminalise people who use drugs: learning from decriminalisation efforts in 5 international jurisdictions. Glasgow and Dublin: Scottish Drugs Forum and Ana Liffey Drugs Project.

Holland, Adam and Stevens, Alex and Harris, Magdalena and Lewer, Dan and Sumnall, Harry and Stewart, Daniel and Gilvarry, Eilish and Wiseman, Alice and Howkins, Joshua and McManus, Jim and Shorter, Gillian W and Nicholls, James and Scott, Jenny and Thomas, Kyla and Reid, Leila and Day, Edward and Horsley, Jason and Measham, Fiona and Rae, Maggie and Fenton, Kevin and Hickman, Matthew (2023) Analysis of the UK Government's 10-Year drugs strategy-a resource for practitioners and policymakers. Journal of Public Health , 45 , (2) .

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Written answer 498 – Substance misuse [56131/22] [Oversight]. (15 Nov 2022)

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2022) Adapting evidence-based practices for under-resourced populations. Rockville, MD: National Mental Health and Substance Use Policy Laboratory. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

Pompidou Group. (2022) Human rights in drug policy: a self-assessment tool. Strasbourg: Council of Europe.

Ireland. Department of Health. (2022) Sláintecare action plan 2022. Dublin: Department of Health.

Ponce Hardy, Vicki and Giles, Lucie (2022) Monitoring and Evaluating Scotland’s Alcohol Strategy (MESAS): monitoring report 2022. Edinburgh: Public Health Scotland.

Dillon, Lucy (2022) Focused policy assessment of the national drugs strategy. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 80, Winter 2022 , pp. 8-12.

Dillon, Lucy (2022) National drugs strategy: midterm review and new strategic priorities. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 80, Winter 2022 , pp. 12-15.

Ramsey, Colette and Galway, Karen and Davidson, Gavin (2022) Implementing changes after patient suicides in mental health services: a systematic review. Health & Social Care in the Community , 30 , (2) , pp. 415-431.

Dillon, Lucy (2022) Guide to implementing quality standards in drug demand reduction. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 80, Winter 2022 , pp. 31-32.

Drugs Policy and Social Inclusion Unit. (2021) Mid term review of the national drug strategy, Reducing Harm, Supporting Recovery and strategic priorities 2021-2025. Dublin: Department of Health.

Nougier, Marie and Cots Fernández, Adria (2021) The Global Drug Policy Index 2021. London: Harm Reduction Consortium.

Scottish Drugs Forum. (2021) Medication Assisted Treatment: Service evaluation of people's experience of accessing MAT in 6 health board areas across Scotland. Edinburgh: Scottish Drugs Forum.

World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe. (2021) The WHO Prison Health Framework: a framework for assessment of prison health system performance. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe.

Drugs Policy and Social Inclusion Unit. (2021) Reducing harm, supporting recovery progress report 2020. Dublin: Department of Health.

Public Health Scotland. (2021) Monitoring and Evaluating Scotland's Alcohol Strategy (MESAS): monitoring report 2021. Edinburgh: Public Health Scotland.

Pan American Health Organization. (2021) Public health policies on psychoactive substance use: a manual for health planners. Washington DC: Pan American Health Organization.

Nougier, Marie and Cots Fernández, Adria and Putri, Dania (2021) Taking stock of half a decade of drug policy - an evaluation of UNGASS implementation. London: International Drug Policy Consortium.

Centre for Effective Services. (2020) Implementation science tools. Dublin: Centre for Effective Services.

Drugs Policy and Social Inclusion Unit. (2020) Reducing harm, supporting recovery progress report 2019. Dublin: Department of Health.

Sandra Roe Research. Egan, Annabel (2020) Review and evaluation of Garda youth diversion programmes 2019. Dublin: Department of Justice and Equality.

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Questions - National Drugs Strategy [18438/20, 18439/20, 18886/20]. (28 Jul 2020)

Burns, John and Beeston, Clare (2020) Monitoring and evaluation framework for ‘Rights, Respect and Recovery: Scotland’s strategy to improve health by preventing and reducing alcohol and drug use, harm and related deaths’. Edinburgh: NHS Health Scotland.

Purdy, Joanna and McAvoy, Helen and Rodriguez, Leonor (2020) Mid-term review of the ten year tobacco strategy for Northern Ireland. Institute of Public Health.

European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2019) The EU drugs strategy: a model for common action. European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction.

