Home > Items where Subject is "VA Geographic area > Europe > Portugal"

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de Almeida-Antunes, Natália Alexandra and Sampaio, Adriana Conceição Soares and Crego, Manuel Alberto Barreiro and López-Caneda, Eduardo Guillermo (2024) Tackling addictive behaviors through memory suppression: a scoping review and perspective. Alcohol, Clinical & Experimental Research , 48 , (8) , pp. 1421-1442.

Moury, Catherine (2023) Understanding successful policy innovation: the case of Portuguese drug policy. Addiction , 118 , (5) , pp. 967-978. (In Press)

Canêdo, Joana and Sedgemore, Kali-Olt and Ebbert, Kelly and Anderson, Haleigh and Dykeman, Rainbow and Kincaid, Katey and Dias, Claudia and Silva, Diana and Charlesworth, Reith and Knight, Rod and Fast, Danya (2022) Harm reduction calls to action from young people who use drugs on the streets of Vancouver and Lisbon. Harm Reduction Journal , 19 .

Bernardo, Sónia and Crespo, Ricardo and Saraiva, Sofia and Barata, Rui and Gonçalves, Sara and Nogueira, Paulo and Cortez-Pinto, Helena and Machado, Mariana Verdelho (2021) Outcomes of excessive alcohol drinkers without baseline evidence of chronic liver disease after 15 years follow-up: Heavy burden of cancer and liver disease mortality. PLoS ONE , 16 , (5) .

Gonçalves-Pinho, Manuel and Bragança, Miguel and Freitas, Alberto (2019) Psychotic disorders hospitalizations associated with cannabis abuse or dependence: a nationwide big data analysis. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research , e1813.

Mergl, Roland and Koburger, Nicole and Heinrichs, Katherina and Székely, András and Tóth, Mónika Ditta and Coyne, James and Quintao, Sonia and Arensman, Ella and Coffey, Claire and Maxwell, Margaret and Värnik, Airi and van Audenhove, Chantal and McDaid, David and Sarchiapone, Marco and Schmidtke, Armin and Genz, Axel and Gusmão, Ricardo and Hegerl, Ulrich (2015) What are reasons for the large gender differences in the lethality of suicidal acts? An epidemiological analysis in four European countries. PLoS ONE , 10 , (7) .

Pike, Brigid (2013) Irish and Portuguese drug policies profiled. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 46, Summer 2013 , p. 7.

Connolly, Johnny (2009) Reports examine effects of decriminalisation of drugs in Portugal. Drugnet Ireland , Issue 30, Summer 2009 , pp. 22-23.

Baptista, Isabel and O’Sullivan, Eoin (2008) The role of the state in developing homeless strategies: Portugal and Ireland in comparative perspective. European Journal of Homelessness , 2 , pp. 25-43.


APS Group Scotland. (2021) International approaches to drug law reform. Edinburgh: Scottish Government.

Unlu, Ali and Tammi, Tuukka and Hakkarainen, Pekka (2020) Drug decriminalization policy. Literature review: models, implementation and outcomes. Helsinki: Finnish institute for health and welfare.

European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2020) European trendspotter series. Impact of COVID-19 on drug services and help-seeking in Europe. Lisbon: EMCDDA.

Ireland. Joint Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality. (2015) Report of visit by a Committee delegation to examine the impact of Portuguese approach to the possession of certain drugs. Dublin: Joint Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality.

Citywide. (2013) Decriminalisation: A new direction for drugs policy? Dublin: Citywide.

Leahy, Ann and Healy, Sean and Murphy, Michelle (2013) The impact of the European Crisis. A study of the impact of the crisis and austerity on people, with a special focus on Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal and Spain. Caritas Europa.

Domosławski, Artur (2011) Drug policy in Portugal: the benefits of decriminalizing drug use. Warsaw: Open Society Foundations.

Pompidou Group Research Platform. Muscat, Richard and van de Mheen, Dike and Barendregt, Cas (2010) Towards an integrated policy on psychoactive substances a theoretical and empirical analysis. Strasbourg: Council of Europe Publishing.

Centro de Investigacao e estudos de sociologia. Torres, Anália Cardoso and Gomes, Maria do Carmo (2002) Drugs and prisons in Portugal: synopsis and technical appendix of a research. Lisboa: CIES.


[thejournal.ie] , O'Connor, Niall Drugs & dissuasion: Portugal's pragmatic policy could show Ireland a path to control addiction. (10 Sep 2023)

[thejournal.ie] , O'Connor, Niall Decriminalisation on the ground: inside a drug consumption room in Lisbon. (09 Sep 2023)

[Irish Examiner] , Duffin, Tony Drug use needs to be handled with empathy and evidence. (17 Apr 2023)

European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. [EMCDDA] EU presidency: Portugal focuses on Europe’s recovery and chairs activities in the field of drugs. (28 Jan 2021)

[Extra.ie] , Condon, Ali Is Portugal’s drug decriminalisation policy ‘too radical’ for Ireland? (29 Jan 2020)

[thejournal.ie] , Roberts, Andrew Opinion: Since the start of the century, Portugal has shown that decriminalisation of drug use is possible. (08 Oct 2018)

[Hot Press] , Clark, Stuart How to end Ireland's drug deaths epidemic. (07 Jun 2018)

[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac Change could affect 11,000 drug cases a year. (06 Nov 2015)

[Irish Examiner] Shaun Connolly: not everyone is embracing ‘hugs and drugs’ minister. (22 Aug 2015)

[thejournal.ie] What can Ireland learn from a country that decriminalised drugs? (03 Jun 2015)

[BBC News Scotland] Minimum alcohol pricing: Five countries oppose Scottish drink plan. (25 Jul 2013)

[Spiegel online international] , Hollersen, Wiebke 'This Is Working': Portugal, 12 years after decriminalizing drugs. (28 Mar 2013)

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