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Kane, Daniel and Walshe, J and Maher, N and Pucillo, C and Richardson, D and Holmes, A and Flood, K and Eogan, Maeve (2024) Women attending the sexual assault treatment unit services in the Republic of Ireland: a 7-year review. International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics , Early Online .

Alcohol Action Ireland. (2024) Alcohol: a commercial driver of crime. Dublin: Alcohol Action Ireland.

Kennedy, Mary and Murtagh, Gráinne and Lucey, Hannah and Broderick, Gary and Fayne, Rachel and Dunne, Réidín (2024) “They said they couldn’t take me because I was on drugs.” A report examining whether human rights are negated for women in addiction when accessing domestic violence support and refuge in Ireland. Dublin: SAOL Project.

Breslin, Ruth and O'Connor, Monica (2024) Facing reality: addressing the role of pornography in the pandemic of violence against women and girls. Dublin: The Sexual Exploitation Research and Policy Institute.

Obradovic, Tamara and Carlisle, Victoria R and Maynard, Olivia M (2024) A qualitative investigation of women’s experiences of drug use at university and needs within university drug harm reduction services. Drugs: Education Prevention and Policy , Early Online .

Women's Aid. (2024) Women's Aid annual impact report 2023. Dublin: Women's Aid.

McDonnell, Sean and Costello, Karen (2024) Unveiling the shadows: dynamics of domestic violence and abuse in Dublin 10. Dublin: Saoirse.

National Women's Council. (2024) Sex for rent. An NWC report on sexual exploitation and sexual harassment in the rental housing market. Dublin: National Women's Council.

Erbe Healy, Amy (2024) Identifying victims of human trafficking across the island of Ireland: Who counts? Who’s counting? Who wants to be counted? Criminology & Criminal Justice , Early online .

Wilson, Ingrid M and Willoughby, Bree and Tanyos, Amany and Graham, Kathryn and Walker, Mary and Laslett, Anne-Marie and Ramsoomar, Leane (2024) A global review of the impact on women from men's alcohol drinking: the need for responding with a gendered lens. Global Health Action , 17 , (1) .

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Question 197 – Legislative programme [Alcohol] [19663/24]. (01 May 2024)

Kilian, Carolin and Klinger, Sinja and Manthey, Jakob and Rehm, Jürgen and Huckle, Taisia and Probst, Charlotte (2024) National and regional prevalence of interpersonal violence from others’ alcohol use: a systematic review and modelling study. The Lancet Regional Health - Europe , 40 .

Kane, Daniel and Eogan, Maeve (2024) Female perpetrated sexual assault: a review of attendances to the national sexual assault treatment units in the Republic of Ireland. International Journal of Legal Medicine , 138 , (3) , pp. 1157-1164.

O'Connor, Sarah and O'Connor, Trina (2024) Real lives untold podcast.

Central Statistics Office. (2024) Recorded crime victims 2023 and suspected offenders 2022. Cork: Central Statistics Office.

Davies, Emma L and Piatkowski, Timothy and Frankovitch, Alex and Puljević, Cheneal and Barratt, Monica J and Ferris, Jason A and Winstock, Adam R (2024) Exploring experiences of drink and needle spiking incidents among Global Drug Survey respondents from 22 countries. Journal of Drug Issues , Early online .

Ireland. Department of Justice. (2024) Zero tolerance. Third national strategy on domestic, sexual and gender based violence 2024 implementation plan. Dublin: Department of Justice.

Kane, Daniel and Gill, N and Walshe, J and Fallon, C and Flood, K and Eogan, Maeve (2024) Sexual assault of the older person: attendances to the Republic of Ireland's sexual assault treatment unit network. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine , 103 .

Bolton, Robert and Leane, Máire and Ó Súilleabháin, Fiachra and Edwards, Claire and Fennell, Caroline (2024) "Wherever there's men, it can happen": constructions of violence against women by young adults in Ireland. Violence Against Women , 30 , (5) , pp. 1175-1197.

Kane, Daniel and Eogan, Maeve (2024) Female adolescent sexual assault; a national review of 1014 consecutive cases. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine , 101 .

Houghton, Frank and O'Rourke Scott, Lisa and Moran Stritch, Jennifer and Larkin, Hazel Katherine and Heinz, Melinda (2024) Sexual, domestic, and gender-based abuse. A collection of experience and opinion. Journal of Global, Public and One Health .