O'Keefe, Daniel and Bluthenthal, Ricky N and Kral, Alex H and Aitken, Campbell K and McCormack, Angus and Dietze, Paul M (2019) Measures of harm reduction service provision for people who inject drugs. Bulletin of the World Health Organization , 97 , (9) , pp. 605-611.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2019) A guide to SAMHSA’s Strategic Prevention Framework. Rockville, MD: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

Reddy, John and Redmond, Sean (2019) Improving the measurement of effectiveness in the Irish youth justice system. Limerick: Research Evidence into Policy, Programmes and Practice (REPPP) Project, University of Limerick.

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Implementing the National Drugs Strategy: statements. (28 Jun 2018)

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 79 - National Drugs Strategy [16290/18]. (19 Apr 2018)

Rogeberg, Ole and Bergsvik, Daniel and Phillips, Laurence D and Van Amsterdam, Jan and Eastwood, Niamh and Henderson, Graeme and Lynskey, Michael T and Measham, Fiona and Ponton, Rhys and Rolles, Steve and Schlag, Ann Katrin and Taylor, Polly and Nutt, David (2018) A new approach to formulating and appraising drug policy: a multi-criterion decision analysis applied to alcohol and cannabis regulation. International Journal of Drug Policy , 56 .

Pobal. (2018) Managing better - guidance in how to effect good governance in practice. Dublin: Pobal.

Galvin, Brian (2017) Performance measurement and resource allocation. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 63, Autumn 2017 , p. 10.

Ivers, Jo-Hanna H and Barry, Joseph (2017) An evaluation of a framework for case-management in the Cork/Kerry region. Dublin: Department of Publich Health and Primary Care, Institute of Population Health, Trinity College Dublin.

Harris, Simon (2017) Speech by Simon Harris TD , Minister for Health. In: Launch of Reducing harm, supporting recovery – A health led response to drug and alcohol use in Ireland 2017-2025., 17 July 2017, Dublin Castle.

Ireland. Department of Health. (2017) Reducing harm, supporting recovery. A health-led response to drug and alcohol use in Ireland 2017 - 2025. Dublin: Department of Health.

European Commission. (2017) EU action plan on drugs 2017 – 2020. Brussels: Council of the European Union.

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 492 - National Drugs Strategy [23343/17] [Alcohol]. (16 May 2017)

Western Region Drug and Alcohol Task Force. (2017) Western Region Drugs & Alcohol Task Force annual report 2016. Galway: Western Region Drug and Alcohol Task Force.

[Medical Independent] , Mulholland, Paul Naloxone programme set to be expanded across Ireland. (15 Sep 2016)

Public Health England. (2016) Young people – substance misuse JSNA support pack 2017-18: commissioning prompts. Good practice prompts for planning comprehensive interventions. London: Public Health England.

Dillon, Lucy (2016) National Drugs Strategy: progress in 2015. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 58, Summer 2016 , pp. 4-5.

Cork and Kerry Alcohol Strategy Group. (2016) Cork & Kerry alcohol strategy 2016-2018. Cork: Health Service Executive; Cork Local Drug & Alcohol Task Force; and Southern Regional Drug & Alcohol Task Force.

Ireland. Department of Health. (2016) National drugs strategy 2009-2016: progress report 2015. Dublin: Department of Health.

Beeston, C and McAdams, R and Craig, N and Gordon, R and Graham, L and MacPherson, M and McAuley, A (2016) Monitoring and evaluating Scotland’s alcohol strategy. Final annual report. Edinburgh: NHS Health Scotland.

Nic Gabhainn, Saoirse and D'Eath, M and Keane, Martin and Sixsmith, Jane (2016) Scoping review of case management in the treatment of drug and alcohol misuse, 2003–2013. Dublin: Health Research Board.

Griffiths, Paul and Strang, John and Singleton, Nicola (2016) Rapid expert review of the National Drugs Strategy 2009-2016. Dublin: Department of Health.

[Irish Medical Times] , Mudiwa, Lloyd Department working on new Drugs Strategy. (30 Oct 2015)

Pike, Brigid (2015) National Drugs Strategy – progress in 2014. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 55, Autumn 2015 , pp. 12-13.

Northern Ireland. Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety. (2015) New strategic direction for alcohol and drugs: phase 2. Third update report – July 2015. Belfast: Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety.

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 196 - National drugs strategy budget [26479/15]. (01 Jul 2015)

Ireland. Department of Health. (2015) National Drugs Strategy 2009-2016: progress report to end 2014. Dublin: Department of Health.

Pike, Brigid (2015) Ireland’s drug policy – progress in 2013. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 52, Winter 2014 , pp. 7-8.

Keane, Martin (2015) National Drugs Rehabilitation Framework pilot evaluated. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 52, Winter 2014 , pp. 17-18.

