Home > Items where Subject is "MA-ML Social science, culture and community > Social condition"

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Andreacchi, Alessandra T and Hobin, Erin and Siddiqi, Arjumand and Smith, Brendan T (2024) Age, period and cohort effects of heavy episodic drinking by sex/gender and socioeconomic position in Canada, 2000-2021. Addiction , Early Online .

Devine, D and Ioannidou, O and Sloan, S and Martinez-Sainz, G and Symonds, J and Bohnert, M and Greaves, M and Moore, B and Smith, K and Crean, M and Davies, A and Jones, M and Barrow, N and Crummy, A and Gleasure, S and Samonova, E and Smith, A and Stynes, H and Donegan, A (2024) Children’s school lives: equalities in children’s school lives – the impact of social background. Dublin: UCD School of Education.

Battista, Katelyn and Patte, Karen A and Wade, Terrance J and Cole, Adam G and Elton-Marshall, Tara and Lucibello, Kristen M and Pickett, William and Leatherdale, Scott T (2024) Do sociodemographic risk profiles for adolescents engaging in weekly e-cigarette, cigarette, and dual product use differ? BMC Public Health , 24 .

Gault, Siann and Gnat, Lauren and Fletcher, Paula C and Kirst, Maritt and MacDonald, Robert and Morton Ninomiya, Melody E (2024) Current and ideal living arrangements and supports for Canadian adults with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD)-Part I: perspectives from adults with FASD. Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research , 48 , (7) , pp. 1360-1370.

Ireland. Department of the Taoiseach. (2023) Understanding life in Ireland: the well-being framework 2023. Dublin: Government of Ireland.

Sepúlveda Galeas, Mauricio and Escobar Riffo, Diego (2023) Incorporation of the differential approach to rights in information and research systems. COPOLAD III.

Latimore, Amanda D and Salisbury-Afshar, Elizabeth and Duff, Noah and Freiling, Emma and Kellett, Brett and Sullenger, Rebecca D and Salman, Aisha (2023) Primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention of substance use disorders through socioecological strategies. Discussion paper. NAM Perspectives , Online .

Kelly, John F and Levy, Samuel and Matlack, Maya and Hoeppner, Bettina B (2023) Who affiliates with SMART recovery? A comparison of individuals attending SMART recovery, alcoholics anonymous, both, or neither. Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research , 47 , (10) , pp. 1926-1942.

Sprong, Stefanie and Maitre, Bertrand (2023) Technical paper on the poverty indicators for social inclusion in Ireland. Dublin: Department of Social Protection.

Pobal. (2023) Pobal open data and maps [Ireland].

Health Research Board. (2023) National Drug Treatment Reporting System (NDTRS) data [Ireland].

Smyth, Emer (2022) The changing social worlds of 9-year-olds. Dublin: Economic and Social Research Institute.

Eurostat. (2022) Sustainable development in the European Union – 2022 edition. Monitoring report on progress towards the SDGs in an EU context. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Written answer 150 - Drug dealing [8537/22]. (17 Feb 2022)

Rees, S and Watkins, A and Keauffling, J and John, A (2022) Incidence, mortality and survival in young people with co-occurring mental disorders and substance use: a retrospective linked routine data study in Wales. Dove Press , 14 , pp. 21-38.

Making Every Adult Matter Coalition. (2022) Making funding work for people facing multiple disadvantage. London: Making Every Adult Matter.

Cameron, Michael P (2022) The relationship between alcohol outlets and crime is not an artefact of retail geography. Addiction , 117 , (8) , pp. 2215-2224.

Jackson, Sarah E and Beard, Emma and Angus, Colin and Field, Matt and Brown, Jamie (2022) Moderators of changes in smoking, drinking and quitting behaviour associated with the first COVID-19 lockdown in England. Addiction , 117 , (3) , pp. 772-783.

Gonzalez, Raul and Thompson, Erin L and Sanchez, Mariana and Morris, Amanda and Gonzalez, Marybel R and Feldstein Ewing, Sarah W and Mason, Michael J and Arroyo, Judith and Howlett, Katia and Tapert, Susan F and Zucker, Robert A (2021) An update on the assessment of culture and environment in the ABCD Study®: emerging literature and protocol updates over three measurement waves. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience , 52 .

