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(2024) New Minister for National Drugs Strategy. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 88, Summer 2024 , p. 15.
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Galvin, Brian (2023) New Minister of State with responsibility for the National Drugs Strategy. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 84, Winter 2023 , pp. 1-3.
Dillon, Lucy (2023) Conference on addiction recovery and the gap between evidence and political will. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 84, Winter 2023 , pp. 15-16.
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[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Committee Establishment: Motion [Special Committee on Drugs Use]. (06 Mar 2024)
[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Written answer 1120 - Ministerial responsibilities [Gambling] [1474/23]. (18 Jan 2023)
[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Order of Business [Decriminalisation debate]. (19 Oct 2021)
[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement: Motion. (21 Sep 2021)
[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Topical issue debate - Departmental functions. (13 Jul 2021)
[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Other questions - Cross-border co-operation [36818/21]. (08 Jul 2021)
[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Appointment of Ministers and Ministers of State. (07 Jul 2020)
[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 575 - Lobbying data [42298/17] [Alcohol Bill]. (10 Oct 2017)
[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 24 - Cross-border co-operation [Tobacco] [29306/16]. (11 Oct 2016)
[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 1397 - National Drugs Strategy [25946/16]. (16 Sep 2016)
[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 483 - National drugs strategy implementation [16063/16]. (14 Jun 2016)
[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 148 - Ministerial meetings [26483/15]. (01 Jul 2015)
[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 176 - National drugs strategy implementation [Ministerial meetings] [26483/15]. (01 Jul 2015)
[Oireachtas] Joint Committee on Health and Children - National Drugs Strategy: Minister of State at the Department of Health. (09 Jun 2015)
[Oireachtas] Seanad Eireann debate - National Drugs Strategy: statements. (26 May 2015)
[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 392 - Ministerial Responsibilities [10085/15]. (10 Mar 2015)
[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann. Leaders' questions (continued) [Drug strategy]. (05 Mar 2015)
[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 367 - Ministerial responsibilities [Tobacco] [46306/14]. (02 Dec 2014)
[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answers 367 - Ministerial appointments [42944/14]. (11 Nov 2014)
[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answers 387, 388, 389 & 465 - Departmental reports [Tobacco] [10782/14, 10783/14, 10784/14, 10785/14]. (04 Mar 2014)
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[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 183 - National Drugs Strategy [16711/11]. (22 Jun 2011)
[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answers 58 & 59 - Department functions [10877/11]. (11 May 2011)
[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 29 - National Drugs Strategy [7970/11]. (14 Apr 2011)
[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 311 - Sale of alcohol [3925/11]. (25 Jan 2011)
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[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac Parties urged to back drug decriminalisation. (21 Nov 2024)
[Alcohol Action Ireland] Next government must establish an Office for Alcohol Harm Reduction. (18 Nov 2024)
[thejournal.ie] , MacRedmond, David FactCheck: Where have Fine Gael (and Simon Harris) stood on drug decriminalisation in the past? (13 Nov 2024)
