Health Service Executive. (2023) HSE data management and performance profile reports 2022. Dublin: Health Service Executive.
Performance profile October – December 2022
P.31 Social Inclusion
P.41 Tobacco smokers – intensive cessation support
Social inclusion continues to operate at similar levels to 2021. The total number of clients in receipt of opioid substitution treatment (outside prisons) as of the end of November was 10,762 and is -0.7% below the expected activity level of 10,843(SI1)
Data management report for December 2022
See pages 118 - 120 for social inclusion and substance misuse indicators including waiting times and data on needle exchange and p.163 for methadone treatment budget spending.
Performance profile report for April - June 2022
Social inclusion continues to operate at similar levels to 2021. The total number of clients in receipt of opioid substitution treatment (outside prisons) as of the end of May was 10,801 and is -0.4% below the expected activity level of 10,849(SI1)
P.32 Social inclusion - Performance area has data for:
- % of substance misusers (over 18 years) for whom treatment has commenced within one calendar month following assessment
- %. of substance misusers (under 18 years) for whom treatment has commenced within one week following assessment
- homeless emergency accommodation hostels / facilities whose health needs have been assessed within two weeks of admission
- % access to substance misuse treatment (> 18 years)
- % access to substance misuse treatment (<18 years)
- % Homeless health needs assessed within two weeks
P.50 Tobacco smokers – intensive cessation support
Intensive cessation support is a consultation of more than ten minutes provided by a trained tobacco cessation specialist to a smoker in an acute or community setting. It can be delivered in a variety of ways – face to face (one to one), group or via telephone. Smoking cessation is a highly cost-effective intervention. Seven out of ten smokers want to quit and four out of ten make a quit attempt every year. Support doubles a smoker’s chance of quitting successfully. Nationally, 3,117 smokers received intensive cessation support from a cessation counselor YTD March 2022 (this metric is reported quarterly one quarter in arrears), which is -52.5% below the target of 6,562 smokers (HWB27). There is underperformance across all CHOs to varying degrees as well as within RCSI, SAOLTA and UL HGs. The overall targets set for 2022 have more than tripled from 2021 to reflect the planned increased staffing as a result of ECC and Slàintecare funding. Delays in recruitment of stop smoking advisors has meant that less than half of the planned number of new services and posts were operational during the reporting period.
Data management report for June 2022
See pages 117 - 119 for social inclusion and substance misuse indicators including waiting times and data on needle exchange and p.163 for methadone treatment budget spending.
Performance profile report for January-March 2022
Social inclusion continues to operate at similar levels to 2021. The total number of clients in receipt of opioid substitution treatment (outside prisons) as of the end of February was 10,753 and is -0.9% below the expected activity level of 10,849(SI1)
Tobacco smokers – intensive cessation support
Nationally, 8,601 smokers received intensive cessation support from a cessation counsellor YTD December 2021, which is -14% below the target of 10,000 smokers.
Data management report for March 2022
See page 117 - 119 for social inclusion and substance misuse indicators including waiting times and data on needle exchange
p.162 - Methadone treatment budget spending
HJ Treatment or recovery method > Substance disorder treatment method > Substance replacement method (substitution)
HJ Treatment or recovery method > Substance disorder treatment method > Substance replacement method (substitution) > Opioid agonist treatment (methadone maintenance / buprenorphine)
J Health care, prevention, harm reduction and treatment > Health related issues > Health information and education > Communicable / infectious disease control > Needle syringe distribution and exchange
J Health care, prevention, harm reduction and treatment > Treatment and maintenance > Treatment factors
J Health care, prevention, harm reduction and treatment > Health care delivery
J Health care, prevention, harm reduction and treatment > Health care economics
L Social psychology and related concepts > Social inclusion and exclusion
L Social psychology and related concepts > Waiting for a product or service
VA Geographic area > Europe > Ireland
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