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Institute of Alcohol Studies. (2024) Institute of Alcohol Studies - economy. URL: https://www.ias.org.uk/factsheet/economy/

[Irish Examiner] , O'Riordan, Sean 115 sacked from Defence Forces for illegal drug use in last 10 years. (30 Apr 2024)

O'Connor, Siobhan and Donnla O'Hagan, Anna and Malone, Sandra M and O'Shaughnessy, Branagh R and McNamara, John and Firnhaber, Joseph (2024) Sleep issues and burnout in Irish farmers: a cross sectional survey. Safety Science , 171 .

Li, Ling and Liang, Yang and Sabia, Joseph J and Dave, Dhaval M (2024) Research letter. Recreational marijuana legalization and workplace injuries among younger workers. JAMA Health Forum , 5 , (2) .

Health Service Executive. (2024) HSE Talking health and wellbeing podcast - 2023. Dublin: Health Service Executive.

Campbell, Anne and Cambell, Orfhlaith (2024) Views of the workers - drug and alcohol use in the workforce in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Northern Ireland Alcohol and Drugs Alliance.

Healthy Workplace Ireland. (2024) Healthy Ireland @ work. URL: https://healthyworkplace.ie/

Jones, Chelsea and Vincent, Michelle and O'Greysik, Elly and Bright, Katherine and Spencer, Shaylee and Beck, Amy and Gross, Douglas P and Brémault-Phillips, Suzette (2024) Workplace reintegration programs, policies, and procedures for nurses experiencing operational stress injury: a scoping literature review. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research , 56 , (3) , pp. 225-233.

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Question 69 - Proposed legislation [Alcohol - railway drivers] [42910/23]. (04 Oct 2023)

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, KORUS Oslo. (2023) Review of national prevention systems based on the UNODC/WHO international standards on drug use prevention. Final report of the pilot in Norway. Vienna: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.

Practitioner Health Matters Programme. (2023) Practitioner Health Matters Programme annual report 2022. Dublin: Practitioner Health Matters Programme.

Ireland. Department of Defence and Defence Forces. (2023) Department of Defence and Defence Forces annual report 2022. Kildare: Department of Defence and Defence Forces.

Hogg, Bridget and Moreno-Alcázar, Ana and Tóth, Mónika Ditta and Serbanescu, Ilinca and Aust, Birgit and Leduc, Caleb and Paterson, Charlotte and Tsantilla, Fotini and Abdulla, Kahar and Cerga-Pashoja, Arlinda and Cresswell-Smith, Johanna and Fanaj, Naim and Meksi, Andia and Ni Dhalaigh, Doireann and Reich, Hanna and Ross, Victoria and Sanches, Sarita and Thomson, Katherine and Van Audenhove, Chantal and Pérez, Victor and Arensman, Ella and Purebl, Gyorgy and Amann, Benedikt L (2023) Supporting employees with mental illness and reducing mental illness-related stigma in the workplace: an expert survey. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience , 273 , (3) , pp. 739-753.

[thejournal.ie] , Kinsella, Carla Minister for Justice Simon Harris says he 'hasn't heard' of drug use in Leinster House. (22 Feb 2023)

Frone, Michael R and Casey Chosewood, L and Osborne, Jamie C and Howard, John J (2022) Workplace supported recovery from substance use disorders: defining the construct, developing a model, and proposing an agenda for future research. Occupational Health Science , 6 , (4) , pp. 475-511.

Irizar, Patricia and Jackson, Leanne and Gage, Suzanne H and Bell, Sean and Piper, Richard and Fallon, Victoria and Goodwin, Laura (2022) ‘It’s a crutch’: a qualitative exploration of UK police employees’ experiences of at-risk alcohol consumption or abstinence. Policing .

Ireland. Department of Defence and Defence Forces. (2022) Department of Defence and Defence Forces annual report 2021. Kildare: Department of Defence and Defence Forces.

Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion (Public Health Ontario), Community Opioid/ Overdose Capacity Building (COM-CAP). (2022) Rapid review. Organizational supports for workers responding to overdose. Toronto: Queen’s Printer for Ontario.

Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction, Health Canada. (2022) Substance use and the workplace: supporting employers and employees in the trades [Toolkit]. Ottawa: Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction.

Practitioner Health Matters Programme. (2022) Practitioner Health Matters Programme annual report 2021. Dublin: Practitioner Health Matters Programme.

[Independent.ie] , Feehan, Conor Prison Service to begin drug screening of officers amid plans to tackle contraband. (28 Apr 2022)

European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2022) EMCDDA webinar: Workplaces and drugs – issues and challenges for the future. EMCDDA.

European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2022) Workplaces and drugs: health and social responses. Lisbon: European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction.

Parsley, Ian C and Dale, Ann Marie and Fisher, Sherri L and Mintz, Carrie M and Hartz, Sarah M and Evanoff, Bradley A and Bierut, Laura J (2022) Association between workplace absenteeism and alcohol use disorder from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2015-2019. JAMA Network Open , 5 , (3) .

[Irish Examiner] , O'Riordan, Sean Random drug testing in the Defence Forces: 108 positive cases over eight years. (17 Feb 2022)

[Oireachtas] Seanad Eireann debate. Garda Síochána (Functions and Operational Areas) Bill 2021: Second Stage. (27 Jan 2022)

Buntrock, Claudia and Freund, Johanna and Smit, Filip and Riper, Heleen and Lehr, Dirk and Boß, Leif and Berking, Matthias and Ebert, David Daniel (2022) Reducing problematic alcohol use in employees: economic evaluation of guided and unguided web-based interventions alongside a three-arm randomized controlled trial. Addiction , 117 , (3) , pp. 611-622.

Duraisingam, Vinita and Nicholas, Roger and Kostadinov, Victoria (2022) Stress and burnout: a prevention handbook for alcohol and other drug services. Adelaide: National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction, Flinders University.

Morse, Ashleigh K and Askovic, Mina and Sercombe, Jayden and Dean, Kate and Fisher, Alana and Marel, Christina and Chatterton, Mary-Lou and Kay-Lambkin, Frances and Barrett, Emma and Sunderland, Matthew and Harvey, Logan and Peach, Natalie and Teesson, Maree and Mills, Katherine L (2022) A systematic review of the efficacy, effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of workplace-based interventions for the prevention and treatment of problematic substance use. Frontiers in Public Health , 10 .

Ireland. Department of Health,. (2021) Healthy Ireland at work: A National Framework for Healthy Workplaces in Ireland 2021–2025. Dublin: Government of Ireland.

Whetton, Steve and Tait, Robert J and Gilmore, William and Dey, Tania and Agramunt, Seraina and Abdul Halim, Suraya and McEntee, Alice and Mukhtar, Aquif and Roche, Ann and Allsop, Steve and Chikritzhs, Tanya (2021) Examining the social and economic costs of alcohol use in Australia 2017/18. Perth, WA: National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University.

NYSBA Task Force on Attorney Well-Being. (2021) Report and recommendations of the NYSBA task force on attorney well-being. This is us: from striving alone to thriving together. New York: New York State Bar Association.

Thørrisen, Mikkel Magnus and Bonsaksen, Tore and Skogen, Jens Christoffer and Skarpaas, Lisebet Skeie and Sevic, Aleksandra and van Mechelen, Willem and Aas, Randi Wågø (2021) Willingness to participate in alcohol prevention interventions targeting risky drinking employees. The WIRUS project. Frontiers in Public Health , 9 , p. 692605.

Maglia, Marilena and Caponnetto, Pasquale and Polosa, Riccardo and Russo, Cristina and Santisi, Giuseppe (2021) Impact of a soft tip nicotine-free harmless cigarette as part of a smoking cessation program with psychological support and varenicline: an integrated workplace smoking cessation intervention. Health Psychology Research , 9 , (1) , p. 24506.

An Garda Siochana. (2021) Substance misuse (controlled drugs) policy. Dublin: An Garda Siochana.

Lund, Ingeborg and Moan, Inger Synnøve (2021) The role of alcohol use and cigarette smoking in sickness absence: are there social inequalities? International Journal of Drug Policy , 94 , p. 103190.

