Home > Ireland and the Europe 2020 Strategy: a review of the social inclusion aspects of Ireland’s National Reform Programme in the context of the Europe 2020 Strategy.

Social Justice Ireland. (2021) Ireland and the Europe 2020 Strategy: a review of the social inclusion aspects of Ireland’s National Reform Programme in the context of the Europe 2020 Strategy. Dublin: Social Justice Ireland.

PDF (Ireland and the Europe 2020 strategy)

External website: https://www.socialjustice.ie/content/policy-issues...

The report covers three of the five headline targets established in the Europe 2020 Strategy and addressed in the Irish National Reform Programme, namely, employment, education and ‘poverty and social exclusion’. In each of these areas the report identifies the Europe 2020 target and Ireland’s corresponding headline target, and then:

  • Analyses the current context;
  • Assesses progress (or otherwise) in achieving the Irish headline target;
  • Reviews recent policy decisions and assesses their contribution (or otherwise) to Ireland achieving its targets;
  • Identifies a number of issues relevant to the achievement of the targets; and
  • Makes recommendations on adjusting the targets that Government has set in particular areas

Implicit in the approach taken in the Europe 2020 Strategy is that economic development, social development and environmental protection are complementary and interdependent – three sides of the same reality. Overall, current trends in Irish public policy are running counter to the promotion of ‘inclusive growth,’ which is one of the three key priorities which underlie the Europe 2020 Strategy. Inclusive growth is not just about fostering a high-employment economy, it also aims to deliver social cohesion – it is integral to the Europe 2020 strategy and needs to be integral to the response of the Irish Government.

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