Home > EU survey on gender-based violence against women and other forms of inter-personal violence (EU-GBV) — first results.

Eurostat. (2022) EU survey on gender-based violence against women and other forms of inter-personal violence (EU-GBV) — first results. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. doi: 10.2785/41553.

PDF (EU survey on gender-based violence against women and other forms of inter-personal violence)

This report provides background information on the methodology development and on the implementation of the EU survey on gender-based violence against women and other forms of inter-personal violence (EU-GBV). It also gives some first results from the survey. The survey implementation started in 2020 and data collection takes place over the 2020-2023 period (wave 2021) based on national timetables. To ensure that high quality and comparable data are produced, the EU-GBV is implemented based on common questionnaire and methodology. As the 2021 data collection is planned over a period of 4 years, the survey data will be published by Eurostat in batches (groups of countries) shortly after validation process is finalized. The first results covered in this publication include the countries who have finalized data collection in September 2022, while EU-wide data will be disseminated at the end of 2023.

Item Type
Publication Type
International, Report
Intervention Type
Harm reduction, Crime prevention
November 2022
Identification #
doi: 10.2785/41553
17 p.
Publications Office of the European Union
Corporate Creators
Place of Publication
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