Hot Press News Desk. [Hot Press] Ireland’s new drugs Minister Colm Burke says one in five politicians in the Dáil have probably taken illegal substances. (02 Sep 2024)
[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac New Oireachtas committee on drugs use is expected to produce interim reports. (05 Jun 2024)
[Irish Times] , Horgan Jones, Jack Drug use committee faces difficulties reporting findings before possible autumn election, chair says. (13 Mar 2024)
[Irish Examiner] , Phelan, Ciara Tánaiste 'worried' about impact of legalising cannabis. (20 Mar 2023)
[thejournal.ie] , Kinsella, Carla Minister for Justice Simon Harris says he 'hasn't heard' of drug use in Leinster House. (22 Feb 2023)
[RTE News] , Cunningham, Paul Citizens' Assembly on drugs could make way for radical shake-up. (19 Feb 2023)
[thejournal.ie] , McNally, Tadgh 'No view' on cannabis legalisation, says Varadkar as Citizens' Assembly on drugs expected in 2023. (25 Dec 2022)
[Gov.ie] Minister of State appointments. (21 Dec 2022)
[RTE News] , Spain, Sinead Why some politicians want decriminalisation of drugs. (04 Dec 2022)
Ireland. Department of Health. [Department of Health] Budget 2021: €4 billion to protect, reform and expand health and social care services and implement universal healthcare. (14 Oct 2020)
[RTE News] Government confirms junior minister portfolios. (02 Jul 2020)
[Hot Press] , Clark, Stuart The Irish Council for Civil Liberties call for urgent drug policy review. (16 Jun 2020)
[Hot Press] , Clark, Stuart The Green Party calls for drug decriminalisation in Ireland. (04 May 2020)
[thejournal.ie] , Ryan, Orla Q&A: Here's where Ireland's political parties stand on drugs ahead of GE2020. (07 Feb 2020)
[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac Cormac O’Keeffe: Pledges galore, but will anything change on the ground? (05 Feb 2020)
[Citywide] Citywide Drugs Crisis Campaign-Manifesto for General Election 2020. (24 Jan 2020)
[Fianna Fail] Fianna Fail manifesto 2020. (24 Jan 2020)
[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac Government must invest in 'day-to-day' local drug services - community group. (23 Jan 2020)
[Alcohol Action Ireland] No place for alcohol industry in public health policies. (01 May 2019)
[thejournal.ie] , Ní Fhallúin, Maebh Opinion: 'Big businesses will cry wolf and fire accusations of nanny-statism at any public health intervention'. (18 Apr 2019)
[thejournal.ie] , Fitzgerald, Cormac Finian McGrath criticised by Cabinet colleagues for 'bewildering and bizarre' comments over political policing. (31 Mar 2019)
[Finegael.ie] Fine Gael Ard Fheis: Motions on addiction and gambling. (15 Nov 2018)
[Department of Health] Slaintecare top priority in health budget 2019. (10 Oct 2018)
[Alcohol Action Ireland] Alcohol Action Ireland call on 13 TDs further delaying the Alcohol Bill to back better public health, and protect our children first, ahead of a thriving alcohol industry. (17 Sep 2018)
[Irish Times] , O'Halloran, Marie FF Irish amendment could delay public health legislation on alcohol. (16 Sep 2018)
Press Association. [Irish Examiner] Fianna Fáil criticised over ‘cruel, mocking’ post on drugs policy. (09 Aug 2018)
[Irish Times] , Kelleher, Olivia Irish medicinal cannabis campaigner to speak before House of Commons. (20 Jun 2018)
[The Times] , Rogan, Aaron and Bray, Jennifer Threat to alcohol bill after U-turn by Labour. (16 Jun 2018)
[Medical Independent] Irish Cancer Society "shocked" at Labour attempts to remove cancer labelling from Alcohol Bill. (15 Jun 2018)
[Irish Times] , O'Regan, Michael Ceann Comhairle urges rethink in Dáil road traffic Bill filibuster. (14 Jun 2018)
[RTE News] , McMorrow, Conor TD calls for 'DIY' alcohol breath testing kits to be supplied to rural pubs. (31 May 2018)
[newstalk.com] , Staines, Michael Green Party calls for Government investment in growing medicinal cannabis. (25 May 2018)
