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Eogan, Maeve and Gleeson, J and Ferguson, W and Jackson, V and Lawless, Marie and Cleary, Brian (2021) A decade of DOVE: multidisciplinary experience from an obstetrics addiction clinic. Irish Medical Journal , 114 , (5) , p. 352.
Cox, Gemma and Cassin, Sean and Lawless, Marie and Geoghegan, Tony (2000) Syringe exchanges: a public health response to problem drug use. Irish Medical Journal , 93 , (5) , pp. 143-146.
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Lawless, Marie and Cox, Gemma (2000) From residential drug treatment to employment: final report. Dublin: Merchants Quay Project.
Cox, Gemma and Lawless, Marie (2000) Making contact: an evaluation of a syringe exchange. Dublin: Merchants Quay Project.
Cox, Gemma and Lawless, Marie (1999) Merchant's Quay Project residential programmes: a report by the Merchant's Quay Research Office. Dublin: Merchants Quay Project.
Cox, Gemma and Lawless, Marie (1998) Training communities to respond to drugs. Evaluation of a drugs awareness training programme: a pilot study. Dublin: Merchants Quay Project.
Cox, Gemma and Lawless, Marie (1999) Where-ever I lay my hat . . . a study of out of home drug users. Dublin: Merchants Quay Project.
Lawless, Marie and Cox, Gemma (2003) Maintaining or enabling? An evaluation of a methadone prescribing service in Dublin City. In: Pieces of the jigsaw: six reports addressing homelessness and drug use in Ireland. Dublin: Merchants Quay Ireland , 79 - 140.
Cox, Gemma and Lawless, Marie (2003) Managing urban tensions: an integrated approach to drug-related anti-social behaviour in Dublin. In: Pieces of the jigsaw: six reports addressing homelessness and drug use in Ireland. Dublin: Merchants Quay Ireland , 191 - 231.
Lawless, Marie (2003) Private lives - public issues: an investigation into the health status of female drug users. In: Pieces of the jigsaw: six reports addressing homelessness and drug use in Ireland. Dublin: Merchants Quay Ireland , 4 - 78.