Home > Smoking cessation services in primary care, pharmacies, local authorities and workplaces, particularly for manual working groups, pregnant women and hard to reach communities.

National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. (2008) Smoking cessation services in primary care, pharmacies, local authorities and workplaces, particularly for manual working groups, pregnant women and hard to reach communities. London: NICE. Public health guidance 10.

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External website: https://pathways.nice.org.uk/pathways/smoking-cess...

The guidance is for NHS and other professionals who have a direct or indirect role in – and responsibility for – smoking cessation services. This includes those working in local authorities and the community, voluntary and private sectors. It may also be of interest to members of the public who wish to give up smoking, including specific groups such as pregnant women and mothers of young children.

The Programme Development Group (PDG) has considered five reviews of the evidence on smoking cessation services, two reviews on nicotine replacement therapy, an expert paper, an economic appraisal, stakeholder comments and the results of fieldwork in developing these recommendations.

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