Walsh, David and McCartney, Gerry and Minton, Jon and Parkinson, Jane and Shipton, Deborah and Whyte, Bruce (2021) Deaths from 'diseases of despair' in Britain: comparing suicide, alcohol-related and drug-related mortality for birth cohorts in Scotland, England and Wales, and selected cities. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health , 75 , (12) , pp. 1195-1201.

National Women's Council. (2021) Improving the healthcare outcomes and experiences of the healthcare system for marginalised women. Dublin: Department of Health.

Social Justice Ireland. (2021) From the crash to covid and beyond review of the social situation in Europe and considerations for a more sustainable and inclusive future. Dublin: Social Justice Ireland.

Central Statistics Office. (2021) Statistical yearbook of Ireland 2021: Part 1 people and society. Cork: Central Statistics Office.

Social Justice Ireland. (2021) Ireland and the Europe 2020 Strategy: a review of the social inclusion aspects of Ireland’s National Reform Programme in the context of the Europe 2020 Strategy. Dublin: Social Justice Ireland.

Balaj, Mirza and York, Hunter Wade and Sripada, Kam and Besnier, Elodie and Vonen, Hanne Dahl and Aravkin, Aleksandr and Friedman, Joseph and Griswold, Max and Jensen, Magnus Rom and Mohammad, Talal and Mullany, Erin C and Solhaug, Solvor and Sorensen, Reed and Stonkute, Donata and Tallaksen, Andreas and Whisnant, Joanna and Zheng, Peng and Gakidou, Emmanuela and Eikemo, Terje Andreas (2021) Parental education and inequalities in child mortality: a global systematic review and meta-analysis. The Lancet , 398 , (10300) , pp. 608-620.

O'Donnell, Patrick and Moran, Lisa and Geelen, Stefan and O'Donovan, Diarmuid and van den Muijsenbergh, Maria and Elmusharaf, Khalifa (2021) "There is people like us and there is people like them, and we are not like them." Understating social exclusion - a qualitative study. PLoS ONE , 16 , (6) .

Albert-Ballestar, Sergi and García-Altés, Anna (2021) Measuring health inequalities: a systematic review of widely used indicators and topics. International Journal for Equity in Health , 20 , (73) .

Allik, Mirjam and Brown, Denise and Dundas, Ruth and Leyland, Alastair H (2020) Deaths of despair: cause-specific mortality and socioeconomic inequalities in cause-specific mortality among young men in Scotland. International Journal for Equity in Health , 19 , (1) , p. 215.

Hakulinen, Christian and Mok, Pearl L H and Horsdal, Henriette Thisted and Pedersen, Carsten B and Mortensen, Preben B and Agerbo, Esben and Webb, Roger T (2020) Parental income as a marker for socioeconomic position during childhood and later risk of developing a secondary care-diagnosed mental disorder examined across the full diagnostic spectrum: a national cohort study. BMC Medicine , 18 , p. 323.

Central Statistics Office. (2020) Statistical yearbook of Ireland 2020. Cork: Central Statistics Office.

Eurostat. Notten, Geranda and Guio, Anne-Catherine (2020) At the margin: by how much do social transfers reduce material deprivation in Europe. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.

Song, Fujian and Elwell-Sutton, Tim and Naughton, Felix and Gentry, Sarah (2020) Future smoking prevalence by socioeconomic status in England: a computational modelling study. Tobacco Control , 30 , pp. 380-385.

Eurostat. Guio, Anne-Catherine and Marlier, Eric and Vandenbroucke, Frank and Verbunt, Pim (2020) Micro- and macro-drivers of child deprivation in 31 European countries — 2020 edition. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.

Galaj, Ewa and Barrera, Eddy D and Ranaldi, Robert (2020) Therapeutic efficacy of environmental enrichment for substance use disorders. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior , 188 .

United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs. (2020) The sustainable development goals report 2020. New York: United Nations.

European Committee of Social Rights. (2020) European Committee of Social Rights activity report 2018. Strasbourg: Council of Europe.

Eurostat. (2019) European system of integrated social protection statistics ESSPROS — 2019 edition. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.

Doyle, Frank and Darker, Catherine D and Nixon, Elizabeth and Hevey, David (2019) The effects of training low SES adolescents in Motivational Interviewing for health behaviour change among peers. Poster. In: 33rd Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, 3-7 September 2019, Dubrovnik, Croatia.