Kane, Daniel and Kennedy, Kieran M and Flood, Karen and Eogan, Maeve (2024) Male patient attendances at Sexual Assault Treatment Units in Ireland: an analysis of 381 cases and a comparison with female patients. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine , 102 .

Sheppard, Lauren and Alsubhi, Moosa and Brown, Vicki and Le, Ha and Robinson, Kim and Moodie, Marj (2024) What interventions are cost effective in reducing violence against women? A scoping review. Applied Health Economics and Health Policy , 22 , pp. 283-298.

Eurostat. (2024) Crime and criminal justice database [Europe].

Dublin Rape Crisis Centre. (2024) Dublin Rape Crisis Centre annual report 2023. Dublin: Dublin Rape Crisis Centre.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2024) Youth risk behavior survey data summary & trends report: 2013–2023. Rockville, MD: Department of Health and Human Services.

Ruhama. (2024) Ruhama annual report 2023. Dublin: Ruhama.

Miele, Cécile and Maquigneau, Aurélie and Joyal, Christian C and Bertsch, Ingrid and Gangi, Océane and Gonthier, Hakim and Rawlinson, Cloé and Vigourt-Oudart, Sylvie and Symphorien, Emeline and Heasman, Ainslie and Letourneau, Elizabeth and Moncany, Anne-Hélène and Lacambre, Mathieu (2023) International guidelines for the prevention of sexual violence: a systematic review and perspective of WHO, UN Women, UNESCO, and UNICEF's publications. Child Abuse & Neglect , 146 .

Central Statistics Office. (2023) Recorded crime detection 2022. Dublin: Central Statistics Office.

Group of Experts on Action against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence. (2023) GREVIO’s (baseline) evaluation report on legislative and other measures giving effect to the provisions of the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul convention) Ireland. Strasbourg: GREVIO.

[Oireachtas] Seanad Éireann debate. Non-Fatal Offences against the Person (Amendment) (Spiking) Bill 2023: Committee stage (resumed) and remaining stages. (25 Oct 2023)

Dublin Rape Crisis Centre. (2023) Dublin Rape Crisis Centre annual report & financial statements 2022. Dublin Rape Crisis Centre.

Fazel, Seena and Burghart, Matthias and Wolf, Achim and Whiting, Daniel and Yu, Rongqin (2023) Effectiveness of violence prevention interventions: umbrella review of research in the general population. Trauma, Violence & Abuse .

Moore, D and Keane, H and Exendahl, M and Graham, K and Duncan, D and Farrugia, Adrian and Nourse, G and Lenton, E (2023) Analysing gender in research and policy on alcohol-related violence among young people: a summary of findings and recommendations from an international comparative study. Melbourne: Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society, La Trobe University.

Eogan, Maeve (2023) National Sexual Assault Treatment Unit (SATU) annual report 2022. Dublin: National Sexual Assault Treatment Unit.

Canning, Mary and Keenan, Marie and Breslin, Ruth (2023) Protecting against predators: a scoping study on the sexual exploitation of children and young people in Ireland. Dublin: SERP, Geary Institute for Public Policy.

Women's Aid. (2023) Women's Aid annual impact report 2022. Dublin: Women's Aid.

[Oireachtas] Seanad Éireann debate. Non-Fatal Offences against the Person (Amendment) (Spiking) Bill 2023: Second Stage. (31 May 2023)

Central Statistics Office. (2023) Recorded Crime Victims 2022 and Suspected Offenders 2021. Cork: Central Statistics Office.

[Oireachtas] Seanad Éireann debate - Criminal Justice (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2022: second stage. (23 May 2023)

Egan, Nuala and O'Malley, Ellen (2023) Intersection of the criminal justice, private family law and public law child care processes in relation to domestic and sexual violence. Dublin: National Women’s Council and Department of Justice.

Central Statistics Office. (2023) Sexual violence survey 2022. Cork: Central Statistics Office.

National Women's Council. (2023) Towards a zero tolerance approach: a good practice guide to implementing 'safe, respectful, supportive and positive – ending sexual violence and harassment in higher education’. Dublin: Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science and National Women's Council.

An Garda Síochána. (2023) Provisional Crime Statistics 2022. An Garda Síochána.

