Finane, Rosemary (2000) Kilkenny Drugs Initiative: substance misuse research findings and action plan. Kilkenny: Kilkenny Drugs Initiative.
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This report presented the findings of research carried out in Kilkenny into issues associated with drug misuse. The South Eastern Health Board initiated, funded and supported the work of the Kilkenny Drugs Initiative, a group of local voluntary, community and statutory groups and individuals, who commissioned this report. Data were gathered by the author from 68 people, using 14 one-to-one discussions and eight focus-group discussions. The participants were aged between 13 and 60 years; 19 were male and 49 were female.
The findings presented anecdotal evidence on various issues including the types of drugs available in Kilkenny, perceived characteristics of drug users, perceived reasons for people using drugs, and the places where drugs were obtained and used. The people who took part in the study ranked cannabis, speed, alcohol, cigarettes, ecstasy, prescription pills, magic mushrooms, solvents, LSD, and cocaine as the most popular drugs of misuse in Kilkenny. The report also focused on services for drug users in the area. Participants seemed to be aware of the existing services, but unanimously agreed that there was 'a big gap' in addiction services available locally. They made suggestions as to how the situation could be improved, including co-ordinating services with those available in the rest of the country and establishing more services locally.
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