[thejournal.ie] , Murray, Sean 'We've reached a point of no return - it's an epidemic': problem gambling fears raised as bookie revenues soar. (06 Mar 2021)
External website: https://www.thejournal.ie/gambling-eoin-coyne-regu...
This week, Paddy Power’s parent company Flutter announced that revenues had soared by 106% to £4.4 billion last year as online betting rose significantly. ....
The kind of regulation that would bring gambling laws in Ireland into the 21st Century could set to be finally forthcoming from the government this year. ...
F Concepts in psychology > Process / behavioural disorder (addiction) > Process disorder industry or business
F Concepts in psychology > Process / behavioural disorder (addiction) > Gaming disorder / problem
N Communication, information and education > Communication > Online communication / social media > Internet / online
VA Geographic area > Europe > Ireland
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