Home > 5-step method presentations.

Family Support Network. (2014) 5-step method presentations. In: 5-step method conference, 11 November 2014, Croke Park, Dublin.

[img] Microsoft PowerPoint (Prof Richard Velleman The Irish Training Programme: A self-sufficient, low cost, high quality system)
[img] Microsoft PowerPoint (Ed Sipler - Steps to Cope,adapting 5-step method for you people)
[img] Microsoft PowerPoint (Workshop: 5-step method in a group setting)
[img] Microsoft PowerPoint (5-step method: Future Directions in Ireland - Megan O’Leary)
[img] Microsoft PowerPoint (Workshop: Helping Young People (11-18) affected by parental alcohol misuse)

External website: http://www.fsn.ie/research/index.html

Over one hundred people attended the highly successful conference which featured key talks from Professor Richard Velleman who first developed the 5-step method, Ed Sipler who works with young people and the 5-step method.

For the full list of presentations can be found on the NFSN website.

[The 5-Step Method is focused on family members when affected by the substance misuse of a relative within the family]

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