Ana Liffey Drug Project. (2014) Targeting harm: the strategic plan of the Ana Liffey Drug Project 2015-2017. Dublin: Ana Liffey Drug Project.

[Irish Medical Times] , Mudiwa, Lloyd The treatment and rehabilitation pillars of the Drugs Strategy. (02 Apr 2014)

Pike, Brigid (2014) Drug strategy to be evaluated. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 49, Spring 2014 , pp. 5-6.

Keane, Martin (2014) Review of Dublin North City and County addiction service. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 49, Spring 2014 , pp. 22-23.

Ireland. Department of Health. (2014) National Drugs Strategy 2009-2016: progress report to end 2013. Dublin: Department of Health.

Government for National Recovery 2011-2016. (2014) Programme for government: annual report 2014. Dublin: Department of the Taoiseach.

[European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction] EU drugs agency announces Scientific Committee line-up for next three years. (20 Dec 2013)

[Medical Independent] , Fogarty, James Calls for radical change to chaotic addiction services across Ireland. (14 Mar 2013)

Drug and Alcohol Findings. (2013) Effectivness Bank Bulletin [Drug policy: evidence for effective interventions]. Effectiveness Bank Bulletin , 15 Feb .

Centre for Effective Services. (2013) A review (2013) of the implementation of the youth homelessness strategy. Dublin: Department of Children and Youth Affairs.

Ana Liffey Drug Project, Health Service Executive. (2013) QuADS organisational standards. Dublin: Ana Liffey Drug Project.

Comiskey, Catherine and O'Sullivan, Karin and Milnes, Jennie (2012) Regional drug user services in times of scarce financial resources: using a rapid assessment response approach to evaluate, plan, and prioritize essential services. Substance Use & Misuse , 47 , (3) , pp. 254-264.

Culley, Deirdre May and Skoupy, Jiri and Rubin, Jennifer and Hoorens, Stijn and Disley, Emma and Rabinovich, Lila (2012) Assessment of the implementation of the EU Drugs Strategy 2005—2012 and its Action Plans. Santa Monica, CA.: Rand Europe.

Irish Youth Justice Service. (2012) Report on the implementation of the National Youth Justice Strategy 2008-2010. Irish Youth Justice Service.

Indecon. (2012) Assessment of the economic value of youth work. Dublin: National Youth Council of Ireland.

Tallaght Drugs Task Force. (2011) Tallaght Drugs Task Force: annual review 2010 and newsletter. Issue 1 January . Dublin: Tallaght Drugs Task Force.

Pike, Brigid (2011) HSE plan for drug-related services in 2011. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 37, Spring 2011 , pp. 12-13.

Department of Finance. (2011) Comprehensive expenditure report 2012-2014. Dublin: Stationery Office.

[Irish Medical Times] , Culliton, Gary Methadone scheme review due. (14 Jun 2010)

Carew, Anne Marie (2010) ICDT launches three-year strategic plan. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 34, Summer 2010 , p. 22.

National Drugs Rehabilitation Implementation Committee. Doyle, Joe and Ivanovic, Jelena (2010) National drugs rehabilitation framework document. Dublin: Health Services Executive.

United Kingdom. Home Office. (2010) Drug strategy 2010. Reducing demand, restricting supply, building recovery: supporting people to live a drug free life. London: Home Office.

Connolly, Johnny and Galvin, Brian and Keane, Martin and Long, Jean and Lyons, Suzi and Mongan, Deirdre and Pike, Brigid (2009) New drugs strategy published. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 31, Autumn 2009 , pp. 1-10.

Ireland. Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs. (2009) National Drugs Strategy (interim) 2009-2016. Dublin: Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs.

Smyth, Ailbhe (2009) Addiction Response Crumlin. Strategic plan 2009 - 2012. Dublin: Addiction Response Crumlin.

Mongan, Deirdre (2009) Alcohol Implementation Group report 2008. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 29, Spring 2009 , pp. 14-15.

Pike, Brigid (2009) EU Drugs Action Plan evaluated. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 29, Spring 2009 , pp. 24-25.

Aislinn Adolescent Addiction Centre. (2009) Aislinn Adolescent Addiction Centre annual report 2008. Kilkenny: Aislinn Adolescent Addiction Centre.

Skills for Care and Development. (2009) Health and social care: National occupational standards. Leeds: Skills for Care and Development.

Simpson, D Dwayne and Flynn, Patrick and Joe, George and Lehman, Wayne (2009) Organizational readiness for change. Fort Worth: Texas Christian University. Institute of Behavioral Research.

