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Public Health England. (2024) UK: Liver disease profiles.
Public Health England. (2024) Alcohol and drug misuse prevention and treatment guidance collection.
Public Health England. (2023) Wider Impacts of COVID-19 on Health (WICH) monitoring tool.
Public Health England. (2023) Gambling-related harms: evidence review. London: Public Health England.
Public Health England. (2022) People who inject drugs: HIV and viral hepatitis monitoring. London: Public Health England.
Public Health England. (2021) Characteristics of women who stop smoking in pregnancy. Experimental analysis of smoking data from the Maternity Services Data Set (MSDS) April 2018 to March 2019. London: Public Health England.
Public Health England. (2021) Opioid substitution treatment: guide for keyworkers. London: Public Health England.
Public Health England. (2021) Monitoring alcohol consumption and harm during the COVID-19 pandemic. London: Public Health England.
OST Good Practice Programme Working Group, Public Health England. (2021) BOOST: an elearning programme on opioid substitution treatment (OST) for drug treatment and recovery workers. London: Health Education England eLearning for Healthcare.
Public Health England. (2021) Opioid substitution treatment: service self-assessment tool. London: Public Health England.
Public Health England. (2021) Preventing and reducing drug-related harm collection.
Public Health England. (2021) Supporting public health: children, young people and families.
Public Health England. (2021) Parents with alcohol and drug problems: guidance for adult treatment and children and family services. London: Gov.UK.
Public Health England. (2021) Drug Harms Assessment and Response Team. Quarterly summary for professionals: May 2021. London: Public Health England.
Public Health England. (2021) Parents with alcohol and drug problems: using case studies to estimate the cost-benefit of interventions. London: Gov.UK.
Public Health England. (2021) Misuse of illicit drugs and medicines: applying All Our Health. London: Public Health England.
Public Health England. (2021) Injectable opioid treatment: commissioning and providing services.
Public Health England. (2021) Response to consultation on proposed changes to the calculation of smoking attributable mortality and hospital admissions. London: Public Health England.
Public Health England. (2021) Wound aware: a resource for commissioners and providers of drug services. London: Public Health England.
Public Health England. (2021) ASSIST-Lite screening tool: how to use.
Public Health England. (2020) National Intelligence Network on drug health harms briefing. London: Public Health England.
Public Health England. (2020) Alcohol structured advice tool. London: Public Health England.
Public Health England. (2020) Unlinked anonymous monitoring (UAM) survey of HIV and viral hepatitis among PWID: 2020 report. London: Public Health England. Health Protection Report 14(8).
Public Health England. (2020) Working years of life lost due to alcohol mortality. Ad hoc statistical release. London: Public Health England.
Public Health England. (2020) Reasonable adjustments for people with a learning disability.
Public Health England. (2019) Screening and brief advice for alcohol and tobacco use in inpatient settings. London: Public Health England.
Public Health England. (2019) Substance misuse and tuberculosis (TB). London: Public Health England.
Taylor, Stephen and Annand, Fizz and Burkinshaw, Peter and Greaves, Felix and Kelleher, Michael and Knight, Jonathan and Perkins, Clare and Tran, Anh and White, Martin and Marsden, John (2019) Dependence and withdrawal associated with some prescribed medicines. An evidence review. London: Public Health England.
Public Health England. (2019) Wound infection. London: Public Health England.
Public Health England. (2019) Alcohol CLeaR self-assessment tool. London: Public Health England.
Public Health England. (2019) Hospital admissions as a result of intentional self-poisoning by young people: summary and data. London: Public Health England.
Public Health England. (2019) Principles for engaging with industry stakeholders. London: Public Health England.
Burton, Robyn and Kane, Gemma and Mason, Jenny and Sheron, Nick and Henn, Clive and Beynon, Caryl (2019) The range and magnitude of alcohol’s harm to others: a report delivered to the Five Nations Health Improvement Network. A rapid review of cross-sectional surveys. London: Public Health England.
Public Health England. (2019) Health matters: Prevention - a life course approach. London: Public Health England.
Public Health England. (2019) Making substance misuse and mental health support more inclusive. Gov.uk,
O'Connor, Rosanna (2018) Health matters: stopping smoking - what works? Public Health Matters,
Public Health England. (2018) Improving people’s health: applying behavioural and social sciences to improve population health and wellbeing in England. London: Public Health England.
Public Health England. (2018) Guidance for improving continuity of care between prison and the community. London: Public Health England.
