Home > European Council adopts EU Action Plan on Drugs (2013-2016).

Council of the European Union. [Council of the European Union] European Council adopts EU Action Plan on Drugs (2013-2016). (07 Jun 2013)

External website: http://www.consilium.europa.eu/uedocs/cms_data/doc...

On 6-7 June 2013 the Council adopted the new EU Action Plan on Drugs (2013-2016) (9963/13) that foresees 54 concrete and evidence-based actions in the areas of drug demand reduction, drug supply reduction, coordination, international cooperation, information, research, monitoring and evaluation. Each action is defined by a timetable, responsible parties and data collection/assessment mechanisms. 15 overarching indicators and a number of additional indicators have been listed to assess the implementation of this action plan.

This action plan is the first Action Plan implementing the recently adopted EU Drugs Strategy for 2013-2020 (17547/12), which aims to contribute to a reduction in drug demand and drug supply within the EU. It also aims to reduce the health and social risks and harms caused by drugs through a strategic approach that supports and complements national policies, that provides a framework for coordinated and joint actions and that forms the basis and political framework for EU external cooperation in this field.


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