Tokle, Rikke and Buvik, Kristin and Stefansen, Kari and Solstad, Gerd Marie (2023) Safety strategies, status positioning and gendered double standards: adolescents’ narratives of sexualised risk in alcohol intoxication contexts. Journal of Youth Studies .

Eurostat. (2022) EU survey on gender-based violence against women and other forms of inter-personal violence (EU-GBV) — first results. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.

Ireland. Department of Justice. (2022) Declaration of Council of Europe ministers on the prevention of domestic, sexual and gender-based violence. [Dublin Declaration]. Brussels: Council of Europe.

Dublin Rape Crisis Centre. (2022) The Dublin Rape Crisis Centre annual report 2021. Dublin: Dublin Rape Crisis Centre.

An Garda Siochana. (2022) Domestic, sexual and gender based violence. Dublin: An Garda Siochana.

Minescu, Anca and Stoica, Billie and Zubareva, Anastasiia and Leacy, Becky and Leahy, Patricia and Paulon, Tainara and Clifford, Nichola and Pereira, Naiara and Berry, Adeline (2022) I must be some person: accounts from street sex workers in Ireland. Limerick: University of Limerick.

Eogan, Maeve (2022) National Sexual Assault Treatment Unit (SATU) annual report 2021. Dublin: National Sexual Assault Treatment Unit.

Women's Aid. (2022) Women's Aid annual impact report 2021. Dublin: Women's Aid.

Prego-Meleiro, Pablo and Montalvo, Gemma and García-Ruiz, Carmen and Bravo Serrano, Begoña and Ayuso-Tejedor, Sara and Megía Moralesc, Carmen and Quintela-Jorge, Óscar (2022) An approximation to the identification of contexts, experiences, and profiles of victims of drug-facilitated sexual assaults. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine , 90 .

Ireland. Department of Justice. (2022) Zero tolerance. Third national strategy on domestic, sexual & gender-based violence 2022-2026. Dublin: Government of Ireland.

Doyle, Anne (2022) Sexual violence related to alcohol and/or drug use among Irish students. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 81, Spring 2022 , pp. 4-6.

Pan American Health Organization. (2022) Alcohol and violence against women. Washington DC: Pan American Health Organization.

[Irish Examiner] Irish Examiner view: Drug spiking claims must be heard. (19 Apr 2022)

Central Statistics Office. (2022) Recorded crime victims 2021 and suspected offenders 2020. Cork: Central Statistics Office.

Mutatayi, Carine and Morton, Sarah and Robles Soto, Nadia and Palsdottir, Kristin I and Vale Pires, Cristina (2022) Implementing a gender approach in drug policies: prevention, treatment and criminal justice. A handbook for practitioners and decision makers. Strasbourg: Council of Europe.

Plaza, L and Ferrer, R and Vale Pires, C (2022) Sexism free night – research report. Sexism Free Night European Project.

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Written answer 196 - Victim support services [8785/22]. (16 Feb 2022)

Petersen, Kevin and Davis, Robert C and Weisburd, David and Taylor, Bruce (2022) Effects of second responder programs on repeat incidents of family abuse: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis. Campbell Systematic Reviews , 18 , (1) , e1217.

Amnesty International. (2022) “We live within a violent system.” Structural violence against sex workers in Ireland. London: Amnesty International.

MacNeela, Padraig and Dawson, Kate and O'Rourke, Theresa and Healy-Cullen, Siobhán and Burke, Lorraine and Flack, William F (2022) Surveys of experiences of sexual violence and harassment in higher education: reports and findings. Dublin: Higher Education Authority.

Central Statistics Office. (2021) Recorded crime detection 2020. Dublin: Central Statistics Office.

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Combating domestic, sexual and gender-based violence: statements . (19 Nov 2020)

Walshe, Catherine (2020) National Sexual Assault Treatment Unit Services annual report, 2019. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 75, Autumn 2020 , p. 17.

Central Statistics Office. (2020) Recorded crime detection 2019. Dublin: Central Statistics Office.

Stoicescu, Claudia and Richer, Ariel and Gilbert, Louisa (2020) Nexus of risk: the co-occurring problems of gender-based violence, HIV and drug use among women and adolescent girls. In: The Impact of Global Drug Policy on Women: Shifting the Needle. Emerald .