Public Health England. (2018) Stop smoking options: guidance for conversations with patients. London: Public Health England.
Public Health England. (2018) Drug and alcohol treatment outcomes: NDTMS: CDS-O outcome monitoring forms and process (for use prior to April 2020). Public Health England.
McGovern, R and Gilvarry, Eilish and Addison, M and Alderson, Michael and Carr, L and Geijer-Simpson, E and Hrisos, N and Lingam, R and Minos, D and Smart, D and Kaner, Eileen (2018) Addressing the impact of non-dependent parental substance misuse upon children. A rapid review of the evidence of prevalence, impact and effective interventions. London: Public Health England.
Public Health England. (2018) Guidance for local areas on planning to deal with fentanyl or another potent opioid. London: Public Health England.
Public Health England. (2018) Parental alcohol and drug use: understanding the problem. London: Public Health England.
McNeill, Ann and Brose, Leonie S and Calder, Robert and Bauld, Linda and Robson, Debbie (2018) Evidence review of e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products 2018: a report commissioned by Public Health England. London: Public Health England.
Seria-Walker, Emma (2018) Evidence review: adults with complex needs (with a particular focus on street begging and street sleeping). London: Public Health England.
Clinical Guidelines on Drug Misuse and Dependence Update 2017 Independent Expert Working Group. (2017) Drug misuse and dependence. UK guidelines on clinical management. London: Department of Health.
Public Health England. (2017) New psychoactive substances (NPS) in prisons: a toolkit for prison staff. London: Public Health England.
Public Health England. (2017) People who inject drugs: infection risks, guidance and data.
Public Health England. (2017) Non-fatal overdose among people who inject drugs in England: 2017 report. London: Public Health England.
Public Health England. (2017) Health Matters: preventing ill health from alcohol and tobacco use. London: Public Health England.
Public Health England. (2017) Models of delivery for stop smoking services. Options and evidence. London: Public Health England.
Smith, Sarah and Day, Matt and Maddalena, Nino (2017) Psychoactive substances in secure mental health settings. London: Public Health England.
Christie, Emma (2017) Better care for people with co-occurring mental health and alcohol/drug use conditions. A guide for commissioners and service providers. London: Public Health England.
Public Health England. (2017) Findings from the pilot of the analytical support package for alcohol licensing. London: Public Health England.
United Kingdom. Department for Work and Pensions. (2017) Improving lives: helping workless families. London: Department of Work and Pensions.
Fenton, Kevin (2017) Health matters: preventing drug misuse deaths. Public Health Matters, (1 March 2017),
Public Health England. (2017) Specialist substance misuse services for young people. A rapid mixed methods evidence review of current provision and main principles for commissioning. London: Public Health England.
United Kingdom. Ministry of Justice, Public Health England. (2017) The impact of community-based drug and alcohol treatment on re-offending. Joint experimental statistical report from the Ministry of Justice and Public Health England. London: Ministry of Justice and Public Health England.
Public Health England. (2016) The public health burden of alcohol: evidence review. London: Public Health England.
Public Health England. (2016) Shooting up: infections among people who injected drugs in the UK, 2015. An update: November 2016.. London: Public Health England.
Public Health England. (2016) Tobacco standard packs. London: Public Health England.
National expert working group to investigate drug-related deaths in England. (2016) Understanding and preventing drug-related deaths. London: Public Health England.
Public Health England. (2016) Young people – substance misuse JSNA support pack 2017-18: commissioning prompts. Good practice prompts for planning comprehensive interventions. London: Public Health England.
O'Connor, Rosanna (2016) Tools for assessing value for money for alcohol and drug treatment. London: Public Health England.
Public Health England. (2016) Use of e-cigarettes in public places and workplaces: advice to inform evidence-based policy making. London: Public Health England. PHE gateway: 2016129.
Public Health England. (2016) Substance misuse in people with learning disabilities: reasonable adjustments guidance. London: Gov.UK.
Public Health England. (2016) Health matters: harmful drinking and alcohol dependence. London: Public Health England.
Duffy, Paul (2016) Key considerations when designing and delivering education, training and employment support for clients in drug and alcohol treatment. London: Pubilc Health England.
Committee on Mutagenicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment (COM). (2016) Statement on the mutagenicity of alcohol (ethanol) and its metabolite acetaldehyde. London: Public Health England.
Public Health England. (2016) Drug alerts and local drug information systems. London: Public Health England.
Committee on Carcinogenicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment. (2016) Statement on consumption of alcoholic beverages and risk of cancer. London: Public Health England. Statement 2015/S2.
