European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2023) EMCDDA: General report of activities 2022 – key achievements and governance: a year in review. Lisbon: European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. DOI: 10.2810/268534.
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The General Report of Activities is an annual publication providing a detailed progress report of the EMCDDA’s activities over a 12-month period. It catalogues the Centre’s achievements in each area of its annual work programme. The report is a useful information source for all those seeking comprehensive information on the Centre and its work
Table of contents:
Executive summary
PART I: Report of activities: key achievements of the year
PART IIA: Management
PART IIB: External evaluations
PART III: Assessment of the effectiveness of the internal control systems
PART IV: Management assurance
PART V: Declaration of assurance
Annex I: Core business statistics
Annex Ia: Implementation of the 2022 work programme by objectives and expected outputs/results
Annex Ib: Key performance indicators
Annex II: Statistics on financial management
Annex III: Organisational chart
Annex IV: Establishment plan and additional information on human resources management
Annex V: Human and financial resources by activity
Annex VI: Contribution, grant and service-level agreements. Financial framework partnership agreements
Annex VII: Environmental management
Annex VIII: EMCDDA accounts — Financial year 2022
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