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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs. (2020) The sustainable development goals report 2020. New York: United Nations.

PDF (The sustainable development goals report 2020)

This year marks the start of the Decade of Action to deliver the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. It is a critical period to advance a shared vision and accelerate responses to the world's gravest challenges – from eliminating poverty and hunger to reversing climate change. Yet, in only a brief period of time, the precipitous spread of the novel coronavirus turned a public health emergency into one of the worst international crises of our lifetimes, changing the world as we know it. The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2020presents an overview of progress towards the SDGs before the pandemic started, but it also looks at some of the devastating initial impacts of COVID-19 on specific Goals and targets. The report was prepared by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs in collaboration with over 200 experts from more than 40 international agencies, using the latest available data and estimates. 


  • No poverty p.24
  • Zero hunger p.26
  • Good health and well-being p.28
  • Quality education p.32
  • Gender equality p.34
  • Clean water and sanitation p.36
  • Affordable and clean energy p.38
  • Decent work and economic growth p.40
  • Industry, innovation and infrastructure p.42
  • Reduced inequalities p.44
  • Sustainable cities and communities p.46
  • Responsible consumption and production p.48
  • Climate action p.50
  • Life below water p.52
  • Life on land p.54
  • Peace, justice and strong institutions p.56
  • Partnership for the Goals p.58
Item Type
Publication Type
International, Report
Drug Type
All substances
Intervention Type
General / Comprehensive
64 p.
United Nations
Corporate Creators
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Place of Publication
New York
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