Cox, Gemma and Robinson, Janet (2008) Needle exchange provision in Ireland: The context, current levels of service provision and recommendations. A joint report by the National Drugs Strategy Team and the National Advisory Committee on Drugs. Dublin: National Advisory Committee on Drugs.

South Inner City Local Drugs Task Force. (2008) South Inner City Local Drugs Task Force: strategic plan 2008-2012. Dublin: South Inner City Local Drugs Task Force.

Health Research Board. Alcohol and Drug Research Unit. Pike, Brigid (2008) Development of Ireland’s drug strategy 2000–2007. HRB Overview Series 8. Dublin: Health Research Board.

Tallaght Local Drugs Task Force. (2008) Tallaght Local Drugs Task Force strategic plan 2008 - 2013. Dublin: Tallaght Local Drugs Task Force.

Ana Liffey Drug Project. (2008) Ana Liffey Drug Project project update 2006 & 2007. Dublin: Ana Liffey Drug Project.

Homeless Agency. (2008) The Homeless Agency Partnership submission to government. Dublin: Homeless Agency Partnership.

Unique Perspectives. Watters, Niall (2008) Clondalkin Drug Task Force strategic plan 2008. Dublin: Clondalkin Drugs Task Force.

Pike, Brigid (2007) RDTF strategies and prevention. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 24, Winter 2007 , pp. 10-11.

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Priority question 73 - National Drugs Strategy [7944/07]. (28 Feb 2007)

Pike, Brigid (2007) Tools for co-ordinating drugs initiatives in the regions. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 21, spring 2007 , pp. 6-7.

Working Group on Drugs Rehabilitation. (2007) National drugs strategy 2001-2008: rehabilitation. Report of the Working Group on Drugs Rehabilitation, May 2007. Dublin: Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs.

Goodbody Economic Consultants. (2007) Expenditure review of the Local Drugs Task Forces. Dublin: Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs.

Murray, Tim (2007) Good practice in care planning. National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse.

Simpson, D Dwayne and Dansereau, DF (2007) Assessing organizational functioning as a step toward innovation. Addiction Science & Clinical Practice , 3 , (2) , pp. 20-28.

Blanchardstown Equal Initiative, Burtenshaw Kenny Associates. (2006) Evaluation of phase two of Blanchardstown Equal Inter-Agency Initiative. Dublin: Blanchardstown Equal Initiative.

Heeran, Janet (2006) Substance abuse in south Kerry: Substance Abuse Committee 2006 research report. Kerry: South Kerry Development Partnership.

National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse. (2006) Care planning practice guide. London: National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse.

Dansereau, DF and Simpson, D Dwayne (2006) Mapping organizational change. A guidebook on program needs. Fort Worth: Texas Christian University. Institute of Behavioral Research.

Pike, Brigid (2005) Government reports progress on new drug initiatives. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 16, Winter 2005 , pp. 14-15.

Connolly, Johnny and Galvin, Brian and Keane, Martin and Long, Jean and Pike, Brigid (2005) Recommended changes to Drugs Strategy performance indicators. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 15, Autumn 2005 , pp. 3-5.

Steering Group for the Mid-term Review of the National Drugs Strategy. (2005) Report of the Steering Group on the Mid-term review of the National Drugs Strategy 2001-2008. Dublin: Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs.

Southern Regional Drugs Task Force. King, Peadar (2005) Southern Regional Drugs Task Force: strategic plan 2005 - 2008: action plan 2005 - 2007. Cork: Southern Regional Drugs Task Force.

Parker, Howard (2005) Better managing Northern Ireland's alcohol and drug problems: a review of the Northern Ireland alcohol and drug strategies and the efficiency and effectiveness of their implementation. Belfast: [Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety].

National Drugs Strategy Team. (2005) National Drugs Strategy progress report 2001-2004. Dublin: Ireland. Department of Rural, Community and Gaeltacht Affairs.

Citywide. (2005) Citywide Drugs Crisis Campaign: a decade of achievement. Review of work carried out between 1995-2005 and considerations of future plans and priorities. Dublin: Citywide.

Skinner, Natalie and Roche, Ann Marie and O'Connor, John J and Polard, Yvette and Todd, Chelsea (2005) Workforce development 'TIPS' (theory into practice strategies): a resource kit for the alcohol and other drugs field. Adelaide: National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction.

Pike, Brigid (2004) Government Progress Report 2004: the drugs issue. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 12, December 2004 , pp. 16-17.

Pike, Brigid (2004) National Drugs Strategy - Critical Implementation Path published. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 11, June 2004 , p. 17.

Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs. (2004) National Drugs Strategy 2001-2008 critical implementation path. Dublin: Stationery Office.

McKeganey, Neil and Hay, Gordon and McIntosh, James and Highet, Gill and Gannon, Maria and MacDougall, Jane and MacAskill, Susan and Wilson, Graeme and Stead, Martine and Hastings, Gerard and Curtice, John and Hinds, Kerstin (2004) Working with young people: a profile of projects funded by the Partnership Drugs Initiative. Edinburgh: Scottish Executive.

Blanchardstown Equal Initiative. (2004) Making inter-agency protocols work: the development of common protocols by agencies working with current or former drug users. a model of good practice. Dublin: Blanchardstown Equal Initiative.

Addiction Technology Transfer Center Network. (2004) The change book. A blueprint for technology transfer. Kansas: Addiction Technology Transfer Center.

Focus Ireland, Simon Communities of Ireland, Society of St Vincent de Paul, Threshold. (2003) Housing access for all? An analysis of housing strategies and homeless action plans. Dublin: Focus Ireland.

WRC Social and Economic Consultants Ltd. Ronayne, Tom (2003) Evaluation of the Young Peoples Facilities and Services Fund. Dublin: WRC Social and Economic Consultants.

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. (2003) Drug abuse treatment and rehabilitation: a practical planning and implementation guide. Drug abuse treatment toolkit New York: United Nations .

Focus Ireland, Simon Communities of Ireland, Society of St Vincent de Paul, Threshold. (2002) Housing access for all: an analysis of housing strategies and homeless action plans. Executive summary. Dublin: Focus Ireland.

Frechtling Westat, Joy (2002) The 2002 user friendly handbook for project evaluation. Arlington, VA: National Science Foundation.

Ireland. Department of Tourism, Sport and Recreation. (2001) Building on Experience: National Drugs Strategy 2001 - 2008. Dublin: Stationery Office.

Pompidou Group, Group of Experts in Epidemiology of Drug Problems. (2001) Development and testing of an exit from treatment form for clients in drug abuse treatment. Strasbourg: Council of Europe.

National College of Ireland. Policy Research Centre. Ruddle, Helen and Prizeman, Geraldine (2000) Planning and implementation of community-based projects. Policy Research Centre National College of Ireland .

Gerada, Claire and Farrell, Michael and Marsden, John (2000) External review of drug services for the Eastern Health Board. (Unpublished) London: National Addiction Centre, Institute of Psychiatry.

Finane, Rosemary (2000) Kilkenny Drugs Initiative: substance misuse research findings and action plan. Kilkenny: Kilkenny Drugs Initiative.

WHO, UNDCP & EMCDDA. (2000) Evaluation of psychoactive substance use disorder treatment, workbook 1: planning evaluations. WHO, UNDCP & EMCDDA.

WHO, UNDCP & EMCDDA. (2000) Evaluation of psychoactive substance use disorder treatment, workbook 2: implementing evaluations. WHO, UNDCP & EMCDDA.

WHO, UNDCP & EMCDDA. (2000) Evaluation of psychoactive substance use disorder treatment, workbook 3: needs assessment. WHO, UNDCP & EMCDDA.

WHO, UNDCP & EMCDDA. (2000) Evaluation of psychoactive substance use disorder treatment, workbook 4: process evaluations. WHO, UNDCP & EMCDDA.

WHO, UNDCP & EMCDDA. (2000) Evaluation of psychoactive substance use disorder treatment, workbook 5: cost evaluations. WHO, UNDCP & EMCDDA.

Rourke, Stephen (2000) Tallaght Drugs Task Force: review of 1997 service development plan and formulation of new service development plan: final report. Dublin: Tallaght Drugs Task Force.

Trinity College Dublin. Children's Research Centre. Hogan, Diane and Murphy, Cliona (1999) Supporting families through partnership: Eastern Health Board (Area 5) Community Drugs Service. Dublin: Eastern Health Board.

PA Consulting Group. (1998) Evaluation of drugs initiative: final report. (Unpublished) Dublin: Department of Tourism, Sport and Recreation.

Dublin North East Local Drugs Task Force. (1997) Dublin North East Drugs Task Force: Interim Report. (Unpublished) Coolock: Dublin North East Drugs Task Force.

Shanks, Kenneth and Galli Da Bino, Camilla (1997) Equal to the future: impressions of the first phase for projects funded under NIVT's unattached youth programme. Belfast: Northern Ireland Voluntary Trust.

Herman, Joan L and Morris, Lynn Lyons and Fitz-Gibbon, Carol Taylor (1987) Evaluator's handbook. Sage .

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