Thompson, Andrew and Pirmohamed, Munir (2021) Associations between occupation and heavy alcohol consumption in UK adults aged 40-69 years: a cross-sectional study using the UK Biobank. BMC Public Health , 21 , (1) , p. 190.

Geuijen, Pauline M and van den Broek, Sophie J M and Dijkstra, Boukje A G and Kuppens, Joanneke M and de Haan, Hein A and de Jong, Cornelis A J and Schene, Aart H and Atsma, Femke and Schellekens, Arnt F A (2021) Success rates of monitoring for healthcare professionals with a substance use disorder: a meta-analysis. Journal of Clinical Medicine , 10 , (2) .

Junna, Liina and Moustgaard, Heta and Martikainen, Pekka (2021) Unemployment from stable, downsized and closed workplaces and alcohol-related mortality. Addiction , 116 , (1) , pp. 74-82.

Richter, Kneginja and Peter, Lukas and Rodenbeck, Andrea and Weess, Hans Günter and Riedel-Heller, Steffi G and Hillemacher, Thomas (2021) Shiftwork and alcohol consumption: a systematic review of the literature. European Addiction Research , 27 , (1) , pp. 9-15.

Practitioner Health Matters Programme. (2021) Practitioner Health Matters Programme annual report 2020. Dublin: Practitioner Health Matters Programme.

Campbell, Anne and Blair, Carolyn (2020) A review of drug and alcohol use in the workforce in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Northern Ireland Alcohol and Drugs Alliance.

Garda Inspectorate. (2020) Countering the threat of internal corruption. A review of counter-corruption structures, strategies and processes in the Garda Síochána. Dublin: Garda Inspectorate.

Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. (2020) Managing drug and alcohol misuse at work. London: CIPD.

National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction. (2020) Workplace alcohol and drug policies. Adelaide: National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction.

Harnett, Yvonne and Drakeford, Clive and Dunne, Lisa and McLoughlin, Declan M and Kennedy, Noel (2019) Physician, heal thyself: a cross-sectional survey of doctors’ personal prescribing habits. Journal of Medical Ethics , 46 , (4) , pp. 231-235.

[Irish Examiner] , Deegan, Gordon Nine railway workers failed work drug and alcohol tests over past two years. (10 Oct 2019)

Bhattacharya, Aveek (2019) Financial headache: the cost of workplace hangovers and intoxication to the UK economy. London: Institute of Alcohol Studies.

[Independent.ie] , Feehan, Conor Codeine addiction surges as workers seek hangover cure. (21 Mar 2019)

O'Keeffe, Anthony and Hayes, Blanaid and Prihodova, Lucia (2019) "Do as we say, not as we do?" the lifestyle behaviours of hospital doctors working in Ireland: a national cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health , 19 .

Medical Council. (2019) Guide to professional conduct and ethics for registered medical practitioners (amended). Dublin: Medical Council.

[Irish Times] , Farrell, Liam ‘A benefit of being a doctor and an addict is that new and clean needles are easily available’. (22 Dec 2018)

[thejournal.ie] , Woods, Killian Dublin Port's move to introduce random drug testing for veteran staff slapped down. (14 Oct 2018)

Airagnes, Guillaume and Lemogne, Cedric and Goldberg, Marcel and Hoertel, Nicolas and Roquelaure, Yves and Limosin, Frédéric and Zins, Marie (2018) Job exposure to the public in relation with alcohol, tobacco and cannabis use: findings from the CONSTANCES cohort study. PLoS ONE , 13 , (5) .

[Irish Times] , Pope, Catherine The Irish worker: sleep deprived, cash strapped but surprisingly sober. (09 Apr 2018)

Hope, Ann and Barry, Joseph and Byrne, Sean (2018) The untold story: harms experienced in the Irish population due to others’ drinking. Dublin: Health Service Executive.

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 124 - Air Corps [55156/17] [Drug testing]. (16 Jan 2018)

Meister, SA (2018) A review of workplace substance use policies in Canada. Strengths, gaps and key considerations. Ottawa: Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction.