Dublin Rape Crisis Centre. (2020) Dublin Rape Crisis Centre. Statistics supplement 2019. Dublin: Dublin Rape Crisis Centre.

The Commission on Alcohol Harm. (2020) ‘It’s everywhere’ - alcohol’s public face and private harm. London: Alcohol Health Alliance UK.

Leone, Michela and Lapucci, Enrica and Se Sario, Manuela and Davoli, Marina and Farchi, Sara and Michelozzi, Paola (2020) Social network analysis to characterize women victims of violence. BMC Public Health , 18 , (1) , p. 494.

Women's Aid. (2020) Women's Aid annual impact report 2019. Dublin: Women's Aid.

[Irish Times] , Sweeney, Tanya Drug rape leaves a haze of self-doubt that needs to be cleared up. (18 Jul 2020)

Eogan, Maeve (2020) National Sexual Assault Treatment Unit (SATU) annual report 2019. Dublin: National Sexual Assault Treatment Unit.

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Covid-19 (Measures to Protect Victims of Domestic Violence): statements. (24 Jun 2020)

Burke, Lorraine and O'Higgins, Siobhan and McIvor, Charlotte and Dawson, Kate and O'Donovan, Roisin and MacNeela, Padraig (2020) The active* consent / union of students in Ireland sexual experiences survey 2020: sexual violence and harassment experiences in a national survey of higher education institutions. Galway: NUI Galway.

Institute of Alcohol Studies. Bryant, Lucy (2020) Inequalities in victimisation: alcohol, violence, and anti-social behaviour. London: Institute of Alcohol Studies.

Eogan, Maeve (2020) National Sexual Assault Treatment Unit (SATU) executive summary of annual key service activity year ending 2018. Dublin: National SATU Services.

Central Statistics Office. (2019) Recorded crime detection 2018. Cork: Central Statistics Office.

[thejournal.ie] , Ryan, Orla 'Passing out is very, very common': 55% jump in referrals to G detox clinic amid growing sexual assault fears. (14 Sep 2019)

Drug and Alcohol Findings. (2019) Practitioners’ experiences of supporting women with histories of substance use, interpersonal abuse and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. Drug and Alcohol Findings Research Analysis .

Turner, Alexandra and Belcher, Lucy and Pona, Iryna (2019) Counting lives. Responding to children who are criminally exploited. London: The Children's Society.

Kennelly, Helen (2019) Resilience in the face of trauma: implications for service delivery. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 69, Spring 2019 , pp. 21-22.

Hailes, Amanda and Sterling, Aisha and Girling, Angela and Winfield, Chlo and Sharpen, Joanna and Rigby, Milly and Iqbal, Naima and Williams, Pip and White, Rachel and Braham, Sonia and Edwards, Susan and Collins, Vivienne (2019) Hand in hand. Survivors of multiple disadvantage discuss service & support. London: National Commission on Domestic and Sexual Violence and Multiple Disadvantage.

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Juvenile crime: motion [Private members]. (30 Jan 2019)

[Joe.ie] , Heneghan, Conor Senator Lynn Ruane describes her “years of really chaotic drug use”. (14 Nov 2018)

Jeal, Nicola and Patel, Rita and Redmond, Niamh M and Kesten, Joanna M and Ramsden, Sophie and Macleod, John and Coast, Joanna and Telfer, Maggie and Wilcox, David and Nowland, Gill and Horwood, Jeremy (2018) Drug use in street sex workers (DUSSK) study protocol: a feasibility and acceptability study of a complex intervention to reduce illicit drug use in drug-dependent female street sex workers. BMJ Open , 8 , (11) , e022728.

Central Statistics Office. (2018) Recorded crime Q2 2018. Dublin: Central Statistics Office.

National SART Guidelines Development Group. (2018) National guidelines on referral and forensic clinical examination following rape and sexual assault. Dublin: Health Service Executive.

[Irish Examiner] , McCarthaigh, Sean Attendances at sexual assault unit up by more than 30%. (18 Jun 2018)

European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2018) Drug-related homicide in Europe: a first review of the data and literature, EMCDDA Papers. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.

Eogan, Maeve (2018) National Sexual Assault Treatment Unit (SATU) annual key service activity report 2017. Dublin: National Sexual Assault Treatment Unit.

