Home > Trends in overdose and other drug-induced deaths in Australia, 2002-2021.

Chrzanowska, Agata and Man, Nicola and Akhurst, Jane and Sutherland, Rachel and Degenhardt, Louisa and Peacock, Amy (2023) Trends in overdose and other drug-induced deaths in Australia, 2002-2021. Sydney: National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, UNSW Sydney.

PDF (Trends in overdose and other drug-induced deaths in Australia, 2002-2021)

This report presents the most recent and in-depth data on overdose and drug-induced deaths in Australia, covering the period 2002 to 2021. It is the most recent output in a series of annual publications on trends in drug overdose deaths issued by Drug Trends for over 20 years. 

This publication includes: 

Findings are reported by age, sex, jurisdiction, remoteness area, socio-economic status, intent, psychosocial risk factors, and drug type.  

NDARC's public online data visualisation allows viewers to disaggregate data in different ways, and to download these images for their own use. 

View also, the NDARC webinar series presentation on this report

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