Home > ‘Coffin tablet’: Renewed calls for prescription drug feared to be ‘new OxyContin’ to be reclassified.

[Irish Times] , Cullen, Paul ‘Coffin tablet’: Renewed calls for prescription drug feared to be ‘new OxyContin’ to be reclassified. (25 Feb 2024)

External website: https://www.irishtimes.com/health/2024/02/25/the-n...

Pregabalin is licensed in Ireland to treat epilepsy, nerve pain and general anxiety disorders and has been implicated in many postmortems. Coroners have renewed a call for a common prescription medicine to be classified as a controlled drug, after a study showed it was detected in one out of every 16 postmortem toxicology tests. The study raises concerns about the wide availability of pregabalin, including a growing illicit supply, and the potential for serious harm arising from polydrug use, according to researchers at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI).

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