Pidd, Ken and Roche, Ann and Cameron, Jacqui and Lee, Nicole and Jenner, Linda and Duraisingam, Vinita (2018) Workplace alcohol harm reduction intervention in Australia: cluster non-randomised controlled trial. Drug and Alcohol Review , 37 , (4) .

[Irish Times] , Digby, Marie Claire Boiling point: The issue of chefs’ mental health in Irish kitchens. (04 Nov 2017)

[Independent.ie] , Feehan, Conor Prison staff fears over passive inhalation of drugs. (29 Apr 2017)

The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland. (2017) The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland: a guide to fitness to practise. Dublin: The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland.

Public Health England. (2016) The public health burden of alcohol: evidence review. London: Public Health England.

Public Health England. (2016) Use of e-cigarettes in public places and workplaces: advice to inform evidence-based policy making. London: Public Health England.

BMA Occupational Medicine Committee. (2016) Alcohol, drugs and the workplace: the role of medical professionals. London: British Medical Association.

Mongan, Deirdre and Long, Jean (2016) Alcohol in Ireland: consumption, harm, cost and policy response. Dublin: Health Research Board.

Drug and Alcohol Findings. (2016) Workplace education improved knowledge without affecting drinking. Drug and Alcohol Findings Research Analysis , (22 March 2016) .

VicHealth. (2016) Creating healthy workplaces, final report: reducing alcohol-related harm. Melbourne: Victorian Health Promotion Foundation.

[thejournal.ie] , Duffy, Ronan How often do people use drugs while working? Most often around exam time anyway. (09 Jun 2015)

[Irish Examiner] , O'Cionnaith, Fiachra Half of employees have been drunk at work. (08 Aug 2014)

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 548 - Road safety [25273/14]. (17 Jun 2014)

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 104 - Employment support services [15821/14]. (03 Apr 2014)

[Independent.ie] , O'Connor, Niall and Griffin, Sam Employers could be held liable for drink-driving staff. (21 Mar 2014)

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 432 - Tobacco control measures [10606/14] [Workplace ban]. (04 Mar 2014)

Hope, Ann (2014) Alcohol’s harm to others in Ireland. Dublin: Health Service Executive.

Cahill, Kate and Lancaster, Tim (2014) Workplace interventions for smoking cessation. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews , (2) .

Savage, Michael (2014) Smoking outside: the effect of the Irish workplace smoking ban on smoking prevalence among the employed. Health Economics, Policy and Law , 9 , (4) , pp. 407-424.

Cornelsen, Laura and McGowan, Yvonne and Currie-Murphy, Laura M. and Normand, Charles (2014) Systematic review and meta-analysis of the economic impact of smoking bans in restaurants and bars. Addiction , 109 , (5) , pp. 720-727.

[thejournal.ie] Smokers spend an average of 25 minutes a day outside work smoking. (07 Jan 2014)

[thejournal.ie] Almost 7 per cent drop shows smoking ban is working, insists Cancer Society. (27 Aug 2013)

[Irish Examiner] Substance misuse ‘a headache for firms’. (16 Aug 2013)

Houghton, Frank (2013) Avoiding action: Ireland, alcohol, intoxication and workplace safety. Irish Journal of Medical Science , 182 , (3) , pp. 529-530.

Savage, Michael (2013) Smoking outside: the effect of the Irish workplace smoking ban on smoking prevalence among the employed. Dublin: Economic and Social Research Institute.

Pierce, Anya (2012) Regulatory aspects of workplace drug testing in Europe. Drug Testing and Analysis , 4 , (2) , pp. 62-65.

Keane, Martin (2012) Employment and drug use: an emerging evidence base. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 40, Winter 2011 , pp. 17-18.

Medical Council. (2012) The Medical Council: Annual report & financial statements 2011. Dublin: Medical Council.

Agius, Ronald (2012) Editorial: Special issue on the 7th Symposium of the EWDTS on Workplace Drug Testing. Drug Testing and Analysis , 4 , (2) , pp. 49-52.

