Home > Women's Aid annual impact report 2022.

Women's Aid. (2023) Women's Aid annual impact report 2022. Dublin: Women's Aid.

PDF (Women's Aid annual impact report 2022) - Published Version

  • Women’s Aid’s Annual Impact Report for 2022 details 31,229 contacts with its national and regional support services last year. 
  • 16% increase in contacts compared to previous year and the highest ever received by the organisation in its almost 50 year history.
  • During these contacts, the organisation’s support workers heard 33,990 disclosures of domestic abuse against women and children.
  • Abuse included coercive control, emotional abuse, physical violence, sexual abuse, and economic control.
  • 12 women died violently in 2022 according to the organisation’s Femicide Watch.
  • Every system for domestic abuse victims/survivors is creaking at the seams and the cost of living and housing crises exacerbate the toll on women and families affected. 

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