WHO, UNDCP & EMCDDA. (2000) Evaluation of psychoactive substance use disorder treatment, workbook 5: cost evaluations. WHO, UNDCP & EMCDDA.
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What is a process evaluation? p.7
Why do a cost evaluation? p.7
How to do a cost evaluation: general steps p.8
Evaluation type 1: how to do cost evaluations within one agency p.12
Evaluation type 2: how to do cost evaluations across different provider agencies p.17
Evaluation type 3: how to do cost evaluations of wider social costs of PSU interventions p.18
Conclusion and a practical recommendation p.22
Case example of a cost evaluation p.27
The drug abuse treatment cost analysis program
Case example of a cost evaluation p.38
The California Drug and Alcohol Treatment Assessment (CALDATA): The costs and benefits of treatment
MP-MR Policy, planning, economics, work and social services > Programme planning, implementation, and evaluation > Programme and budget analysis (cost benefit)
B Substances > New (novel) psychoactive substances
R Research > Research and evaluation method
MP-MR Policy, planning, economics, work and social services > Programme planning, implementation, and evaluation
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