[Irish Times] , O'Moráin, Pádraig Diseases of despair – a striking phrase but what’s behind it? (22 Aug 2017)

Nagelhout, Gera E and Hummel, Karin and de Goeij, Moniek C M and de Vries, Hein and Kaner, Eileen and Lemmens, Paul (2017) How economic recessions and unemployment affect illegal drug use: a systematic realist literature review. International Journal of Drug Policy , 44 , pp. 69-83.

Dillon, Lucy (2017) Regenerating Dublin’s North East Inner City. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 61, Spring 2017 , pp. 5-6.

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. (2017) Community engagement overview. London: NICE.

WHO Regional Office for Europe. (2016) Growing up unequal: gender and socioeconomic differences in young people's health and well-being. Copenhagan: WHO Regional Office for Europe.

Elgar, Frank J and Currie, Candace (2016) Early-life exposure to income inequality and adolescent health and well-being: evidence from the health behaviour in school-aged children study. Florence: UNICEF Office of Research.

Hayes, Catherine and Kearney, Morgan and O'Carroll, Helen and Zgaga, Lina and Geary, Michael and Kelleher, Cecily (2016) Patterns of smoking behaviour in low-income pregnant women: a cohort study of differential effects on infant birth weight. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , 13 , (11) .

Hummel, Karin and Nagelhout, Gera E and Willemsen, Marc C and Driezen, Pete and Springvloet, Linda and Mons, Ute and Kunst, Anton E and Guignard, Romain and Allwright, Shane and van den Putte, Bas and Hoving, Ciska and Fong, Geoffrey T and McNeill, Ann and Siahpush, Mohammad and Vries, Hein de (2015) Trends and socioeconomic differences in policy triggers for thinking about quitting smoking: Findings from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Europe Surveys. Drug and Alcohol Dependence , 155 , pp. 154-162.

Keane, Martin (2013) Research on young people leaving state care in North Dublin. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 44, Winter 2012 , pp. 19-20.

Strategic Response Group. (2012) A better city for all. A partnership approach to address public substance misuse and perceived anti-social behaviour in Dublin city centre. Dublin: Strategic Response Group.

Cudden, Jamie and Sheahan, Danny (2011) Your Dublin Your Voice. Detailed results of phase 1, April 2011. Dublin: Dublin City Council.

Thomas, J and Kavanagh, J and Tucker, H and Burchett, H and Tripney, J and Oakley, A (2007) Accidental injury, risk-taking behaviour and the social circumstances in which young people (aged 12-24) live: a systematic review. London: EPPI-Centre, Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London.

Combat Poverty Agency. (2002) Combating poverty in a changing Ireland. Combat Poverty Agency strategic plan 2002-2004. Dublin: Combat Poverty Agency.

Payne, Doug (2001) Babies of teenage mothers 60% more likely to die. British Medical Journal , 322 , (7283) , p. 386.

Dean, Geoffrey and Power, B (1984) Heroin use in a Dun Laoghaire Borough area 1983-84. Dublin: Medico-Social Research Board.

Dean, Geoffrey and Bradshaw, John S and Lavelle, Father Paul and Butler, Michael (1984) Characteristics of heroin and non-heroin users in a north-central Dublin Area. Dublin: Medico-Social Research Board.

Kelly, Michael G (1983) Report on drug abuse in Ireland, 1983. (Unpublished) Dublin: Jervis Street Drug Advisory and Treatment Centre.

Bradshaw, John S (1983) Drug misuse in Ireland, 1982-1983: investigation in a north central Dublin area, and in Galway, Sligo and Cork. Dublin: Medico-Social Research Board.

Bradshaw, John S (1982) [Drug misuse in Dublin, July 1982.]. (Unpublished) Dublin: Medico-Social Research Board.

Carney, PA and Timms, MWH and Stevenson, RD (1972) The social and psychological background of young drug abusers in Dublin. British Journal of Addiction , 67 , pp. 199-207.

Hanafin, Joan and Sunday, Salome and Clancy, Luke (2024) Inequalities in smoking and e-cigarette use in young adults with mental ill-health, 20 years after Ireland’s smoking ban. Tobacco Use Insights .

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