[Irish Times] , Labanyi, David and O'Halloran, Marie Varadkar threatens to force passage of road traffic Bill. (24 May 2018)
[Irish Times] , O'Halloran, Marie Rural TDs call time on drink-driving provision in Bill. (14 May 2018)
[thejournal.ie] , Hosford, Paul 'Disgraceful and self-serving' - Road safety chief hits out at TDs over drink-driving bill. (27 Apr 2018)
[rte.ie] , McMorrow, Conor Are 'alcohol can cause cancer' labels 'a step too far' for TDs? (19 Feb 2018)
[Irish Times] , O'Halloran, Marie Drinks industry lobbied extensively on Alcohol Health Bill. (22 Jan 2018)
[Medical Independent] , Lynch, David A new dawn for drug policy? (07 Dec 2017)
[Irish Examiner] Cork TD calls for Dáil bar to be shut immediately. (01 Dec 2017)
[Health Research Board] Research central to implementation of new National Drugs Strategy. (17 Jul 2017)
[Independent.ie] , Doyle, Kevin Minister expects backlash to 'booze curtains' plan - but says it 'must happen'. (30 Dec 2016)
[Department of Health] Minister Marcella Corcoran Kennedy welcomes tobacco divestment by ISIF. (22 Dec 2016)
[Irish Times] , O'Halloran, Marie Sharp exchanges in Seanad on Public Health (Alcohol) Bill. (26 Oct 2016)
[Independent.ie] , O'Connor, Niall Labour drugs plan opposed by gardaí and FG. (11 Nov 2015)
[thejournal.ie] Our drugs minister has backed decriminalisation in a major London speech. (03 Nov 2015)
[Department of Health] Minister Ó Ríordáin to host Think Tank on the National Drug Problem. (29 Jul 2015)
[thejournal.ie] Here’s the new minister for drugs. (23 Apr 2015)
[Department of Health] Varadkar welcomes appointment of Ó Ríordáin as Minister of State with Responsibility for Drugs. (23 Apr 2015)
[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac Fianna Fáil: Emphasis must be on becoming drug-free. (17 Apr 2015)
[Fianna Fail] FF proposes radical new approach to tackling drugs crisis. (16 Apr 2015)
[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac Call for dedicated drugs minister. (13 Apr 2015)
[Citywide] Citywide welcomes comments from an Taoiseach that he is giving consideration to appointing a Junior Minister with responsibility for the National Drugs Strategy. (07 Mar 2015)
[Irish Examiner] , O'Cionnaith, Fiachra Cabinet urged to keep plain packaging plans. (20 Feb 2015)
British Irish Council. [British Irish Council] Ministerial meeting of the sectoral group on the misuse of substances. (27 Jun 2014)
[Alcohol Action Ireland] All-party Oireachtas group on alcohol misuse launched. (04 Mar 2014)
[Independent.ie] , Sheahan, Fionnan Labour candidates send mixed messages on alcohol use. (10 Feb 2014)
[Independent.ie] Drinks group tipped off about Cabinet memo. (08 Jan 2014)
[Irish Medical Times] New substance misuse proposals submitted. (12 Nov 2013)
[thejournal.ie] Dáil own-brand wine is a bizarre idea, says Adams. (13 Oct 2013)
[Irish Independent] , Hancock, Ciaran We need to take a line on drink. (25 Sep 2013)
[Irish Examiner] , McCarthaigh, Sean Alcohol sponsorship ban ‘would hurt sports’. (28 Mar 2013)
[thejournal.ie] Oireachtas agenda: alcohol sponsorship, court reporting and animal welfare. (27 Mar 2013)
, Brennan, Michael Shortall and Gilmore bicker over alcohol abuse legislation. (25 Jan 2013)
[Irish Examiner Breaking News] Minister announces changes to drugs task forces. (18 Dec 2012)
[thejournal.ie] Government failure to tackle alcohol abuse had “devastating” impact on society – health specialist. (02 Dec 2012)
[Irish Medical Times] , Connors, Aoife Drug Minister’s title ‘should be amended’. (10 Jan 2012)
[drugs.ie] What should the new government’s priority be on drugs and/or alcohol? (31 Mar 2011)
[TheUniversityObserver.ie] , Rothwell, Kate High society. (29 Mar 2011)
[Alcohol Action Ireland] AAI compares the promises on alcohol. (23 Feb 2011)
[Alcohol Action Ireland] ‘F’ for failure – alcohol charity urges new Government to get a result and tackle detrimental impact of alcohol on young people. (24 Jan 2011)