McNabola, Aonghus and Eyre, G and Gill, L W (2012) Environmental tobacco smoke in designated smoking areas in the hospitality industry: exposure measurement, exposure modelling & policy assessment. Environment International , 44 , pp. 68-74.

Health and Safety Authority. (2011) Intoxicants at work: information sheet. Dublin: Health and Safety Authority.

[EAP Institute] Serving alcohol at company sponsored events may increase employer liability. (14 Jun 2011)

Science Group of the European Alcohol and Health Forum. (2011) Alcohol, work and productivity. Bruxelles: Science Group of the European Alcohol and Health Forum.

[The EAP Institute] , Quinlan, Maurice Employee intoxicant testing will not be introduced in Ireland. (04 Nov 2010)

Roche, Ann Marie and Pidd, Ken (2010) Alcohol and other drugs workforce development issues and imperatives: setting the scene. Adelaide: National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction.

Cashman, Clodagh M and Ruotsalainen, Jani H and Greiner, Birgit A and Beirne, Paul V and Verbeek, Jos H (2009) Alcohol and drug screening of occupational drivers for preventing injury. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews , (2) .

Connolly, Gregory N and Carpenter, Carrie M and Travers, Mark J and Cummings, K. Michael and Hyland, Andrew and Mulcahy, Maurice and Clancy, Luke (2009) How smoke-free laws improve air quality: a global study of Irish pubs. Nicotine & Tobacco Research , 11 , (6) , pp. 600-605.

National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. (2008) Smoking cessation services in primary care, pharmacies, local authorities and workplaces, particularly for manual working groups, pregnant women and hard to reach communities. London: NICE.

Irish Health Promoting Hospitals Network, Health Service Executive. (2008) Best practice guidelines for tobacco management in the mental health setting. Dublin: Health Service Executive.

National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. (2007) Workplace health promotion: how to help employees to stop smoking. London: NICE.

Garvey, John F and McElwaine, Paul and Monaghan, Thomas S and McNicholas, Walter T (2007) Banning smoking: confessions of an accordion cleaner. BMJ , 335 , (7621) , p. 630.

Annapolis Coalition on the Behavioral Health Workforce. (2007) An action plan for behavioral health workforce development. Cincinnati, OH: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

Hogan, Victoria and Cannon, Roseanne and Nic Gabhainn, Saoirse (2006) Construction apprentices' attitudes to workplace drug testing in Ireland. Policy and Practice in Health and Safety , 4 , (2) , pp. 43-57.

McCaffrey, M and Goodman, Patrick G and Kelleher, K and Clancy, Luke (2006) Smoking, occupancy and staffing levels in a selection of Dublin pubs pre and post a national smoking ban, lessons for all. Irish Journal of Medical Science , 175 , (2) , pp. 37-40.

Agnew, M (2006) To evaluate the effects of the introduction of a smoke-free environment on the lung function of bar workers in Dublin. mPhil thesis, Dublin Institute of Technology.

Allwright, Shane and Paul, G and Greiner, B and Mullally, BJ and Pursell, L and Kelly, A and Bonner, B and D'Eath, M and McConnell, B and McLaughlin, JP and O'Donovan, D and O'Kane, E and Perry, Ivan J (2005) Legislation for smoke-free workplaces and health of bar workers in Ireland: before and after study. BMJ , 331 , (7525) , p. 1117.

Mulcahy, Maurice and Evans, David S and Hammond, SK and Repace, JL and Byrne, M (2005) Secondhand smoke exposure and risk following the Irish smoking ban: an assessment of salivary cotinine concentrations in hotel workers and air nicotine levels in bars. Tobacco Control , 14 , (6) , pp. 384-388.

TNS mrbi. Durkan, J and McDowell, M (2004) Smoke-free policies. Market research and literature review on economic effects on the hospitality sector. Kildare: Office of Tobacco Control.

Allwright, Shane and McLaughlin, James and Murphy, Dan and Pratt, Iona and Ryan, Michael and Smith, Alan and Guihen, Brenda (2002) Report on the health effects of environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) on the workplace. Dublin: Health and Safety Authority and the Office of Tobacco Control.

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