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[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. EU Regulation on the Transfer of Proceedings in Criminal Matters: Motion. (11 Jul 2023)
[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 463 - Tobacco control measures [2770/15] [Plain packaging]. (22 Jan 2015)
[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 419 - Tobacco control measures [48023/14]. (16 Dec 2014)
[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 454 - EU directives [tobacco] [48025/14]. (16 Dec 2014)
[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 280 - Tobacco control measures [48021/14]. (16 Dec 2014)
[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 418 - Tobacco control measures [46191/14] [Plain packaging]. (02 Dec 2014)
[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 345 - Tobacco control measures [44049/14] [Plain packaging]. (18 Nov 2014)
[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 136 - Trade agreements [Tobacco, plain packaging]] [40734/14]. (23 Oct 2014)
[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 177 - EU directives [Tobacco] [11061/14]. (05 Mar 2014)
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[Irish Times] Tobacco firms challenge ban on flavoured tobacco for vaping. (11 Jan 2023)
[European Parliament] EU Drugs Agency: MEPs give the green light to a more powerful agency. (01 Dec 2022)
[Department of Health] Minister Feighan welcomes the approval of the EU Drugs Strategy 2021-2025. (25 Feb 2021)
[Alcohol Action Ireland] Alcohol action make submission to the EU Commission's review of the Public Health (Alcohol) Bill. (29 Jun 2018)
[The Times] , Sanz, Catherine Alcohol bill is not barrier to trade, Ireland reassures EU. (14 Jun 2018)
[Independent.ie] , McCaughran, Samantha New Italian submission raises free-trade concerns over Irish alcohol legislation. (10 Jun 2018)
[EMCDDA] Two new synthetic cannabinoids to be placed under control across the EU. (14 May 2018)
[Irish Examiner] Concerns alcohol bill could stop sale of some magazines in Ireland. (09 May 2018)
[Alcohol Action Ireland] Alcohol Action Ireland rejects ABFI’s assessment of the EU Commission’s comments on the Public Health Alcohol Bill. (09 May 2018)
[Independent.ie] , Downing, John Alcohol advertising curbs 'may be against EU laws'. (08 May 2018)
[Irish Times] , Kelly, Fiach European Commission criticises parts of alcohol health warning plan. (03 May 2018)
[The Times] , Sanz, Catherine EU objections to delay alcohol bill until July. (23 Apr 2018)
[Irish Times] , Leahy, Pat EU issued warning to Government over alcohol Bill. (17 Apr 2018)
[European Commission] Commission decides that the Swedish intention to impose a ban on alcohol advertising on two UK broadcasters is not compatible with EU rules. (31 Jan 2018)
[Council of the European Union] Council and Parliament agree on new mechanism to better protect Europeans from new psychoactive substances. (29 May 2017)
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