[Irish Independent] , Horan, Niamh Alcohol 'still most usual date rape drug'. (16 Apr 2018)

[Irish Independent] , Anderson, Nicola ..... effects of alcohol spelled out in Rugby rape trial. (22 Feb 2018)

Moynihan, Melissa and Mitchell, Katherine and Pitcher, Claire and Havaei, Farinaz and Ferguson, Max and Saewyc, Elizabeth (2018) A systematic review of the state of the literature on sexually exploited boys internationally. Child Abuse & Neglect , 76 , pp. 440-451.

[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac A year of crime: Violence inflicted on young and old alike. (30 Dec 2017)

[Independent.ie] , O'Regan, Eilish More people attending sexual-assault centres as alcohol found to be a factor in many cases - annual report. (18 Jul 2017)

[Irish Examiner] , Shanahan, Catherine Report examines issue of consent among third-level students. (17 Jul 2017)

MacNamee, Padraig and Breen, Julie and Byrnes, Elaine and O'Higgins, Siobhan and Seery, Chiara and Silke, Charlotte (2017) Development, implementation, and evaluation of the SMART consent workshop on sexual consent for third level students. Galway: National University of Ireland, Galway.

Eogan, Maeve (2017) National Sexual Assault Treatment Unit (SATU) annual key service activity report 2016. Dublin: National Sexual Assault Treatment Unit.

Shannon, Geoffrey (2017) Audit of the exercise by An Garda Síochána of the provisions of Section 12 of the Child Care Act 1991. Dublin: An Garda Siochana.

Andell, Paul and Pitts, John (2017) Preventing the violent and sexual victimisation of vulnerable gang-involved and gang-affected children and young people in Ipswich. Suffolk: University of Suffolk.

Delimata, Alexandra and Seymour, Mairead (2017) The ‘manageability of risk’ and recall on Supervised Licence: post-release pathways for serious violent and sexual offenders in Northern Ireland. Irish Probation Journal , 14 , pp. 92-111.

Meng, Xiangfei and D'Arcy, Carl (2016) Gender moderates the relationship between childhood abuse and internalizing and substance use disorders later in life: a cross-sectional analysis. BMC Psychiatry , 16 , (1) , p. 401.

[Oireachtas] Seanad Eireann debate. Criminal Law (Sexual Offences) Bill 2015 [Seanad]: Second Stage (Resumed). (03 Nov 2016)

Tusla Child and Family Agency. (2016) Domestic, sexual & gender based violence services. Working report on 2015 services, activities and use: towards evidence informed services. Dublin: Tusla.

Dublin Rape Crisis Centre. (2016) The Dublin Rape Crisis Centre annual report 2015. Dublin: Dublin Rape Crisis Centre.

[Independent.ie] , Horan, Niamh Women need to face facts about the link between rape and drinking. (13 Jun 2016)

Women's Aid. (2016) Women's Aid impact report 2015. Dublin: Women's Aid.

Eogan, Maeve (2016) National Sexual Assault Treatment Unit (SATU) annual key service activity report 2015. Dublin: National Sexual Assault Treatment Unit.

Ruhama. (2015) Ruhama annual report 2014. Dublin: Ruhama.

Mayock, Paula and Parker, Sarah and Sheridan, Sarah (2015) Women, homelessness and service provision. Dublin: Simon Communities of Ireland.

Lutnick, Alexandra and Harris, Jennie and Lorvick, Jennifer and Cheng, Helen and Wenger, Lynn D and Bourgois, Philippe and Kral, Alex H (2015) Examining the associations between sex trade involvement, rape, and symptomatology of sexual abuse trauma. Journal of Interpersonal Violence , 30 , (11) , pp. 1847-63.

[Independent.ie] , Nugent, Ryan More than 10pc of women students sexually assaulted 'when drunk or drugged'. (04 Jun 2015)

Rape Crisis Network Ireland. (2015) National rape crisis statistics 2014. Dublin: Rape Crisis Network Ireland.

[Independent.ie] , O'Regan, Mark Alcohol is the number one 'date rape' drug in Ireland - experts. (28 Apr 2015)

[Rape Crisis Network Ireland] Rape Crisis Network Ireland (RCNI) call for the immediate removal of all Diageo/Role-models advert which blames victims of sexual violence for the crimes that have been committed against them. (12 Mar 2015)

[Irish Examiner] , O'Regan, Eilish Most victims of sex assault 'had drunk six pints'. (15 Dec 2014)

Rape Crisis Network Ireland. (2014) National rape crisis statistics 2013. Galway: Rape Crisis Network Ireland.

