Morton, Sarah and O'Reilly, Laura and O'Brien, Karl (2016) Boxing clever: utilizing education and fitness to build recovery capital in a substance use rehabilitation program. Journal of Substance Use, 21, (5), pp. 521-526. DOI:10.3109/14659891.2015.1077281.
Aims: To explore the change processes for participants engaging in a 20-week integrated fitness and education substance-use rehabilitation program, with a particular focus on elements of social and community capital that supported and sustained recovery from problematic substance use. Program participants were a mix of abstinent and current substance users.
Methods: Two focus groups conducted with program participants midway (n = 17) and two focus groups on completion (n = 14) of the program. Transcripts were coded and themes identified.
Results: Three themes emerged from the analysis: the importance of fitness and education to build personal and social capital; the role of education in reducing substance use and its impact on families to aid recovery capital; and positive re-engagement with communities.
Conclusions: Findings support the use of education and fitness in developing social and personal capital in the lives of those seeking recovery from substance use. The unintended positive impacts on participant’s families and their own community engagement would suggest a wider value in building social capital than may previously have been recognized.
F Concepts in psychology > Skills > Coping skills / Resilience
J Health care, prevention, harm reduction and treatment > Rehabilitation
N Communication, information and education > Education and training
N Communication, information and education > Education and training > Affective and interpersonal education
N Communication, information and education > Education and training > Affective and interpersonal education > Skills building
VA Geographic area > Europe > Ireland
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