[Public Health England] UK: Recovering alcohol and drug users leading service planning. (07 Sep 2015)
Public Health England. (2015) Health matters: smoking and quitting in England. London: Public Health England.
Public Health England. (2015) Service user involvement: a guide for commissioners, providers and service users. London: Public Health England.
McNeill, A and Brose, LS and Calder, R and Hitchman, SC and Hajek, Peter and McRobbie, Hayden (2015) E-cigarettes: an evidence update. A report commissioned by Public Health England. London: Public Health England.
Public Health England, Turning Point. (2015) Improving smoking cessation in drug and alcohol treatment. Interim briefing on Turning Point’s PHE-supported smoking cessation pilots. London: Public Health England.
Public Health England. (2015) Improving access to, and completion of, hepatitis C treatment. London: Public Health England. Turning evidence into practice series.
Public Health England. (2015) The international evidence on the prevention of drug and alcohol use. Summary and examples of implementation in England. London: Public Health England.
Strang, John (2015) Naloxone – preliminary advice from the working group updating Drug misuse and dependence: UK guidelines on clinical management. London: Public Health England.
Public Health England. (2015) Smoking cessation in secondary care: mental health settings. London: Public Health England.
Bauld, Linda and Hermon, Yvonne, eds. McEwen, Andy (2015) Smoking cessation: a briefing for midwifery staff. London: National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training and Public Health England.
Novel Psychoactive Treatment UK Network. Abdulrahim, D and Bowden-Jones, O (2015) Guidance on the clinical management of acute and chronic harms of club drugs and novel psychoactive substances. London: NEPTUNE.
Public Health England. (2015) Raising awareness of needlestick injuries in healthcare settings. London: Public Health England.
Health & Wellbeing Directorate, Public Health England. (2015) Take-home naloxone for opioid overdose in people who use drugs. London: Public Health England.
Public Health England. (2015) Improving mutual aid engagement: a professional development resource. London: Public Health England.
Public Health England. (2015) The mental health needs of gang-affiliated young people. London: Public Health England.
Substance Misuse Skills Consortium. (2015) Peer support toolkit. London: Substance Misuse Skills Consortium.
Public Health England. (2015) Specialist substance misuse treatment for young people in England 2013-14. London: Public Health England. PHE publications gateway number: 2014638.
Public Health England. (2014) Young people’s hospital alcohol pathways. Support pack for A&E departments. London: Public Health England.
Institute of Health Equity. (2014) Building children and young people’s resilience in schools. London: Public Health England.
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Public Health England. (2014) Aluminium foil for smoking drugs. A briefing for commissioners and providers of services for people who use drugs. London: Public Health England.
National Substance Misuse Non-Medical Prescribing Forum. (2014) Non-medical prescribing in the management of substance misuse. London: Public Health England. PHE publications gateway number: 2014205.
Royal College of Psychiatrists, Royal College of General Practitioners. (2014) The role of addiction specialist doctors in recovery orientated treatment systems: a resource for commissioners, providers and clinicians. London: Public Health England.
Health & Wellbeing Directorate, Public Health England. (2014) Turning evidence into practice. Optimising opioid substitution treatment. London: Public Health England.
Public Health England. (2014) A framework for personalised care and population health for nurses, midwives, health visitors and allied health professionals. London: Department of Health.
Public Health England. (2014) Knowledge strategy: harnessing the power of information to improve the public’s health. London: Public Health England.
Health & Wellbeing Directorate, Public Health England. (2014) Turning evidence into practice. Preventing drug-related deaths. London: Public Health England.
Public Health England. (2013) A briefing on the evidence-based drug and alcohol treatment guidance recommendations on mutual aid. London: Public Health England.
Public Health England. (2013) Facilitating access to mutual aid. Three essential stages for helping clients access appropriate mutual aid support. London: Public Health England.
Recovery Orientated Drug Treatment Expert Group. (2013) Medications in recovery: best practice in reviewing treatment. London: Public Health England.
Public Health England. (2013) Biological testing in drug and alcohol treatment. London: Public Health England.
Public Health England. (2013) Commissioning treatment for dependence on prescription and over-the-counter medicines: a guide for NHS and local authority commissioners. London: Public Health England.
Local Government Association, Public Health England. (2013) Hepatitis: Frequently asked questions. London: Local Government Association.
Public Health England. (2013) Routes to recovery via the community. Mapping user manual. London: Public Health England.