Connolly, Johnny (2014) Drug-facilitated sexual assault: an Irish perspective. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 51, Autumn 2014 , p. 18.

An Garda Siochana. (2014) An Garda Síochana: annual report 2013. Dublin: An Garda Siochana.

[Independent.ie] , O'Hanlon, Eilis We don't really want alcohol debate. (09 Feb 2014)

[Irish Examiner] , Ó Fátharta, Conall ‘Tsunami of homicides and rapes’ if drink craze continues. (04 Feb 2014)

[Rape Crisis Network Ireland] Young people and sexual violence: Government failing to prevent rape and sexual violence while alcohol gets offenders off the hook. (28 Jan 2014)

MacNeela, Padraig and Conway, Thomas and Kavanagh, Siobhan and Kennedy, Lisa Ann and McCaffrey, John (2014) Young people, alcohol and sex: what’s consent got to do with it? Exploring how attitudes to alcohol impact on judgements about consent to sexual activity: a qualitative study of university students. Galway: Rape Crisis Network Ireland.

Barrett, Alan and Kamiya, Yumiko and O’Sullivan, Vincent (2014) Childhood sexual abuse and later-life economic consequences. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics , 53 , pp. 10-16.

Eogan, Maeve (2014) National Sexual Assault Treatment Unit (SATU) annual key service activity report 2013. National Sexual Assault Treatment Unit.

Rape Crisis Network Ireland. (2013) Hearing child survivors of sexual violence: towards a national response. Dublin: Rape Crisis Network Ireland.

An Garda Siochana. (2013) An Garda Síochana: annual report 2012. Dublin: An Garda Siochana.

Women's Aid. (2013) Women's Aid annual report 2012. Dublin: Women's Aid.

Murphy, Jamie and Houston, James Edward and Shevlin, Mark and Adamson, Gary (2013) Childhood sexual trauma, cannabis use and psychosis: statistically controlling for pre-trauma psychosis and psychopathology. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology , 48 , pp. 853-861.

McBrierty, Dermot and Wilkinson, Andrew and Tormey, William P (2013) A review of drug-facilitated sexual assault evidence: an Irish perspective. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine , 20 , (4) , pp. 189-197.

Connolly, Johnny (2013) The role of alcohol in rape cases in Ireland. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 44, Winter 2012 , p. 10.

[Irish Independent] , Ryan, Philip Sex assaults and drug offences also quashed by gardai. (23 Dec 2012)

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Topical issue debate - Sexual offences [Alcohol]. (11 Dec 2012)

[Rape Crisis Network Ireland] Target alcohol consumption and sexual violence. (10 Dec 2012)

Rape Crisis Network Ireland. (2012) RCNI statistical report on crimes of child sexual volence. Galway: Rape Crisis Network Ireland.

Rape Crisis Network Ireland. (2012) National Rape Crisis statistics and annual report 2011. Galway: Rape Crisis Network Ireland.

[Rape Crisis Network Ireland] Vulnerability of teenagers to sexual violence in a binge drinking culture must be addressed. (22 Oct 2012)

Rape Crisis Network Ireland. (2012) Growing a body of evidence: data on alcohol consumption and sexual violence. Factsheet 8. Galway: Rape Crisis Network Ireland.

[Rape Crisis Network Ireland] RCNI call for Rape Prevention Programmes that target alcohol consumption link to sexual violence. (26 Sep 2012)

Ireland. Courts Service. (2012) Courts service annual report 2011. Dublin: Courts Service.

Rape Crisis Network Ireland. (2012) Calling time on sexual violence and alcohol: the facts. Factsheet 4. Alcohol consumption and victim blaming. Galway: Rape Crisis Network Ireland.

Rape Crisis Network Ireland. (2012) Calling time on sexual violence and alcohol: the facts. Factsheet 1: The extent of the problem in Ireland. Galway: Rape Crisis Network Ireland.

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. (2012) Guidelines for the forensic analysis of drugs facilitating sexual assault and other criminal acts. New York: United Nations.

