Home > Study on the prevalence of drug use, including intravenous drug use, and blood-borne viruses among the Irish prisoner population.

Drummond, Anne and Codd, Mary and Donnelly, N and McCausland, D and Mehegan, J and Daly, L and Kelleher, Cecily (2014) Study on the prevalence of drug use, including intravenous drug use, and blood-borne viruses among the Irish prisoner population. Dublin: National Advisory Committee on Drugs and Alcohol.

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Accurate up-to-date data on the extent of drug use and the prevalence of blood-borne viruses among the prisoner population are a necessary pre-requisite for health and social service planning and policy development. The most recent national study assessing the prevalence of blood-borne viruses, along with self-reported drug use within Irish prisons (Allwright et al., 1999),was carried out over a decade ago. This study was commissioned by the National Advisory Committee on Drugs (NACD)* in 2010 with the following objectives: to describe the nature, extent and pattern of consumption for different drugs among the prisoner population; to describe methods of drug use, including intravenous drug use, among the prisoner population; to estimate the prevalence of blood-borne viruses among the prisoner population and to identify associated risk behaviours; and to measure the uptake of individual drug treatment and harm reduction interventions (including hepatitis B vaccination)in prison.

Item Type
Publication Type
Irish-related, Report
Drug Type
All substances
Intervention Type
Drug therapy, Treatment method, Harm reduction, Crime prevention, Psychosocial treatment method, Rehabilitation/Recovery, Screening / Assessment
April 2014
126 p.
National Advisory Committee on Drugs and Alcohol
Place of Publication
Accession Number
HRB (Electronic Only)

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