Home > COVID-19 - drug and alcohol surveys; evidence collection.

(2021) COVID-19 - drug and alcohol surveys; evidence collection.

A number of surveys are monitoring changes in the drugs and alcohol area


British Journal of Health Psychology (UK) Health behaviour change during the UK COVID-19 lockdown: Findings from the first wave of the C-19 health behaviour and well-being daily tracker study - January 2021

Drug and Alcohol Dependence (UK) Factors associated with drinking behaviour during COVID-19 social distancing and lockdown among adults in the UK - January 2021

News report. Independent.ie (Ireland) Eating more, drinking more, exercising less – how pandemic is increasing our cancer risk (Marie Keating survey) - 13 January 2021 

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (US) Alcohol consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional survey of US adults. – December 2020

Journal of affective disorders (Australia) Alcohol use and mental health status during the first months of COVID-19 pandemic in Australia. – December 2020

Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (Canada) Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on substance use treatment capacity in Canada. – December 2020

EMCDDA (EU) New psychoactive substances: global markets, global threats and the COVID-19 pandemic. An update from the EU early warning system – December 2020.

Kaleidoscope Project (Wales) Peer-led COVID-19 impact survey. A review of the impact of COVID-19 on drug and alcohol users in Wales - 30 October 2020.

IAS UK - Alcohol consumption during the COVID-19 lockdown. Summary of emerging evidence from the UK (2nd briefing) - 8 October 2020.

Society for the Study of Addiction (UK) How has COVID-19 changed the use of illegal drugs? An overview of the results so far - 28 September 2020

National Youth Council of Ireland (Ireland) A review of the youth work sector response to the COVID-19 pandemic - 28 September 2020 

European Addiction Research (Belgium) Self-reported alcohol, tobacco, and cannabis use during covid-19 lockdown measures: results from a web-based survey. - 22 Sept 2020

Bristol Drug Project (UK) COVID 19: impact report - 16 Sept 2020

NIHR (UK) The challenges of researching the experiences of people who inject drugs during a pandemic - 28 July 2020

PLoS ONE article: Acute mental health responses during the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia. 28 July 2020

Trimbos Institute (The Netherlands) The impact of COVID-19 and related measures on the use of cannabis in the Netherlands 7 July 2020

IJERP article - Depression, anxiety and stress during covid-19: associations with changes in physical activity, sleep, tobacco and alcohol use in Australian adults. June 2020

INPUD (international) INPUD online survey on COVID-19 & people who use drugs (PWUD) data report 1 - 30 June 2020

Alcohol Change UK - Research: drinking in the UK during lockdown and beyond - 3 July 2020

IAS UK - Alcohol consumption during the COVID-19 lockdown. Summary of emerging evidence from the UK - 29 June 2020.

ADFAM UK - Families in lockdown. The effects of the COVID-19 lockdown on the family and friends of someone with an alcohol, drugs or gambling problem - 29 June 2020

UNSW Sydney (Australia) Australians' drug use: adapting to pandemic threats (ADAPT) study: ADAPT bulletin no. 1 28 June 2020

OFDT (France) Bulletin TREND | COVID-19 n°2 - Drug use, drug supply and professional practices in France at the time of COVID-19: qualitative cross-observations of the TREND scheme 18 June 2020

College of Psychiatrists of Ireland - COVID-19 Impact on secondary mental healthcare services in Ireland. College of Psychiatrists survey issued to consultants June 2020. 17 June 2020

Canadian Red Cross - COVID-19 pan Canadian tracking study - Wave 3 report 12 June 2020

Australian National University - Alcohol consumption during the COVID-19 period: May 2020 - 10 June 2020

NANOS Poll Summary Report (Canada) - Boredom and stress drives increased alcohol consumption during COVID-19

Global Drugs Survey Interim report global - 2 June 2020

SSA (UK) - How is the COVID-19 pandemic changing our use of illegal drugs? An overview of ongoing research. - 28 May 2020

CREW (Scotland) - Covid-19 and drug markets survey - month two summary - 11 June 2020
(month one summary - 6 May 2020)

MEAM Coalition (England) - Flexible responses during the coronavirus crisis: rapid evidence gathering - 11 June 2020

CSO Ireland - Social impact of Covid-19 - change in consumption - 8 May 2020

UCL, (UK) - COVID-19, smoking, and inequalities: a cross-sectional survey of adults in the UK

EMCDDA study (Europe) - COVID-19 and drugs: drug supply via darknet markets

EMCDDA trendspotter (Europe) Impact of COVID-19 on drug services and help-seeking in Europe

NANOS (Canada) - Covid-19 and increased alcohol consumption: summary report (includes cannabis)

We are with you (UK) - YouGov Direct survey commissioned by We Are With You 

Irish Examiner / Drinkaware (Ireland) We're drinking more to cope with lockdown, survey finds - 18 May 2020
[Note Australian Bureau of Statistics, 18 May. 14 per cent said they are consuming more alcohol, and 10 per cent said they are consuming less]

Alcohol Change UK: Drinking during lockdown: headline results - 16 April 2020

FARE (Australia) An alcohol ad every 35 seconds. A snapshot of how the alcohol industry is using a global pandemic as a marketing opportunity

FARE (Australia) Family violence and alcohol during COVID-19  (30 May 2020)

UCL & SPECTRUM Consortium (England) Association of the Covid-19 lockdown with smoking, drinking, and attempts to quit in England: an analysis of 2019-2020 data. medRXiv doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.05.25.20112656

Ongoing & unpublished surveys:

EMCDDA - Mini-European Web Survey on Drugs (EWSD): Impact of COVID-19 on patterns of drug use, harms and drug services in the European Union [Data collection complete]

Imperial College London - Impact of COVID-19 on alcohol consumption, motivation to drink and hangovers Survey

C-CABANA (University of Cambridge, UK) COVID-19: Impact on cannabis use, anhedonia, and apathy  [Closed]

University of Stirling (Scotland) - New study to explore the health impacts of COVID-19 on people who use drugs [This is a qualitative study]

UCL, London - Health behaviours during the COVID-19 Pandemic - survey

ICL, University of Hull, University of Kent - SACCO survey of alcohol consumption [for UK]

University of Hertforshire (UK) - Survey - Impact that the COVID-19 pandemic and responses to it are having on the supply and use of alcohol and other psychoactive substances

Release (UK) - Drug purchases impact survey (must be resident in the UK)

Adapt (Australia) - Australians' drug use: adapting to pandemic threats (ADAPT) study (Closed)

Psychopharmacology, Drug Misuse & NovelPsychoactive Substances Research Unit (UK) - COVID effects on the cultivation, supply and use of the shrub Catha edulis (khat, qat, Tschat) 

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