Naughton, C and Drennan, Jonathan and Lyons, Imogen and Lafferty, Attracta and Tracy, M and Phelan, A and O'Loughlin, A and Delaney, L (2012) Elder abuse and neglect in Ireland: results from a national prevalence survey. Age and Ageing , 41 , (1) , pp. 98-103.

Rape Crisis Network Ireland. (2012) Calling time on sexual violence and alcohol: the facts. Factsheet 3. Sex related alcohol expectancies: mediating rape and alcohol consumption? Galway: Rape Crisis Network Ireland.

COSC. The National Office for the Prevention of Domestic, Sexual and Gender-based Violence. (2012) Awareness raising of domestic and sexual violence: a survey of post-primary schools in Ireland. Dublin: Cosc.

Rape Crisis Network Ireland. (2012) RCNI Submission to the Joint Oireachtas committee on Justice, Defence and Equality, on the issue of gratuitous violence arising from alcohol and substance abuse. Galway: Rape Crisis Network Ireland.

Rape Crisis Network Ireland. (2012) Calling time on sexual violence and alcohol: the facts. Factsheet 5: alcohol, youth and sexual violence. Galway: Rape Crisis Network Ireland.

Rape Crisis Network Ireland. (2012) Calling time on sexual violence and alcohol: the facts. Factsheet 6: Alcohol as a ‘date-rape’ drug. Galway: Rape Crisis Network Ireland.

Rape Crisis Network Ireland. (2012) Calling time on sexual violence and alcohol: the facts. Factsheet 7: assessing and measuring the impact of drugs and alcohol in sexual violence. Dublin: Rape Crisis Network Ireland.

Rape Crisis Network Ireland. (2012) Calling time on sexual violence and alcohol: the facts. Factsheet 9 rape, alcohol consumption and human rights: meeting obligations for a better future. Dublin: Rape Crisis Network Ireland.

Ireland. Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions. (2012) Office of the director of Public Prosecutions annual report 2011. Dublin: Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions.

Mulkeen, Majella (2012) "Gendered processes in child protection: 'Mother-blaming' and the erosion of men's accountability,". Irish Journal of Applied Social Studies , 12 , (1) .

Alcohol Action Ireland. (2012) Alcohol and crime: getting the facts. Dublin: Alcohol Action Ireland.

Ireland. Courts Service. (2011) Courts Service annual report 2010. Dublin: Courts Service.

Ireland. Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions. (2011) Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions annual report 2010. Dublin: Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions.

Saidlear, Cliona (2011) Sexual violence & alcohol in Ireland. A culture? In: Alcohol: where's the harm?, 15 November 2011, Royal College of Physicians.

[Irish Medical Times] , Finn, Laura Alcohol a factor in half of all sexual assaults. (30 Apr 2010)

Mongan, Deirdre (2010) Rape in Ireland – what role does alcohol play? Drugnet Ireland , Issue 33, Spring 2010 , p. 11.

Health Service Executive, National SATU Services, Rotunda Hospital. Eogan, Maeve (2010) First national Sexual Assault Treatment Unit (SATU) annual clinical report. National SATU Services.

COSC. The National Office for the Prevention of Domestic, Sexual and Gender-based Violence. (2010) National strategy on domestic, sexual and gender-based violence 2010-2014. Dublin: The National Office for the Prevention of Domestic, Sexual and Gender-based Violence.

National SATU Guidelines Development Group. (2010) Recent rape/sexual assault: National guidelines on referral and forensic clinical examination in Ireland. Dublin: National SATU Guidelines Development Group.

Kelleher, Caroline (2009) The ‘hidden’ costs of sexual violence: a multi-dimensional approach to the impact and experience of trauma”. PhD thesis, National University of Ireland, Maynooth.

Ambreen Taj, Anita and Keenan, Eamon and Casey, Patricia (2008) Childhood adversity and substance misuse. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine , 25 , (1) , pp. 29-30.

Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs. (2007) Drug facilitated sexual assault. London: Home Office.

Dublin Rape Crisis Centre. Byrne, Joan and McGee, Hannah and Garavan, Rebecca and Barra, Mairéad de and Conroy, Ronán Michael (2002) The SAVI report: sexual abuse and violence in Ireland. Dublin: Liffey Press .

This list was generated on Thu Oct 24 04:48:59 2024 IST.